
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:史大胜主编;张翼鸿副主编;刘慧娟,战凤梅,尹立鑫,斯钦图等编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国妇女出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7801314107
  • 页数:277 页

Chapter One Campus English 校园英语 1

Unit 1 A New Beginning 新的开始 1

Unit 2 Introducing the Campus 介绍校园 3

Unit 3 Meeting New Friends 和新朋友会面 6

Unit 4 In Classroom 在教室 8

Unit 5 In the Library 在图书馆 10

Unit 6 Sports 体育运动 12

Unit 7 Going Shopping 购物 15

Unit 8 In the Dining Hall 在饭厅 18

Unit 9 Entertainment 娱乐 21

Unit 10 Examination 考试 23

Unit 11 Consulting a Doctor 看医生 26

Unit 12 Bedroom Talk 夜话 28

Unit 13 Part-time Job 兼职工作 31

Unit 14 Job Interview 工作面试 34

Chapter Two Bank English 银行英语 37

Unit 1 Opening a Time Deposit Account 开立定期存款帐户 37

Unit 2 Money Exchange 兑换钱币 39

Unit 3 Cashing a Check 兑换支票 41

Unit 4 Buying a Traveler's Check 购买旅行支票 43

Unit 5 Cashing a Traveler's Check 兑换旅行支票 44

Unit 6 Claiming Refund for Lost Traveler's Cheeks 丢失旅行支票索赔 45

Unit 7 Sending Foreign Remittances 向国外汇款 47

Unit 8 Sending Foreign Remittances by Telegraphic Transfer 用电汇向国外汇款 49

Unit 9 Remittance from Abroad 来自国外的汇款 50

Unit 10 Using an Automated Teller Machine 使用自动提款机 51

Unit 11 Drawing Money against Credit Card 用信用卡取钱 52

Unit 12 Renting a Safe Deposit Box 租用保险箱 54

Unit 13 Withdrawal at Maturity 到期取款 56

Unit 14 Withdrawal before Maturity 未到期取款 57

Unit 15 Applying for a Housing Loan 申请住房贷款 58

Unit 16 Asking for an Auto Loan 申请汽车贷款 60

Unit 17 Discounting a Bill of Exchange 贴现汇票 62

Unit 18 Automatic Transfers between Accounts 自动转帐 63

Unit 19 Inquiring about the Balance 查询余额 65

Unit 20 Financial System in U.S.A. 美国金融体系(1) 66

Unit 21 Financial System in U.S.A. 美国金融体系(2) 68

Unit 22 Handling a Report of a Lost Passbook 处理存折丢失业务 69

Unit 23 Mode of International Settlement 国际结算方式 70

Unit 24 Oponing a Letter of Credit 开立信用证 72

Unit 25 Amending a Letter of Credit 修改信用证 73

Unit 26 Making a Collection of Demand Draft 办理汇票托收 74

Unit 27 Stock Exchange 股票交易所 75

Unit 28 Issuing an Offshore Bond 发行海外债券 77

Unit 29 Handling Reconversion 办理退汇 79

Unit 30 Making a Credit Investigation 进行资信调查 80

Unit 31 Banking Operation 银行的运作 81

Unit 32 Opening a Checking Account 开立支票帐户 82

Chapter Three Hotel English 饭店英语 83

Unit 1 Advance Reservation 预订房间 83

Unit 2 Registration 旅馆登记 85

Unit 3 Bell Service 应接服务 87

Unit 4 Calling on Guests 拜访客人 89

Unit 5 Wake-up Service 叫醒服务 91

Unit 6 Exchanging Money 换钱 93

Unit 7 Making a Long Distance Call 打长途电话 95

Unit 8 Room Service 客房服务 97

Unit 9 Restaurant Reservation 订餐 99

Unit 10 Meeting the Guest 接待客人 101

Unit 11 Taking Order 点菜 103

Unit 12 Booking a Ticket 订票 105

Unit 13 Paying the Bill for Dinner 付帐 107

Unit 14 Bar Service 酒吧服务 109

Unit 15 Room Cleaning 打扫房间 111

Unit 16 Laundry Service 洗衣服务 112

Unit 17 Room-Maintenance Service 房间维修 114

Unit 18 At the Souvenirs Shop 在纪念品商店 116

Unit 19 At the Clothing Shop 在服装店 118

Unit 20 At the Beauty Parlour 在美容院 120

Unit 21 Film Developing 冲洗胶卷 122

Unit 22 At the Hotel's Post Office in Hotel 在饭店的邮局 124

Unit 23 Sending a Fax 发传真 126

Unit 24 At the Recreation Center 在娱乐中心 128

Unit 25 At the Swimming Pool 在游泳池 130

Unit 26 Handling Complaints 处理投诉 132

Unit 27 Bell-men Service before Checking Out 离店前的行李员服务 134

Unit 28 Checking Out 结帐 136

Chapter Four Secretary English 文秘英语 138

Unit 1 Receiving Vistors with Appointment 接待预约的来访者 138

Unit 2 Receiving Visitors without Appointment 接待未预约的来访者 139

Unit 3 Recruiting Preparation 招聘准备 141

Unit 4 Arranging a Conference 安排会议 143

Unit 5 Making an Appointment 安排约见 145

Unit 6 Answering Calls 接电话 146

Unit 7 Making Flight Reservation 预定航班 148

Unit 8 Cancellation of Flight 取消预定航班 150

Unit 9 Dealing with a Complaint 处理投诉 151

Unit 10 Making Schedules for Boss 为老板做日程安排 153

Unit 11 Writing a Memo 撰写备记录 155

