另一个妈妈 2
My Other Mother 4
爱的礼物 7
A Gift of Love 9
无言的守护神 11
My Slient Keeper 13
信守诺言 15
A Promise Kept 17
姐妹花 19
We Sisters 21
宝贝,生日快乐 23
Happy Birthday,Baby 25
我爱您,妈妈 27
I love you,Mom 29
断翅 31
Broken Wing 33
用心去看 36
Seeing with the Heart 38
真正的勇气 41
What Courage Looks Like? 43
师恩如甘露 46
The Difference a Teacher Can Make 48
爱的印记 51
Love’s Imprint 54
朋友就该这么做 57
That's What Friends Do 59
贝瑟尼的友谊 62
Bethany’s Friendship 63
情义两心知 64
D and the Art of Learning 66
友谊的故事 69
A Story about Friendship 71
公共汽车上的乘客 74
The Bus Passenger 77
干不完的家务事 80
Homemaking 101 83
爱的英雄 86
Hero 87
无言的爱 88
Love Unspoken 89
天底下最真挚的爱情 90
The Best Kind of Love 92
来自天堂的玫瑰 95
Roses for Rose 97
情侣 99
The Lovers 101
不朽的爱情 103
Enduring Love 104
父母间的恩爱 106
Love between Father and Mother 108
蝶吻 110
Butterfly Kisses 112
让爱重温的小港 114
A Small Harbor of Reconnection 115
一言九鼎 116
The Promise 117
终生的朋友 118
Friends for Life 120
爱的时刻 122
Moments of Love 124
他们的婚姻并不是童话故事 127
Their Marriage was No Fairy Tale 130
你的生命是个奇迹 133
Miracle, Your Life! 136
婚姻中最温馨的一刻 141
The Tenderest Moment in a Marriage 143
离去了,却不能忘记 146
Gone, Yet not Forgotten 147
追忆似水年华 149
Hanover Square 151
二十年结婚纪念 154
On Our Twentieth Wedding Anniversary 156
妈妈说这是送给您的 158
Momma Says It's for You 161
爱的奇效 165
The Healing Power of Love 167
戒指 170
The Ring 172
一眼定情 174
The Eyes of Love 176
浪费的一天? 178
A Wasted Day? 180
钢琴曲 182
Piano Music 184
美丽的失误 187
The Perfect Mistake 189
父亲的影子 191
My Father's Shadow 194
搭车 197
Hitching a Ride 198
失去的还会再回来 200
What Comes Around Goes Around 201
岂止是朋友 202
More Than a Friend 203
生命的馈赠 205
The Gift of Life 207
“真好看”她说 209
“Beautiful” She Said 211