《英语写作套路与演练 TEM-4》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:裘雯,黄铮,袁铮编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7313049609
  • 页数:205 页

Chapter One Brainstorming and Outlining(头脑风暴及提纲挈领) 1

1 Brainstorming(头脑风暴) 1

1.1 Animals(动物) 1

1.2 Communication(交流) 3

1.3 Cooperation and Competition(竞争与合作) 4

1.4 Economy(经济) 5

1.5 Education(教育) 6

1.6 Environmental Protection(环境保护) 14

1.7 Euthanasia(安乐死) 15

1.8 Family(家庭) 16

1.9 Friendship(友谊) 17

1.10 Groups or Organizations(组织) 19

1.11 Happiness(幸福) 20

1.12 Health(健康) 21

1.13 Independence(独立自主) 22

1.14 Information(信息) 23

1.15 Knowledge and Experience(知识与经验) 24

1.16 Love(爱心) 25

1.17 Mistakes(错误) 25

1.18 Music(音乐) 26

1.19 Science and Technology(科技) 27

1.20 Stress(压力) 30

1.21 Travel(旅游) 31

1.22 Work(工作) 33

2 Outlining(提纲挈领) 34

Chapter Two Coherence(挥笔流畅) 36

1 Sentence Coherence(句子连贯) 36

1.1 Sequence(顺序) 36

1.2 Cause or Reason(原因或理由) 37

1.3 Result(结果) 40

1.4 Illustration(举例) 41

1.5 Comparison(相似比较) 41

1.6 Contrast(差异比较) 43

1.7 Concession(让步) 43

1.8 Conversion(转折) 45

1.9 Condition(条件) 46

1.10 Exception(例外) 47

1.11 Purpose(目的) 48

1.12 Place(地点) 48

1.13 Restatement(复述) 49

1.14 Feelings(情感) 49

1.15 Conclusion(结论) 50

1.16 Time(时间) 50

2 Paragraph Coherence(段落连贯) 52

2.1 Opening Paragraph(开头段) 52

2.2 Concluding Paragraph(总结段) 56

2.3 Body Paragraph(主体段) 59

Chapter Three Compositions with Outlines and Patterns(谙熟套路) 68

Chapter Four Rhetorical Devices(妙语连珠) 128

1 Phonetic Devices(语音修辞) 128

2 Semantic Devices(语义修辞) 130

3 Syntactic Devices(语句修辞) 137

4 Stylistic Devices(文体修辞) 142

Chapter Five Compositions with Patterns and Rhetorical Devices(范文集锦) 144

Chapter Six Note Writing(便条写作) 152

1 Leaving a Message(留言) 152

2 Application(申请) 155

3 Acceptance(接受) 157

4 Passing on(word)(转告) 159

5 Notification/Notice(通知) 162

6 Advertisement(广告) 164

7 Invitation(邀请) 166

8 Complaint(投诉) 168

9 Consolations(慰问) 171

10 Apology(道歉) 173

11 Expressing Thanks(感谢) 175

12 Congratulations(祝贺) 178

13 Narrating a Sequence of Events(叙述) 180

14 Making Comments and Giving Opinions(评论) 182

15 Asking for and Giving Information(咨询) 184

16 Persuading(劝说) 188

17 Leave of Absence(请假) 190

Chapter Seven Previously-Tested Compositions and Notes(实战回顾) 192