Unit 12 Arrangement for a Meeting 会议安排 156

Unit 13 Filing Instructions 档案管理规则 157

Unit 14 Requesting File Information 索要档案信息 159

Unit 15 Arrangement for Business Travel 出差安排 160

Unit 16 Arrangement for a Firm's Picnic 安排公司野餐 162

Unit 17 Attending a Party 出席聚会 163

Unit 18 Asking for a Raise 要求加薪 164

Unit 19 Asking for a Vacation 要求休假 166

Unit 20 Arrangement for the Visit of Guests 为客人到访做日程安排 167

Unit 21 Furnishing a New Office 布置新办公室 168

Unit 22 Requesting Leave for English Study 要求离职学英语 169

Unit 23 Handling of Petty Cash 管理小额现金 170

Unit 24 Canceling Car Reservation 取消预定的车辆 172

Unit 25 Conveying Messages to Boss 向上级报告口信 173

Unit 26 Meeting Guests at the Airport 到机场接客人 174

Unit 27 Putting off an Appointment 取消约会 175

Unit 28 Confirming by Telephone 通过电话确认预定 176

Unit 29 Job Interview 应聘 177

Chapter Five Business English 商务英语 179

Unit 1 Legal Matters 法律事务 179

Unit 2 Banking 银行业务 181

Unit 3 Loans 贷款 183

Unit 4 Renting an Office 租赁办公室 185

Unit 5 Supplies Packaging 商品包装 187

Unit 6 Marketing Advertising 营销广告 189

Unit 7 Employment 招聘 191

Unit 8 Sales 销售 193

Unit 9 Travel by Air 乘飞机旅行 195

Unit 10 At Customs 在海关 196

Unit 11 Meeting at the Airport 在机场会面 197

Unit 12 In the Hotel 在宾馆 198

Unit 13 Asking for Directions 问路 199

Unit 14 Making an Agenda 制定工作日程 200

Unit 15 Visiting a Showroom 参观展室 202

Unit 16 Sales Promotion 促销 203

Unit 17 Changing Plans 改变计划 204

Unit 18 A Business Luncheon 商业便宴 205

Unit 19 Market Research 市场调研 206

Unit 20 Patent 专利 207

Unit 21 Trademark 商标 208

Unit 22 Foreign Trade Policy 外贸政策 210

Unit 23 Contract 合同 211

Unit 24 Airport Departure 机场送行 212

Unit 25 Handling Business 处理业务 213

Chapter Six English for Tourism 旅游英语 214

Unit 1 Check-in at Airport 机场检查 214

Unit 2 In the Plane 在飞机上 216

Unit 3 Transit 转机 218

Unit 4 Renting a Car 租车 219

Unit 5 At the Gas Station(Self-service) 在自助加油站 221

Unit 6 At the Gas Station(Full-service) 在全套服务的加油站 222

Unit 7 Returning a Car 还车 223

Unit 8 At Hotel(Checking-in) 在宾馆——登记入住 224

Unit 9 At hotel(Changing a Room) 在宾馆——换房 226

Unit 10 At Hotel(Maintenance) 在宾馆——维修 227

Unit 11 At Hotel(Ordering Breakfast) 在宾馆——订早餐 228

Unit 12 At Hotel(Checking-out) 在宾馆——退房 229

Unit 13 Asking the Way 问路 231

Unit 14 At Fast-food Restaurant 在快餐店 232

Unit 15 At the bar 在酒吧 233

Unit 16 Making Phone-calls(Making a Collect Call) 打电话——对方付费 234

Unit 17 Making Phone-calls(Making a Personal Call) 打电话——个人电话 235

Unit 18 At the Post Office(Sending a Letter) 在邮局——寄信 236

Unit 19 At the Post Office(Sending a Parcel) 在邮局——寄包裹 237

Unit 20 Asking Others to Help Taking Pictures 请人替自己拍照 238

Unit 21 Shopping in the Department Store 在百货公司——购物 239

Unit 22 At the Shoes Counter 在买鞋的柜台 241

Unit 23 In the Department Store(Refunding) 在百货公司——退款 242

Unit 24 Turning to the Police for Help 向警察求助 243

Unit 25 Entertaining(Going to a Movie) 娱乐——看电影 244

Unit 26 Traveling by Public Transportation(Traveling by Train) 乘公交工具旅游——乘火车旅游 245

Unit 27 Traveling by Public Transportation(Taking a Bus) 乘公交工具旅游——乘公共汽车 246

Unit 28 Asking for Change 找零钱 248

Unit 29 Taking a City Tour 城市旅行 249

Unit 30 Visiting an American Family 拜访美国家庭 251

Unit 31 Taking a Taxi 乘出租车 253

Unit 32 SOS 求救或求助 255

Chapter Seven English for Social Contacts 社交英语Unit 1 Asking for Directions 问路 256

Unit 2 At a Dancing Party 在舞会上 258

Unit 3 At the Dinner Table 就餐 260

Unit 4 Talking about Pictures 评论照片 261

Unit 5 Congratulations 祝贺 262

Unit 6 Greetings 问候 263

Unit 7 How Much Is It? 购物 264

Unit 8 Invitation 邀请 265

Unit 9 On the Bus 乘公共汽车 267

Unit 10 Parting 告别 268

Unit 11 Seeing the Doctor 看医生 270

Unit 12 Talking about Time 谈论时间 271

Unit 13 Talking about a Vacation Plan 谈论假期计划 272

Unit 14 Thank you 谢谢你 274

Unit 15 Talking about the Weather 谈论天气 275

Unit 16 What Do You Do after Work? 你下班后做些什么? 277