《高等工科院校试用教材 英语 下 供中学已学过三年英语的学生使用》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:北京市十七所高等工科院校编
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1966
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:208 页

Lesson Thirteen 1

Text:Serve the Pec?Supplementary Reac?DiaryLesson Fourteen 19

Text:Matter in Three Physical States?Supplementary Reading:Elements Compoun? MixturesGrammar:The Attributive Clause(Part Ⅱ)Lesson Fifteen 37

Text:Pure Water and Natural Water Supplementary Reading:WaterLesson Sisteen 53

Text:China's First 12,000-ton Hydraulic PressSupplementary Reading:The Bnilding of the 12,000-ton Hydraulic PressGrammar:The Noun Clauses Introduced by "What"Lesson Seventeen 73

Text:Mechanical DrawingsSupplementary Reading:How to Reprexent Machinc Parts in a DrawingGrammar:The Emphatic ItLesson Eighteen 92

Text:Words in ScienceSupplementary Reading:Conversion in English WordsGrammar:The Subjunctive MoodLesson Nineteen 111

Text:The Structure of the AtomsSupplementary Reading:Atomic StructureLesson Twenty 128

Text:Laboratory WorkSupplementary Reading:HeatGrammar:The Adverbial Clauses introduced by"that"Lesson Twenty-One 150

Text:The Concept of WorkSupplementary Reading:DynamicsLesson Twenty-two 162

Text:What is the Source of Correct Ideas?Supplementary Reading:Freedom and NecessityGrammar:A Brief Summary of the Usage of"As"Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung 203