
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:孟飞,江涛本书主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:750216006X
  • 页数:395 页

Unit 1 生活篇 2

[一]科学家:爱是盲目的 Science Proves that Love is Blind 2

[二]拥有金钱就拥有幸福吗? What Price Happiness? 6

[三]幸福美满婚姻的秘密——期望值不能太高 Newlyweds Advised to Lower Hopes 11

[四]女性开车更安全——停车场是例外 Women Drivers Safer—Except When Parking 16

[五]男性的直觉能力高于女性 Smiles That Destroy the Myth of Female Intuition 21

[六]快乐的时光为何显得短暂? Why Having Fun Makes Time Speed 25

[七]开车时音乐声太吵易引发交通事故 Drivers Warned against Loud Music 30

[八]健康 干练 性感:法国女人是欧洲最优质的女人 Do French Women Make The Best Mothers and Lovers? 35

Unit 2 名人故事 41

[一]9岁小政客 9-Year-Old Politician 41

[二]埃及艳后克莉奥帕卓传奇故事 Cleopatra—the Queen of Egypt 46

[三]爱就是一切——黛安娜 Whatever Love Means—Diana 51

[四]布莱尔:我从未给妻子送过花 Blair Admits Never Having Sent Flowers to His Wife 55

[五]大西洋城惊魂 In Atlantic City 59

[六]俄总统普京戎装上阵 体验远程轰炸和导弹发射 President Putin Dresses up to Play War Games 63

[七]希拉里回忆心路历程 《亲历历史》一路畅销 Living History 67

[八]拿破仑流放期间曾热衷于学习英语 Napoleon Tried to Learn English 71

[九]台湾发明王邓鸿吉 The King of Invention—Teng Hung-Chi of Nantou,Taiwan 75

[十]伟大喜剧家的一生——查理·卓别林 The Life of the Greatest Comedy Artist—Charlie Chaplin 79

[十一]德国重封爱因斯坦为“国家英雄” Germany Reclaims Einstein as Their Hero 83

[十二]伟大的友谊 A Great Friendship 87

Unit 3 新闻 93

[一]12岁男孩给《大英百科全书》挑错 12-Year-Old Expert Makes Corrections for Top Encyclopaedia 93

