《高等职业教育“十三五”精品规划教材 计算机专业英语 第3版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:孙建忠,白凤仙主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:7517046608
  • 页数:226 页

Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 1

学习指导 1

1.1 The Invention of the Computer 1

1.1.1 The ENIAC 1

1.1.2 The UNIVAC I 2

1.2 Computer Generations 2

1.2.1 First-Generation Computers:1951~1958 3

1.2.2 Second-Generation Computers:1959~1963 3

1.2.3 Third-Generation Computers:1964~1970 4

1.2.4 Fourth-Generation Computers:1971~? 4

1.2.5 Generationless Computers 5

Reading Material: Classes of Computing Applications and Their Characteristics 6

科技英语的特点 7

Exercises 10

Chapter 2 Basic Organization of Computers 11

学习指导 11

2.1 Introduction 11

2.2 System Buses 12

2.3 Instruction Cycle 13


Reading Material: Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture 17

计算机英语专业词汇的构成 19

Exercises 23

Chapter 3 Binary System and Boolean Algebra 24

学习指导 24

3.1 The Decimal System 24

3.2 The Binary System 26

3.3 Boolean Algebra 26

数学公式的读法(Pronunciation of mathematical expressions) 28

Exercises 31

Chapter 4 Elementary Data Structures 32

学习指导 32

4.1 Stacks and queues 32

4.1.1 Stacks 32

4.1.2 Queues 33

4.2 Linked lists 35

4.2.1 Searching a linked list 36

4.2.2 Inserting into a linked list 36

4.2.3 Deleting from a linked list 36

4.2.4 Sentinels 37

Reading Material: Related Concepts 38

常用英汉互译技巧 40

Exercises 45

Chapter 5 Operating System 46

学习指导 46

5.1 OS Functions 46

5.1.1 Resource allocation and related functions 46

5.1.2 User interface related functions 48

5.2 FreeBSD vs.Linux vs.Windows 2000 49

Reading Material: RATs 52

被动语态的译法 54

Exercises 57

Chapter 6 Software Engineering 58

学习指导 58

6.1 Basic Software Concepts 58

6.1.1 Application Software 59

6.1.2 System Software 59

6.2 The Software Life Cycle 60

6.2.1 System engineering and analysis 61

6.2.2 Software requirements analysis 61

6.2.3 Design 61

6.2.4 Coding 61

6.2.5 Testing 61

6.2.6 Maintenance 62

6.3 Prototyping 63

Reading Material: Software Engineering Methodologies 64

长定语(从句)的翻译技巧之一 66

Exercises 69

Chapter 7 Programming Language 70

本章学习指导 70

7.1 Introduction to Programming Language 70

7.2 Object-oriented Programming 72

7.3 OMG's Unified Modeling Language(UML) 73

Reading Material: Programming Paradigms 75

长定语(从句)的翻译技巧之二 78

Exercises 81

Chapter 8The Internet 82

学习指导 82

8.1 The Internet: Key Technology Concepts 82

8.2 Other Internet Protocols and Utili Programs 88

8.3 Internet Service Providers 89

Reading Material: Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 91

英语长句的翻译 92

Exercises 96

Chapter 9 The World Wide Web 97

学习指导 97

9.1 Hypertext 97

9.2 Markup Languages 98

9.3 Web Servers and Clients 100

9.4 Web Browsers 101

Reading Material: Features of The Internet and The Web 102

学术论文的英文写作简介 107

Exercises 109

Chapter 10 Network Security 110

学习指导 110

10.1 Secure Networks and Policies 110

10.2 Aspects of Security 111

10.3 Responsibiliry and Control 111

10.4 Integrity Mechanism 111

10.5 Access Control and Passwords 112

10.6 Encryption and Privacy 112

10.7 Public Encryption 113

10.8 Authentication with Digital Signatures 114

10.9 Packet Filtering 115

10.10 Internet Firewall Concept 116


科技论文标题的写法 118

Exercises 120

Chapter 11 Database System 121

学习指导 121

11.1 Overview 121

11.2 Database Models 123

11.2.1 Flat File 123

11.2.2 Relational 123

11.2.3 Hierarchical 124

11.2.4 Other Database Models 125

11.3 Data Mining 126

英文论文引言的写作技巧 127

Exercises 134

Chapter 12 Multimedia and Compuer Animations 135

学习指导 135

12.1 Multimedia 135

12.1.1 Visual Elements 136

12.1.2 Sound Elements 136

12.1.3 Organizational Elements 137

12.1.4 Multimedia Applications 137

12.2 Computer Animation 138

12.2.1 Design of Animation Sequences 138

12.2.2 General Computer-Animation Functions 139

英文摘要的写作技巧 140

Exercises 144

Chapter 13 Anatomy of the Internet of Things 145

学习指导 145

13.1 Traditional Internet Protocols Aren't the Solution for Much of the IoT 146

13.1.1 Introducing the “Chirp” 146

13.1.2 Functionality the IoT Needs—and Doesn't 147

13.1.3 Efficiency Out of Redundancy 148

13.2 It's All Relative 150

13.2.1 Format Flexibility 151

13.2.2 Private Markers for Customization and Extensibility 151

13.2.3 Addressing and “Rhythms” 152

13.2.4 Family Types 152

13.3 Applying Network Intelligence at Propagator Nodes 153

13.3.1 Transport and Functional Architectures 154

13.3.2 Functional Network Topology 156

13.3.3 Defined by Integrator Functions 156

13.3.4 Harvesting Information from the IoT 157

13.3.5 Programming and “Bias” 157

13.3.6 Receiver-Oriented Selectivity 158

求职英语简介 159

Exercises 162

Chapter 14 Cloud Computing 163

学习指导 163

14.1 Definitions 163

14.2 Related Technologies for Cloud Computing 165

14.3 Cloud Service Models 168

14.4 Cloud Deployment Models 169

14.5 Public Cloud Platforms: State-of-the-Art 170

14.6 Business Benefits of Cloud Computing 172

广告文体简介 173

Exercises 176

参考译文 177

参考文献 226