【论著】 1
王心敬续《关学编》与康乾之际关中理学传统的建构:兼论清代学术的区域化进程&王昌伟 1
晚明理学「止修」学派之宗旨与师承&刘勇 39
明代阳明画像的流传及其作用——兼及清代的发展&张艺曦 95
Confucian Principles and Representations of a Scandal: Writing about Zheng Man in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries&Ying Zhang(张颖) 157
Later Reflections on the Revolution in France: Changing British Interpretations from 1815 to the Present&Harry T.Dickinson 215
【论坛】 283
金观涛、刘青峰、邱伟云〈《新青年》的数位人文研究〉 283
Talks at “New Reflections on New Youth: Liberalism and Radicalism in Modern China&David Der-wei Wang 311
Political Ideals of New Youth: Chen Duxiu and Republicanism&Yoshizawa Seiichio 321
Scientific Life View: Personal or Human&Jeu Jenq Yuann 333