《可靠性与维修性工程概论 An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainaility Engineering 英文 eng》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)埃贝灵(Ebeling,C.E.)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787302177548
  • 页数:486 页

1Introduction 1

1.1 The Study of Reliability and Maintainability 3

1.2 Concepts,Terms,and Definitions 5

1.3 Applications 7

1.4 A Brief History 10

1.5 Scope ofthe Text 11

Appendix 1A A Probability Primet 13

PART 1 Basic Reliability Models 23

2The Failure Distribution 23

2.1 The Reliability Function 23

2.2 Mean Time to Failure 26

2.3 Hazard Rate Function 28

2.4 Bathtub Curve 31

2.5 Conditional Reliability 32

2.6 Summary 34

Appendix 2A Derivation of Equation(2.8) 35

Appendix 2B Derivation of Equation(2.12) 36

Appendix 2C Conditional Reliability and Failure Rates 36

Appendix 2D Intermediate Calculations for the Linear Bathtub Curve 37

Appendix 2E Table of Integrals 38

Exercises 38

3Constant Failure Rate Model 41

3.1 The Exponential Reliability Funcfion 41

3.2 Failure Modes 45

3.3 Applications 47

3.4 The Two-Parameter Exponential Distribufion 51

3.5 Poisson Process 52

3.6 Redundancy and the CFR Model 54

Exercises 55

4Time-Dependent Failure Models 58

4.1 The Weibull Distribution 58

4.2 The Normal Distribution 69

4.3 The Lognormal Distribution 73

Appendix 4A Derivation of the MTTF for the Weibull Distribution 77

Appendix 4B Derivation of the Mode for the Weibull Distribution 78

Appendix 4C Minimum Extreme-Value Distribution 78

Appendix 4D Hazard Rate for the Two-Component Weibull Redundant System 79

Exercises 79

5Reliability of Systems 83

5.1 Serial Configuration 83

5.2 Parallel Configuration 85

5.3 Combined Series-Parallel Systems 87

5.4 System Structure Function,Minimal Cuts,and Minimal Paths(Optional) 93

5.5 Common-Mode Failures 97

5.6 Three-State Devices 98

Exercises 102

6State-Dependent Systems 108

6.1 Markov Analysis 108

6.2 Load-Sharing System 111

6.3 Standby Systems 112

6.4 Degraded Systems 117

6.5 Three-State Devices 118

Appendix 6A Solution to Two-Component Redundant System 119

Appendix 6B Solution to Load-Sharing System 120

Appendix 6C Solution to Standby System Model 120

Exercises 121

7Physical Reliability Models 124

7.1 Covariate Models 124

7.2 Static Models 128

7.3 Dynamic Models 135

7.4 Physics-of-Failure Models 137

Exercises 141

8Design for Reliability 145

8.1 Reliability Specification and System Measurements 147

8.2 Reliability Allocation 151

8.3 Design Methods 157

8.4 Failure Analysis 166

8.5 System Safety and Fault Tree Analysis 172

Exercises 183

9Maintainability 189

9.1 Analysis of Downtime 189

9.2 The Repair-Time Distribution 191

9.3 Stochastic Point Processes 194

9.4 System Repair Time 202

9.5 Reliability under Preventive Maintenance 204

9.6 State-Dependent Systems with Repair 207

Appendix 9A The MTTF for the Preventive Maintenance Model 211

Appendix 9B Solution to the Active Redundant System with Repair 211

Appendix 9C Solution to Standby System with Repair 212

Exercises 213

10Design for Maintainability 218

10.1 Maintenance Requirements 219

10.2 Design Methods 225

10.3 Human Factors and Ergonomics 235

10.4 Maintenance and Spares Provisioning 237

10.5 Maintainability Prediction and Demonstration 244

Appendix 10A Birth-Death Queuing Model 248

Exercises 250

11Availability 254

11.1 Concepts and Definitions 254

11.2 Exponential Availability Model 257

11.3 System Availability 258

11.4 Inspection and Repair Availability Model 264

11.5 Design Trade-Off Analysis 266

Appendix 11A Solution to Single Unit with Repair Model 275

Exercises 275

PART 2 The Analysis of Failure Data 283

12Data Collection and Empirical Methods 283

12.1 Data Collection 283

12.2 Empirical Methods 286

12.3 Static Life Estimation 302

Exercises 303

13Reliability Testing 308

13.1 Product Testing 308

13.2 Reliabilitv Life Testing 309

13.3 Test Time Calculations 310

13.4 Burn-In Testing 312

13.5 Acceptance Testing 315

13.6 Accelerated Life Testing 323

13.7 Experimental Design 331

13.8 Competing Failure Modes 335

Appendix 13A Derivation of Expected Test Time 336

Appendix 13B Expected Test Time(Type II Testing) 337

Exercises 338

14Reliability Growth Testing 342

14.1 Reliability Growth Process 342

14.2 Idealized Growth Curve 343

14.3 Duane Growth Model 345

14.4 AMSAA Model 349

14.5 Other Growth Models 353

Exercises 355

15Identifying Failure and Repair Distributions 358

15.1 Identifying Candidate Distributions 359

15.2 Probability Plots and Least-Squares Curve-Fitting 362

15.3 Parameter Estimation 374

15.4 Confidence Intervals 382

15.5 Parameter Estimation for Covariate Models 385

Appendix 15A Weibull Maximum Likelihood Estimator 387

Appendix 15B Weibull MLE with Multiply Censored Data 388

Appendix 15C MLE for Normal and Lognormal Distributions with Censored Data 388

Exercises 389

16Goodness-of-Fit Tests 392

16.1 Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test 393

16.2 Bartlett’s Test for the Exponential Distribution 399

16.3 Manns Test for the Weibull Distribution 400

16.4 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for Normal and Lognormal Distributions 402

16.5 Tests for the Power-Law Process Model 404

16.6 On Fitting Distribufions 407

Exercises 408

PART 3 Application 413

17Reliability Estimation and Application 413

17.1 Case 1:Redundancy 413

17.2 Case 2:Bum-In Testing 415

17.3 Case 3:Preventive Maintenance Analysis 418

17.4 Case 4:Reliability Allocation 421

17.5 Case 5:Reliability Growth Testing 423

17.6 Case 6:Repairable System Analysis 424

17.7 Case 7:Multiply Censored Data 426

Exercise 428

18Implementation 429

18.1 Obiectives,Functions,and Processes 429

18.2 The Economics of Reliability and Maintainability and System Design 430

18.3 Organizational Considerations 437

18.4 Data Sources and Data Collection Methods 439

18.5 Product Liability,Warranties,and Related Matters 445

18.6 Software Reliability 447

References 449

Appendix 455

Index 479