《三点一测丛书 英语 八年级 上 初中起点 外研版课标本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘国喜,舒亚玲,喻文英分册主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社;龙门书局
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787508812502
  • 页数:356 页

Module 1 Welcome back! 1

Module 2 National Day Holidays 16

Module 3 Computers and the Internet 33

Module 4 Changes 49

Module 5 My Visit to the USA 64

Module 6 Seaing a Film 79

Module 7 Past Activities 94

期中测试题 111

Module 8 Shopping 122

Module 9 Geography 136

Module 10 Sports 154

Module 11 Asking the Way 170

Module 12 Rules 186

Module 13 Western Festivals 202

Module 14 Festive Seasons 220

期末测试题 237

课文直译及课文理解练习答案 250

Workbook参考答案 324

录音文本 339

Module 1

Unit 1

1.welcome 1

2.辨析 in the class与in class 2

3.say"Hello"to sb 2

4.be from 2

5.(1)What's your favourite 2

(2)favourite 2

Unit 2

1.at school 3

2.(1)辨析:lesson,class和period 3

(2)on Mondays 4

3.be good at sth./doing sth 4

4.fun 4

5.辨析:as well,also,too,either 4

Module 2

Unit 1

1.plan 16

2.sound 17

3.go shopping 17

4.maybe和may be 17

5.(1)anything else 17

(2)辨析:else与other 17

6.help 17

7.辨析:bring,take和get 18

Unit 2

1.(1)spend 19

(2)辨析:spend,take,pay和cost 19

2.expensive与cheap 19

3.(1)take a trip 19

(2)辨析:trip,journey,travel和tour 19

4.look forward to 19

5.(1)take photos 20

(2)get back 20

6.(1)sell 20

(2)all around the world 20

7.quite与very 20

8.辨析:whole与all 20

9.(1)enjoy 20

(2)farm 21

10.forget 21

Module 3

Unit 1

1.(1)be going to do 33

(2)go into 33

2.(1)make friends with 34

(2)on the Internet 34

3.remember 34

4.辨析:each和every 34

5.in one's spare time 34

6.the same(+名词)as 34

7.辨析:be able to和can 35

8.more 35

Unit 2

1.动词+疑问词+不定式 36

2.next to 36

3.Will everyone be quiet,please? 36

everyone 36

4.Please listen while I tell you what to do 37

辨析:while与when 37

5.switch on与cliek on 37

Module 4

Unit 1

1.want 49

2.pretty 50

3.(1)fifty-year-old 50

(2)...of 50

4.辨析:ago,before 50

5.There weren't many cars then,were there? 50

Unit 2

1.help 51

2.(1)beside 52

(2)辨析:beside,at和by 52

3.tidy 52

4.辨析:think about与think of 52

5.make 52

6.语法总结:一般过去时 53

Module 5

Unit 1

1.How is(are)...? 64

2.have a wonderful/good/great time 65

3.辨析:watch,look,see和read 65

4.visit 65

5.How about you? 65

Unit 2

1.travel 66

2.(1)arrive 66

(2)close 67

3.(1)at the restaurant 67

(2)cook 67

Unit 4

1.by boat 68

2.more than 68

Module 6

Unit 1

1.go to the cinema 79

2.(1)辨析:about与on 80

(2)辨析:in the future与in future 80

3.It was really difficult 80

difficult 80

Unit 2

1.called Bob 81

2.(1)see sb do sth. 81

(2)knock down 81

3.(1)fall down 81

(2)run away 81

4.give sb.sth 82

5.(1)tell sb. to do sth 82

(2)make a wish 82

Module 7

Unit 1

1.(1)一般过去时的疑问形式 94

(2)have a good weekend 95

2.kind 95

Unit 2

1.(1)let sb. do sth 96

(2)tell sb. about sth 96

2.ask sb. to do sth 96

3.(1)辨析on sale和for sale 96

(2)save 96

4.go for a walk 96

5.(1)one of+复数名词 96

(2)hit 96

6.fall 97

Module 8

Unit 1

1.(1)辨析:one,it,that和this 122

(2)bigger和cheaper 123

2.Wait a minute 123

3.(1)even 123

(2)than 123

4.get 123

5.how much 123

Unit 2

1.(1)as+形容词或副词的原级+as 124

(2)not as(或so)+形容词或副词的原级+as 124

2.比较等级中的用法考点分析 125

Module 9

Unit 1

1.in groups 136

2.(1)information 137

(2)longest and highest 137

3.(1)That's what your project is about 137

(2)find out 137

4.start with/begin with 138

Unit 2

1.副词的比较级 139

2.(1)副词的最高级 139

(2)hard 139

(3)early 139

3.billion 139

4.border 139

Unit 4

1.(1)计量的表达法 140

(2)用how对数词进行提问 141

2.not... any more 141

Module 10

Unit 1

1.(1)多音节形容词的比较级与最高级 154

(2)the 400-metre race 155

2.(1)There be句型 155

辨析:There+be与have 155

(2)watching the table tennis game 155

3.(1)That's because table tennis is 156

(2)because 156

Unit 2

1.for 157

2.sound 157

3.(1)prefer 157

(2)surf 158

4.时间状语从句 158

5.定语从句 158

Module 11

Unit 1

1.常用问路用语小结 171

2.(1)straight 171

(2)ahead 171

3.miss 171

4.辨析:lost,missing和gone 172

5.keep doing sth 172

6.宾语从句 172

Unit 2

1.辨析:until与till 173

2.get 174

Module 12

Unit 1

1.(1)can 186

(2)park 187

2.(1)turn 187

(2)No left turn 187

3.leave 187

4.climb up 187

Unit 2

1.(1)pay attention to 188

(2)at all times 188

2.(1)must 188

辨析:must与have to 189

(2)make any noise 189

辨析:noise,voice和sound 189

3.辨析:behind与after 189

Unit 3

1.(1)wait for sb.(to do sth.) 190

(2)go green 190

(3)辨析:go,turn,get,become和grow 190

2.辨析:wear,put on,dress和have on 190

Module 13

Unit 1

1.辨析:almost和nearly 203

2.(1)The turkey is cooked 203

(2)yet 203

辨析:yet与still 203

辨析:yet与already 203

3.(1)always 204

(2)in front of 204

辨析:in front of与in the front of 204

4.active 204

5.(1)辨析:like doing sth.与like to do sth 204

(2)wrap 204

6.(1)thanks for doing sth 204

(2)invite 204

Unit 2

1.(1)die 205

(2)used to do sth 205

(3)辨析:used to do sth.,be used to do sth.与be used to(doing)sth 206

2.make 206

Module 14

Unit 1

1.get together 220

2.cheer 221

3.(1)on New Year's Eve 221

(2)count 221

count(up)to 221

count down 222

Unit 2

1.(1)mean 222

(2)keep sb./sth.away 222

2.in the winter 223

3.(1)辨析:be frightened of与be afraid of 223

(2)run away 223

4.辨析:discover与find 223

5.(1)cut down 223

(2)make fires 224

6.paint 224

7.(1)celebrate 224

(2)dancing and singing 224