PartⅠ General issues in cultural economics 1
Introduction 3
1 Introduction to cultural economics 5
Appendix:Brief introductions to the economic theories used in cultural economics 21
2 Economic profile of the cultural sector 26
3Markets for cultural goods and services 51
4Economic organisation of the creative industries 76
5Production,costs and supply of cultural goods 104
6Consumption of cultural goods and services 135
7Welfare economics and public finance 161
PartⅡ The ‘traditional’ economics of the arts and heritage 195
Introduction 197
8 Economics of the performing arts 199
9 Economics of cultural heritage 237
10 Economic evaluation of cultural policy 263
Artists’ labour markets and copyright 289
PartⅢ Introduction 291
11 Economics of artists’ labour markets:theories 293
12 Economics of artists’ labour markets:empirical research 319
13 Economics of copyright 341
PartⅣ The creative industries 371
Introduction 373
14 Economics of creative industries 375
15 Economics of the music industry 405
16 Economics of the film industry 434
17 Economics of broadcasting 462
18 Economics of book publishing 487
19 Economics of festivals,creative cities and cultural tourism 513
PartⅤ Conclusion and exercises and problems 537
Introduction 539
20 Conclusion 541
Exercises and problems 553
References 559
Index 572