专家观点篇 3
Keynote Speech at“One Belt One Road”International Forum&John C Tsang 3
香港“一带一路”国际论坛主旨发言&仇鸿 8
“一带一路”战略实施的法律思考&张月姣 12
浅谈“一带一路”面临国际风险与对策思考&李元明 22
香港“一带一路”国际论坛主旨发言&周谷平 27
Cooperation of Public and Private Sectors in the“One Belt One Road”Strategy&Guiguo Wang 31
香港“一带一路”国际论坛致辞&李鋈麟 34
列国法律专家论“一带一路”篇 39
Building International Infrastructure Networks:Some Lessons from the Experience of the European Union in the Energy Sector&Hervé Ascensio 39
Governance Model for Belt and Road Countries and Projects:Making Win-win Positions for India and China&Ashwani Kr Bansal 53
The Implications of Korea's Legal Reformation for Economic Growth for China's“One Belt and One Road”Strategy&Seo Ji Choi Sang Mo Lee 73
The European End of the Silk Road:Current Perceptions and Future Prospects&J?rg Fedtke 98
Potential Implications of the One Belt One Road Initiative for Legal Cultures:Reflections of a Comparative Lawyer&Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler 110
Product Liability along the Belt and Road&Geraint Howells 123
The U.S.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Importance of International Anti-corruption Efforts in Trade Globalization&Jim Letten 138
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor:National and International Law Implications&Asif H Qureshi 181
The EU's Foreign Investment Policy with Particular Regard to Investor-State Dispute Settlement&August Reinisch 208
Economics,Geo-politics,Culture and Environment&Christopher Ryan 219
One Way-One Civil Law&Sergey Stepanov 231
“一带一路”百年机遇篇 237
百年一遇的新机遇:打开“一带一路”的钥匙&梁美芬 237
The Korea-China FTA:A Common Springboard for Korea's“Eurasian Initiative”and China's“One Belt One Road”Policy&Jaemin Lee 241
亚投行面临的法律问题与对策&强力 262
无人交通系统在“一带一路”国家应用的机遇和挑战&刘浩 285
国际法与“一带一路”战略篇 307
“One Belt and One Road”and International Law:A Chinese Perspective&Li Ming 307
“一带一路”战略中的国际法律问题&朱新力 赵骏 318
“一带一路”与当代国际法&王贵国 324