Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Safety:An Overview Including Implications of 1
Alternate Fuel Cycles H.K.Fauske 1
Status and Summary of TREAT In-Pile Experiments on LMFBR Response to 19
Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accidents C.E.Dickerman,A.B.Rothman,A.E.Klickman,B.W.Spencer,and A.De Volpi 19
Blockages in LMFBR Fuel Assemblies J.T.Han and M.H.Fontana 51
Sodium Boiling in Fast Reactors:"A STATE OF THE ART REVIEW" W.Peppier 123
Contribution to the Study of Sodium Boiling During Slow Pump Coastdown in LMFBR Subassemblies J.Costa 155
Melting,Boiling and Freezing:The"Transition Phase"in Fast Reactor Safety Analysis M.Epstein 171
Fuel Coolant Interactions in Fast Reactors S.J.Board and L.Caldarola 195
An Evaluation of the Potential for Energetic Fuel-Coolant Interactions in 223
Hypothetical LMFBR Accidents R.E.Henry and D.H.Cho 223
Natural Circulation Heat Transfer in Pool-Type LMFBR's R.M.Singer,D.Grand,and R.Martin 239
Natural Circulation in FFTF,a Loop-Type LMFBR S.L.Additon and E.A.Parziale 265
Post-Accident Heat Removal in LMFBR's E.L.Gluekler and L.Baker,Jr 285
Index 325