Text(1) Mapping Your Innovation Strategy 3
英语写作 正规语体和非正规语体 10
Text(2)Mapping Your Innovation Strategy(continued) 13
Text(1) Why Business Models Matter 23
英语写作 个人简历 29
Text(2)What About Strategy? 32
Text(1)Meeting the Challenge of Corporate Entrepreneurship 41
英语写作 工作申请信 49
Text(2)How IBM Strikes a Balance 51
Text(1) Total Knowledge Management 61
英语写作 备忘录 67
Text(2)Barriers to Effective Risk Management in Knowledge Management 69
Text(1) Angel Capital 81
英语写作 缩写 88
Text(2) Angel Capital(continued) 90
Text(1) How to Lead a Self-Managing Team 99
英语写作 缩写(continued) 105
Text(2)How to Lead a Self-Managing Team(continued)— Four Functions,11 Behaviors 109
Text(1)Understanding Competitors 119
英语写作 研究论文(一) 125
Text(2)Analyzing a Competitor’s Strategy 127
Text(1)The Right Game:Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy 135
英语写作 研究论文(二) 141
Text(2)Competition and Game Theory 144
Text(1) Risk Management 155
英语写作研究论文(三) 161
Text(2)Introduction to Project Risk Management 164
Text(1)Quality Management and Improvement 173
英语写作 研究论文(四) 181
Text(2)TQM and Innovation:A Literature Review and Research Framework 184
Text(1)The Seven Principles of Supply Chain Management 193
Text(2)The Seven Principles of Supply Chain Management(continued) 201
Text(1) Business Process Management:A Review andEvaluation 211
Text(2)Business Process Management:A Case Study 219
Appendix Ⅰ Key to Exercises 226
Appendix Ⅱ Text Translation 238