1如何学好大学物理实验课程 1
2测量的不确定度和数据处理 4
3如何用Excel软件处理物理实验数据 14
4固体杨氏弹性模量的测量Measurement of Young’s Modulus of steel wire 22
5用直流电桥测量电阻温度系数Measurement of the temperature coefficient of resistanceby Wheatstone bridge 34
6电子示波器的使用Oscilloscope 40
7铁磁材料磁化曲线与磁滞回线的测绘Magnetization cure and magnetic hysteresis loop of ferromagnetic materials 55
8密立根油滴法测定基本电荷Measurement of elementary charge by Millikan oil-dropexperiment 62
9光电效应法测普朗克常数Measurement of Planck constant by photoelectric effect 73
10分光计的调整与玻璃三棱镜折射率的测量Adjustment of the spectrometer and measurement ofglass prism refractive index 83
11等厚干涉实验——牛顿环和劈尖干涉Wedge interference and Newtonian rings 96
12迈克尔孙干涉仪Measurement of laser wavelength by Michelson Interferometer 109
13全息摄影Holograph 120
14传感器系列实验Strain gauge and weight sensors 128
15 声光衍射与液体中声速的测定Measurement of sound speed in water by acousto-optic diffraction 142
16弗兰克-赫兹实验Franck-Hertz experiment 152
17三用电表的设计、制作与校正Design,assembling and calibration of a multimeter 164
18显微镜和望远镜的设计与组装Design and assembling of microscope and telescope 173
附录 184
附录1大学物理实验模拟试卷 184
附录2实验预习报告样本 196
附录3实验原始数据记录 198
附录4实验报告样本 199
附录5操作考试评分标准样本 203