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  • 作  者:WYBO P.HEERE
  • 出 版 社:T.M.C.ASSER PRESS
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:9067041092
  • 页数:233 页

Introduction&R.C.R.Siekniann 1

Opening Address: The Synergy between the City of The Hague and International Law&W .J.Deetman 3


Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters&Chair: C.Fijnaut 9

Judicial Cooperation and Organized Crime in the European Union&C.Fijnaut 9

National Sovereignty and International Crime&E.M.H.Hirsch Ballin 15

Judicial Co-operation in the Fields of Drug-Traffiicking, Money Laundering and Fraud&W.Bruggeman 21


The International Court of Justice&Chair: C.G.Weeramantry 45

Fact-Finding before the International Court of Justice&Sh.Rosenne 45

The International Court of Justice and Equitable Maritime Boundary Delimitation&B.Kwiatkowska 61

The International Court of Justice and the Protection of the Environment&A.-Ch.Kiss 73

The Position of the ICJ in the UN Constitutional System&Chair: E.Suy 81

The Impact of Decisions and Resolutions of the Security Council on the International Court of Justice&C.J.Greenwood 81

Reconsidering the Relationship between the ICJ and the Security Council&P.Malanczuk 87


Cross-Border Injunctions in Civil Procedure&Chair: J.H.A.van Loon 103

Cross-Border Injunctions: a Blessing or a Curse?&J.J.Brinkhof 103

Embassy Employees and State Immunity&Chair: P.J.I.M.de Waart 111

Embassy Employees and State Immunity:The 1982 ILA Draft&P.J.I.M.de Waart 111

Employer States and Sovereign Immunity: The Geneva Labour Court Practice&W. Gloor 117

Embassy Employees and State Immunity: The Attitude of Dutch Courts&Y.M.Schrevelius 127

Interpretation of Private International Law Treaties&Chair: A.V.M.Struycken 135

Interpretation of Private International Law Treaties: Introductory Remarks&A.V.M.Struycken 135

Rules of Interpretation Applicable to Private International Law Treaties:an Overview&C.Bernasconi 139

Conflicts between Private International Law Treaties&P.Volken 149

Regulation of the Internet&Chair: K.Boele-Woelki 159

The Dutch Policy Document on the Regulation of the Information Highway&K. Boele-Woelki 159

Content on the Internet - Law, Regulation, Convergence and Human Rights&G.J.H.Smith 165

The German Act on Information and Communication Services of 1997: a National Legislative Approach to an International Problem&J.Feldges 177

Judicial and Administrative Co-operation in Family Law Matters&Chair: M.Sardenberg 193

Judicial and Administrative Co-operation in Family Law Matters: Introduction&M.Sardenberg 193

Administrative and Judicial Co-operation with Regard to the International Protection of Children&W. Duncan 199

Judicial and Administrative Co-operation in Family Law Matters: Co-operation in Child Abduction and Similar Cases&M.H.Bennett 209


Alternative Dispute Resolution in Commercial Disputes&Chair: P.A.Wackie Eysten 219

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Commercial Disputes: Introduction&P.A.Wackie Eysten 219

ADR and Arbitration: Advantages and Disadvantages in Commercial Disputes&A.J.A.J.Eijsbouts 223

International Sports Law&Chair: H.T.van Staveren 229

Why does Sport need its own Jurisdiction?&H.T.van Staveren 229

The Role of the Court of Arbitration for Sport&M.Reeb 233

The Court of Arbitration for Sport and the General Process of International Sports Law&J.A.R.Na fziger 239

The Iran-US Claims Tribunal and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules&Chair: K.Skubiszewski 251

The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules: Introduction&K.Skubiszewski 251

The Impact of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules on Drafting the Rules of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal&H.M Holtzmann 255

The Application of the Rules of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal&K.H.Ameli 263

The Hague as a Venue for Commercial Arbitration&Chair: J.J.van Haersolte-van Hof 281

The Hague as a Venue for Commercial Arbitration — Venue and Interim Measures: a Dutch Perspective&J.L.W.Sillevis Smitt 281

The Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Legal Capital of the World, and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules&P.J.H.Jonkman 285


Dispute Settlement Procedures in Commercial Matters&Chair: J.Cameron 293

Dispute Resolution in the WTO&J.Cameron 293

Dispute Settlement Procedures in the WTO — a View from The Hague&E.-U.Petersmann 297

WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures and the European Union&B.Jansen 305

Trade Measures in Multilateral Environmental Agreements&Chair: J.A.Peters 309

How to Reconcile Trade and Environment&J.A.Peters 309

Trade and Positive Measures in Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Effectiveness and Suitabili&W.Lang 317

Friction Between Substantive Provisions of WTO Law and EC Law&Chair: F.Weiss 323

The Friction between GATT/WTO Law and EC Law: Some Critical Remarks on the Case Law of the ECJ&A.Ott 323

The Beef Hormone Dispute: Does WTO Law Preclude Precautiona Health Standards?&W .Th.Douma 333


Humanitarian Crises&Chair: H.-P.Gasser 349

Law in Humanitarian Crises: Introductory Statement&H.-P.Gasser 349

Access to Victims: Reconceiving the Right to ‘Intervene’&M.Weller 353

Regulation of Warfare&Chair: E.P.J.Myjer 371

Means and Methods of Warfare and the Coincidence of Norms between the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict and the Law of Arms Control&E.P.J.Myjer 371

Landmines and the Ottawa Process&P.van den IJssel 385

The Chemical Weapons Convention and the Verification Process&J.-L.Rolland 393


The International Court of Justice and the Proliferation of International Judicial Organs&Chair: H.Corell 405

The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to the Development of International Law&S.M.Schwebel 405

The Future of the Law of the Sea Tribunal in Hamburg&B.Kwiatkowska 417

Regional Courts&P.J G.Kapteyn 427

The Proliferation of International Judicial Organs and the Formation of International Law&H.Thirlway 433

Annex 445

The Future Development of Binding Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in International Law&HA.F.M.O.van Mierlo 445

Statal Cooperation with a Universal Criminal Court: Recognition and Enforcement of Sentences&W.Sorgdrager 449

The Hague Academy of International Law&D.Bardonnet 453

List of abbreviations 459

Index 463