[二]2005年福布斯富豪榜又有新变动,比尔·盖茨仍旧稳居榜首 Forbes'List Has New Names;Gates No.1 97

[三]2005普利策奖揭晓《洛杉矶时报》再度胜出 Los Angeles Times Wins Major Pulitzer Prize Honors 101

[四]地震将东京从睡梦中摇醒 Earthquake Jolts Tokyo from bed 105

[五]法国蜘蛛人攀上台北世界第一高楼 French Spiderman Climbs World's Tallest Building 109

[六]风雨十年一路走来 雅虎欢庆十岁生日 Yahoo Celebrates A Decade Online 114

[七]经济稳定失业率降低 澳人口出生率创新高 Australia Records Highest Birth Rate in 9 Years 118

[八]伦敦大本钟“沉默”1小时 具体原因不清 Mystery as Big Ben Falls Silent for an Hour 122

[九]目睹姐姐自杀身亡 英国男子被判无罪 Why I Had to Help My Sister in Suicide 126

[十]我国成功发射亚太六号卫星 Satellite Launched from Xichang Space Center 130

Unit 4 流行元素 135

[一]居家装饰中的鲜花 Flower in Home Decoration 135

[二]用微波炉做番茄沙司 Microwave Tomato Sauce 140

[三]第二肌肤 Second Skin 144

[四]送花 Sending a Gift Like Flowers 148

[五]时尚装扮省钱全攻略 Look Like a Million—Without Breaking the Bank! 152

Unit 5 艺术长廊 157

[一]奥林匹亚的宙斯大金像 The Temple of Zeus 157

[二]巴比伦的空中花园 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 162

[三]烟花三月放纸鸢 Fengzheng 167

[四]黑非洲的呐喊 John Biggers:Starry Crown 172

[五]罗德岛的太阳神巨像 The Colossus of Rhodes 176

[六]摩索拉斯亡灵 King Maussollos 181

[七]凡·高与晨星 Van Gogh&the Starry Night 185

[八]重金属/硬摇滚 Heavy Metal/Hard Rock 190

[九]爵士乐初期的30年 Jazz,The First Thirty Years 195

Unit 6 异域风情 200

[一]法兰西之恋 Loving France 200

[二]法国的爱丽舍宫 Elysee Palace 204

[三]开罗 Cairo 209

[四]感恩节的由来 Thanksgiving Day 214

[五]大峡谷 Grand Canyon 218

[六]美国人的婚礼 Weddings in The United States 224

[七]尼亚加拉瀑布 Niagara Falls—Something Completely New 228

[八]圣彼得堡 Spotlight on St.Petersburg 232

[九]五大湖的旖旎风光 The Great Lakes 237

[十]永不过时的旧式服装——日本女性重掀和服热 Japan's Young Bring the Kimono Back into Style 243

Unit 7 健康咨询 248

[一]出生月份决定运气好坏 As Luck Would Have it,Summer Babies Do Best 248

[二]这是你生命的最佳时期吗? Are These the Best Years of Your Life? 252

[三]练习瑜珈看似轻松舒缓 盲目健身实则危险重重 Vide Yoga a Health Hazard 257

[四]女人比男人长寿的秘诀 Why Hearty Women Outlive Men 262

[五]女性醉酒后其人身安全面临巨大危险 Women Taking Risks after Drinking 266

[六]官员称:适度饮酒有助于大脑思维 Official:Drinking Improves Thinking 270

[七]天然酸奶有助于缓解口臭 Natural Yoghurt Beats Bad Breath 274

[八]想苗条,多睡觉 Stay Thin by Sleeping More? 278

[九]性格悲观的人更容易患痴呆症 Pessimism Raises Dementia Risk,Study Finds 282

Unit 8 美文鉴赏 287

[一]哥哥的心愿 A Brother Like That 287

[二]美丽的微笑与爱心 Beautiful Smile and Love 291

[三]祈盼清风 Waiting for the Breeze 296

[四]微笑 The Smile 301

[五]这是我对你们每一个人的希望 These are things I wish for each of you 305

[六]一生的收获 Catch of a Lifetime 310

Unit 9 体育竞技 315

[一]里瓦尔多的明星路 Rivaldo 315

[二]教你打网球 How to Play Tennis 319

[三]网球运动的传统 Tennis'Heritage 323

[四]迈克尔·乔丹 The God in Youth:Michael Jordan 327

[五]马拉多纳首次承认“上帝之手” Maradona Owns up to"Hand of God" 331

[六]田径世界记录已接近极限 再创佳绩困难重重 Time Runs out for World Records 336

[七]莎拉波娃WTA排名跃居第一 Sharapova Jumps to No.1 in WTA Rankings 340

[八]不理兴奋剂丑闻 阿姆斯特朗与摇滚歌星订婚 Armstrong to Marry Rock Star Crow 345

Unit 10 名人演讲 349

[一]就职演讲 Inaugural Address 349

[二]克林顿第二次就职演说 The Second Inaugural Address by Bill Clinton 354

[三]胡佛总统就职演说 The Inaugural Address by Hoover 359

[四]雨果怒斥火烧圆明园 Victor Hugo Condemning the Burning of the Winter Palace 364

[五]布什总统的9·11讲话 The 9·11th Speech by President Bush 368

[六]在北京微软专业开发人员大会上的演讲 Keynote Speech at Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 374

[七]我有一个梦 I Have a Dream 379

[八]林肯在葛底斯堡的演说 Gettysburg Address 383

[九]在马克思墓前的讲话 Speach at The Grave of Karl Marx 387

[十]科学和艺术 Science And Art 392