Sustainable Transportation:The Educational DimensionJoseph S.Szyliowicz 1
Effective Administration of National Transportation Sector:A Key Component towards a Sustainable Transportation Development in China——Lessons Learned from International ExperiencesJason Wang 14
Sustainable Transportation DevelopmentBonnie L.Harper-Lore 43
Fast Growth,Slow Growth,and Smart Growth:a Tale of Two CountriesMichael Woo 55
Relieving the Contrast Between Transportation Supply and Demand:theRole Of Science and TechnologySun Guoqing 65
Assessment of Sustainable Road TransportationDevelopmentLI Zuomin 72
The Sound and Fast Development of the National expresswaysZhou Xiaohang 82
Impact of Highway Transportation on the Sustainable Development of Socio-economyWang Xianjin 92
The Beijing ITS-TAP project:an innovative system to mitigatetraffic environmental impact, acting dynamically on traffic limitationsand bus transportation improvement based on real time air quality monitoringMarino Mazzon 97
Cost Accounting and Expense Accumulation for Modern LogisticsEnterprise in ChinaXu Chunfeng 109
城市公共交通建设策略研究的理论与方法周伟 李媛媛 113
国外公交优先发展经验及对我国的启示冯立光 江玉林 121
关于影响城市轨道交通可持续发展因素的分析与思考李晓松 132
控制中国机动车污染,促进可持续交通发展任洪岩 143
大力发展具有中国特色的城市快速公交系统徐康明 153
城市交通的战略环境评价吴洪洋 江玉林 李振宇 158
基于可持续发展的城市交通结构研究石京 杨朗 163
可持续发展为中国铁路建设提速杨瑛 175
三种道路电子收费方式的比较分析*张勇 郝记秀 冯泉 江玉林 182
提高中国海员外派劳务国际竞争力分析李波 189