一、考试指导 1
听力测试部分介绍 1
听力部分备考指导 1
二、对话(Dialogues) 4
职业类题型Occupations 4
地点类题型Locations 6
关系类题型Relations 7
计算类题型Calculations 10
比较类题型Comparatives 11
因果类题型Cause and Effect 13
推断类题型Inferences 15
否定类题型Negatives 18
态度类题型Attitudes 20
三、短文(Short Passages) 23
社会与文化Society and Culture 24
讲座及讲演Lecture and Speech 27
交际会话Communicative Conversations 29
社会问题Social Problems 31
叙事Narratives 33
教育Education 36
科普Popular Science 38
四、听写填空(Spot Dictation) 41
Spot Dictation 1 42
Spot Dictation 2 43
Spot Dictation 3 44
Spot Dictation 4 44
Spot Dictation 5 45
Spot Dictation 6 45
Spot Dictation 7 46
Spot Dictation 8 46
Spot Dictation 9 46
Spot Dictation 10 47
Spot Dictation 11 47
Spot Dictation 12 48
Spot Dictation 13 48
Spot Dictation 14 49
Spot Dictation 15 49
五、听力模拟题(Simulated Listening Tests) 50
Simulated Listening Test 1 50
Simulated Listening Test 2 52
Simulated Listening Test 3 53
Simulated Listening Test 4 55
Simulated Listening Test 5 56
Simulated Listening Test 6 58
Simulated Listening Test 7 59
Simulated Listening Test 8 61
Simulated Listening Test 9 62
Simulated Listening Test 10 64
Simulated Listening Test 11 65
Simulated Listening Test 12 67
Simulated Listening Test 13 69
Simulated Listening Test 14 70
Simulated Listening Test 15 71
Simulated Listening Test 16 73
Simulated Listening Test 17 75
Simulated Listening Test 18 77
Simulated Listening Test 19 79
Simulated Listening Test 20 81
六、文字材料(Script) 84
对话(Dialogues) 84
短文(Short Passages) 102
听写填空(Spot Dictation) 118
听力模拟题(Simulated Listening Tests) 124
七、答案(Key) 166