
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:岳玉庆主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国宇航出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787802183308
  • 页数:264 页

动物幽默Animal Humor 1

Cat and Mice猫和老鼠 2

The Value of a Second Language第二种语言的价值 3

A Smart Horse聪明的马 4

Catching a Mouse捕鼠记 5

Talking Parrot会说话的鹦鹉 6

The Crab and His Mother螃蟹和妈妈 7

The Centipede Housekeeper蜈蚣管家 8

Two Skunks两只臭鼬 10

校园幽默School Humor 11

Outside and Inside外面与里面 12

A Silly Professor愚蠢的教授 12

The Tooth Fairy牙齿精灵 13

I'm Glad我真高兴 14

Two Jobs两份工作 15

Where Do You Have Trouble你哪里不舒服 16

Where Is the Egg鸡蛋在哪里 17

The Plural of Tomato番茄的复数 17

Discover and Invent发现与发明 18

Prepare Yourself自己做好准备 18

A Faithful Pupil忠实的小学生 19

Go to the Dictionary查字典 20

You Get Zero你得了零分 20

Here Is Another这是另一只手 21

A Short Composition一篇短文 22

Stupid,Stand Up愚蠢的人,站起来 23

The Same Mother同一个妈妈 24

Cleaning Knives清理刀子 25

He Will Beat Me他会揍我的 26

When to Write什么时候写信 26

Beer啤酒 27

Letters from Sons儿子的来信 27

Absent-minded Professor心不在焉的教授 28

Psychological Test心理学测试 29

Two Important Qualities as a Doctor做医生的两个重要条件 30

A Dollar per Point一分一块钱 31

A Professor and His Students教授和他的学生 32

恋爱、婚姻幽默Love and Marriage Humor 33

Hard to Please Both众口难调 34

My First Big Date第一次重要约会 35

Date约会 36

You Are Wrong你错了 37

Why Was She Angry她为什么生气 38

Contributions of Wife妻子的功劳 39

Who Left Me a Fortune是谁留下财产给我 39

The Same Service同样的服务 40

Modern Life现代生活 41

Good News and Bad News好消息和坏消息 42

Who Were the Other Two另外两个人是谁 43

Career-oriented Marriage事业型婚姻 44

The Power of Picture照片的力量 45

Wake-up Service叫醒服务 46

I Have Turned It Over我已经翻过来了 47

It's Not a Picture那不是画像 48

I Don't Know Her我还不认识她呢 48

The Opposite Result相反的结果 49

Your Horse Called你的马打电话了 50

An Angry Wife's Prayer发怒妻子的祈祷 51

Inviting a Friend for Dinner请朋友吃饭 52

家庭幽默Family Humor 53

At a Loss迷惑 54

Which Woman哪个女人 55

A Silly Husband愚蠢的丈夫 56

He Said Nothing他什么都没说 57

I Taught the Teacher我教老师 57

The New Baby新生婴儿 58

Things Have Been Okay一切都正常 59

Final Requests最后的请求 60

Lucky Mother幸运的母亲 61

Keep the Change零钱不用找了 62

Imitation模仿 63

Bedtime Prayers睡前祷告词 64

I Want Two Cookies我想要两个小甜饼 65

The Wheels First先吃车轮 65

Are They Sleeping它们睡着了吗 66

His Fault他的错 66

Teeth and Chocolates牙齿和巧克力 67

Two Cakes两块蛋糕 67

Why Is He Crying他哭什么 68

A Good Boy好孩子 69

Who Is the Most Obedient谁最听话 70

Keep Feeding Him Nickels接着给他吃五分的镍币 71

She Ate All My Bait她把我所有的鱼饵都吃掉了 72

Politeness礼貌 73

I'll Learn the Latter Half我学后半部分 74

She Didn't Say Anything她什么也没说 75

Tom and His Mother汤姆和妈妈 76

Is There a Crib in Your Stomach你的肚子里有个小床吗 77

