
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李淑娟主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:华语教学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787802003774
  • 页数:195 页

Unit 1 逛街 Shopping 2

1.选择地点、时间 Choosing a Place and a Time 2

2.选择出行方式 Choosing a Way of Going 4

3.结伴去逛 Going Shopping Together 7

Unit 2 在购物中心 At the Shopping Center 15

1.买裤子 Buying Trousers 15

2.买裙子 Buying Skirts 18

3.买鞋 Buying Shoes 21

Unit 3 在百货商店 At the Department Store 28

1.买帽子 Buying Hats 28

2.买化妆品 Buying Cosmetics 31

3.买小饰品 Buying Accessories 34

4.买小日用品 Buying Small Things 37

Unit 4 在快餐店 At the Fast-food Restaurant 42

1.排队 Lining up in a Queue 42

2.点餐 Ordering Meals 44

3.付账 Paying the Bill 47

Unit 5 在电器店 At the Electrical Appliance Store1.买家用电器 Buying Household Electrical Appliances 51

2.买光盘 Buying Discs 56

3.买电脑、手机、MP3 Buying Computers,Mobile Phones and MP3 Players 60

Unit 6 在书店 At the Bookstore 69

1.看分类区域 Looking at the Classified Sections 69

2.买教材 Buying Teaching Materials 71

3.买工具书 Buying Reference Books 74

Unit 7 在批发市场 At a Wholesale Market 79

1.看指示牌 Looking at Signs 79

2.问价、侃价 Asking the Prices and Bargaining 83

3.要发票 Asking for an Invoice 86

Unit 8 在花店 At a Florist's 93

1.买花 Buying Flowers 93

2.买鱼 Buying Fish 97

Unit 9 街边小百货店 Small Shops 104

1.买块口香糖 Buying Chewing Gum 104

2.买纸巾 Buying Tissues 106

3.批发冰棍 Wholesale Popsicles 109

Unit 10 在大型超市 At the Supermarket 113

1.认识各种区域 Getting to Know Various Sections 113

2.寻求帮助 Asking for Help 117

3.结账 Paying the Bill 120

Unit 11 在自由市场 At the Free Market 125

1.买海鲜 Buying Seafood 125

2.买水果 Buying Fruits 129

3.买蔬菜 Buying Vegetables 133

Unit 12 在报摊 At the Newsstand 138

1.买报刊 Buying Newspapers and Periodicals 138

2.买充值卡 Buying Top-up Cards 141

Unit 13 网上购物 Online Shopping 146

1.订货 Ordering Goods 146

2.送货 Delivering Goods 150

Unit 14 退换货 Refund and Exchange 156

1.换货 Exchanging Goods 156

2.退货 Returning Goods 160

Unit 15 促销 Sales Promotion 166

1.打折 Getting a Discount 166

2.返券 In-store Rebate Promotions 171

3.大减价 Big Sale 174

词汇表 Vocabulary 179