《景观设计 风景园林 专业英语》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王欣,方薇主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787508453842
  • 页数:332 页

PART 1 Theory 3

Unit 1 Landscape Architecture & Landscape Architect 风景园林师职业发展历史,工作范畴,工作程序 3

Text Harmony with the Living Earth 4

Further Reading A Definition of the Profession of Landscape Architect 11

Further Reading B What is Landscape Architecture 13

Further Reading C Occupational Outlook:Landscape Architects 18

Exercises 24

Tips 欧美风景园林学相关称谓 25

Unit 2 History & Theories 现代主义风景园林设计理论,后现代主义风景园林设计理论,演变历史 28

Text Contemporary Meanings in the Landscape 29

Further Reading A Post Modernism Looks beyond Itself 35

Further Reading B Post-Postmodernism 41

Further Reading C Landscape For Living 46

Exercises 51

Tips 风景园林主要英文网站 52

Unit 3 Charters & Policy 风景园林设计相关宪章,相关宣言,相关法规 54

Text The Venice Charter 1964 55

Further Reading A The Convention on Biological Diversity 60

Further Reading B Beijing Charter:Towards an Integral Architecture 65

Further Reading C Federal & State Regulations 70

Exercises 74

Tips 检索和获取风景园林英文资料方法 75

Unit 4 Urban Landscapes Planning & Design 城市规划设计,城市绿地设计 78

Text The Granite Garden 79

Further Reading A The Growth of Suburbs 84

Further Reading B Landscape Design in the Urban Environment 88

Further Reading C The 100 Mile City 95

Exercises 99

Tips 欧美风景园林教学常见课堂活动形式 100

Unit 5 Parks & Recreation 公园规划设计,风景游览地规划设计 102

Text Urban Parks and Recreation 103

Further Reading A People's Parks:Design and Designers 110

Further Reading B Parkways and Their Offspring 115

Further Reading C National Parks & National Forests 121

Exercises 125

Tips 城市公园的发展历程 126

Unit 6 Historical & Cultural Landscape 风景园林历史文化保护原则,保护方法,实例 129

Text The Conservation Policy 130

Further Reading A The Heritage of Garden Art 138

Further Reading B New Birth for Gettysburg? 142

Further Reading C Place & Project:Moody Historical Gardens Design 148

Exercises 152

Tips 风景园林中的历史文化保护 153

Unit 7 Ecological Planning & Design 风景园林生态设计理论,设计方法,设计实例 155

Text Silent Spring:The Obligation to Endure 156

Further Reading A Bioregional Planning and Ecosystem Protection 160

Further Reading B Translating Environmental Values into Landscape Design 166

Further Reading C Sustainable Stormwater Management Program 171

Exercises 176

Tips 风景园林生态规划与生态设计 177

Unit 8 Planting Design 风景园林种植设计 178

Text Planting Design Through the Ages 179

Further Reading A Plants Dictate Garden Forms 187

Further Reading B The Aesthetics of Planting Design 190

Further Reading C Plant Strata,Size and Spatial Issues 194

Exercises 198

Tips 植物拉丁学名简介 199

Unit 9 The Process of Landscape Design 风景园林设计过程解析,用地分析,方案设计,详细设计,方案解说 201

Text The Design Process 202

Further Reading A The Site Planning Process 210

Further Reading B Site Analysis 214

Further Reading C Five Rules for Explaining a Project 218

Exercises 223

Tips 风景园林专业英语论文写作 224

PART 2 Major Figures & Their Works 229

Unit 10 229

Frederick Law Olmsted 230

John Thomas D.Church 238

Geoffrey Jellicoe 245

Roberto Burle Marx 255

Unit 11 262

John Ormsbee Simonds 263

Lawrence Halprin 269

Dan Kilev 276

Ian Lennox McHarg 284

Unit 12 290

Julius Gy. Fabos 291

Peter Walker 301

Martha Schwartz 309

George Hargeaves 317

附录Ⅰ Bibliography 324

附录Ⅱ Illustration Credits 329