Mother and Son母亲和儿子 78

儿童幽默Children Humor 79

A Clever Boy机灵的男孩 80

A Problem in Arithmetic一个算术问题 81

A Poor Poet可怜的诗人 83

I Am My Father我是我爸爸 83

Wanted Criminals通缉犯 84

Is Tom Right汤姆说对了吗 85

An Opposite Example反面例子 86

Go to the North Pole去北极 87

Thank You,God感谢上帝 88

Mind My Mom听妈妈的话 89

Now We Run现在我们跑吧 90

A Policeman and a Lost Child警察与走丢的孩子 91

That's Why原来如此 93

Fire and Hot Water火和热水 94

A Clever Boy聪明的男孩 95

I Saw Father Get It Out我爸爸把它弄出来的 96

老人幽默Old People Humor 97

Sharing Everything分享所有 98

Selling a Ladder卖梯子 99

Why Not Stay in the Hole怎么不呆在洞里呢 100

A New Son一个新儿子 101

A Polite Boy有礼貌的男孩 101

An Old Joke老笑话 102

Meeting见面 103

A Nail or a Fly钉子还是苍蝇 104

Our Tails我们的尾巴 105

A Secret of Long Life长寿的秘密 106

医院幽默Hospital Humor 107

Two Hearts Beating两颗心脏在跳动 108

A Hundred Per Cent百分之百 108

A Pediatric Intern儿科实习医生 109

The Doctor's Advice医嘱 110

Sleeping Pills安眠药 111

Bouncing Up and Down跳上跳下 112

The Name名字 112

Let Me Have It让我拿走吧 113

I Can't See我看不见 114

Is He a Good Doctor他是个好医生吗 115

I Didn't Need It Then那时候我不需要它 116

旅行幽默Travel Humor 117

On a Bus公交车上 118

At a Border Station在边境车站 119

A Good Lesson痛心的教训 120

Welcome to Come Back欢迎回来 121

All Languages Spoken所有语言都通用 121

I'll See to the Rest其余的事交给我 122

A Trip to Disney迪斯尼之旅 123

A Soldier's Brilliant Idea士兵的妙计 124

A Bad Impression坏印象 126

The Bellboy旅馆侍者 127

Economy Wasted无谓的节约 128

Is He a Good Guide他是个好导游吗 130

Rather Late太晚了 131

I Must Find It我必须找到它 132

广告、购物幽默Advertisement and Shopping Humor 133

A Girl Not Included女孩不包括在内 134

Midway Tactics中间战术 135

The Effect of Advertisement广告的效果 136

Silence Is Gold沉默是金 137

I'll Take the Other One我买另一个 139

Three Whistles三声口哨 139

The Lost Purse丢失的钱包 140

Early Shopping购物过早 141

Let's Have a Try试一下 142

What Do You Need Most你最需要什么 142

工作幽默Work Humor 143

The Last Warning最后的警告 144

The Plumber Is Late水管工人迟到了 144

Only Once只有一次 145

Too Much太浓了 146

You Are the Fifth你是第五条 147

A Smuggler走私犯 149

I Am a Barber我是个理发师 151

Telemarketer电话推销员 151

Part-time Job兼职工作 152

How Did You Ever Get Here你是怎样来的 153

Why Was He Fired为什么被炒鱿鱼 154

Psychiatrist's Secretary精神病学家的秘书 155

Is Your Wife at Home Now你妻子现在在家吗 156

Expensive Advice昂贵的建议 157

Do You Know My Work你知道我是干什么的吗 158

宗教幽默Religious Humor 159

A Mistake搞错了 160

The Clock时钟 161

St.Peter's Question圣彼得的问题 162

Wait a Minute等一分钟 163

I'm Going to Have a Wife我想我要有妻子了 164

Easy Dozer瞌睡虫 165

God Take a Holiday上帝去度假 166

View the Painting看画 167

In the Confession Box在忏悔间 168

Draw a Picture画画 169

Who Is God谁是上帝 170

A Case of Mistaken Identity认错人 171

A Theory of Creation创世论 172

