The Way Chinese Ideology“Entered” the Western Conceptual System&Yang Huilin 1
The Ecological Adaptability of Greek and Chinese&Alexander Beecroft 16
An Ancient Greek Journey to the West: Reading the Odyssey through East-Asian Eyes&John T.Kirby 46
THE ZHUANGZI: A Verse Translation&Steven Shankman 109
Extravagant Writing:Of Excess and Frivolity&Herman Rapaport 124
Zizek with Stendhal: Irony and the Death Drive&Zahi Zalloua 149
叶维廉与英、美新批评&于伟 172
朗费罗《人生颂》传播到中国的追问与思考&柳士军 189
世界文学视野中的性别写作研究:以凌叔华、曼斯菲尔德和伍尔夫为例&林晓霞 202
翻译的“恐怖”以及“恐怖”的翻译:但丁《神曲·地狱篇》翻译三题&乐安东 222