Now,That Reminds Me现在,我想起来了 174

A Plausible Explanation似是而非的解释 175

The Sin of Lying说谎的罪恶 176

A Sure Cure灵丹妙药 177

He Can Have My Place他可以坐我的位子 178

朋友、邻居幽默Friends and Neighbors Humor 179

It Is Out Too它也出去了 180

When a Tiger Comes老虎来了 181

American Way of Life美国式生活 182

I Shot Them All我把它们全打死了 183

Sand and Fur Coat沙子和皮大衣 183

Tom Saw a Tiger汤姆看到一只老虎 184

It's Not That那倒不是 185

I Happened to Be Inside the Coat我恰好也在大衣里面 185

Two Angry Neighbors两个愤怒的邻居 186

餐馆、酒吧幽默Restaurant and Bar Humor 187

A Friend of the Duck鸭子的朋友 188

Make an Order点餐 189

It's Beef是牛肉 190

No News Is Good News没有消息才是好消息 191

Optical Illusion幻觉 192

Wings翅膀 193

An Unfortunate Pirate倒霉的海盗 194

This Devil Walked into a Bar恶魔进酒吧 196

武术幽默Martial Arts Humor 197

Volunteer志愿者 198

Savage Kills Family Pet野蛮人杀死家养宠物 199

Fire火 200

I'll Flip You我把你摔倒吧 202

金发女郎幽默Blonde Humor 203

You're Next下一个就是你 204

Are You Going to Dance你要去跳舞吗 205

Just a Minute就一会儿 205

Blind Policeman瞎子警察 206

That Is Not a TV那不是电视 207

Can't You See I'm Winning没看到我一直赢呢 208

警察幽默Police Humor 209

The Difference Between Morning明天与今晚的不同 210

An Excuse理由 211

Recruit妇女当警察 213

You're Under Arrest你被捕了 214

I Was at the Top of the Pole我就在电线杆上 216

A Plea求助 217

Radar Trap雷达测速仪 218

Don't You Guys Use German Shepherds Anymore你们难道不再用德国牧羊犬了 220

飞行幽默Flying Humor 221

My First and My Last第一次与最后一次 222

A Big Meeting重要会议 224

Keep Quiet保持安静 225

Female Pilot女飞行员 226

First Flight第一次坐飞机 227

The Security of Flying飞行安全 228

Flight Light轻装旅行 229

One Engine Left只剩一个引擎 230

作家、艺术家幽默Writer and Artist Humor 231

Goethe's Tolerance歌德的宽容 232

Not to Be Taken Out概不外借 233

Balzac as a Handwriting Expert巴尔扎克——手迹研究专家 234

Beat It走开 235

The Painter and the Banker画家和银行家 236

Star-struck追星 237

Coincidence纯属巧合 238

The Doctor Lives Downstairs医生住在楼下 239

Who Are They他们是谁 240

Clarinets Are Okay竖笛没关系 241

银行、保险幽默Bank and Insurance Humor 243

Drawing Money取钱 244

You Have to Move你得搬家 245

Special Date特别的约会 246

At FIRST在最初之时 247

As You'd Sign a Letter就像在信上签名一样 247

They Are Directly from America它们直接来自美国 248

If My Car Knows如果车子知道 249

Your Money or Your Life要钱还是要命 250

Come on—It's Me快点,是我 251

The Way to Get a Loan贷款的方法 251

Cancel the Policy取消保险 252

富人、穷人幽默Rich Men andPoor Men Humor 253

I Painted the Vase我把花瓶漆了 254

Millionaire百万富翁 255

Poor Man穷人 255

The Dumb Beggar哑巴乞丐 256

The Secret of Success成功秘诀 257

Just the Opposite正好相反 258

墓地幽默Cemetery Humor 259

It's Unfair真不公平 260

Correcting My Name纠正名字 261

Three People in One Grave三人同墓 262

He Is Really Somebody他真是个要人 262

Why Did You Have to Die你为什么要死呢 263

Where Is Your Wife你妻子去哪了 264