画家简历&Biography 4
创作体验&Creative Experience 5
红色百叶窗&The Red Blind 9
西蒙·玻利瓦尔在鲁昂&'Simon Bolivar'at Rouen 10
卡罗尔的椅子&The Carolean Chair 11
弦乐五重奏&The String Quintet 12
对峙的猎犬&Hounds at the point-to-point 13
萨金特画像&The Sargent Portrait 14
泉畔小憩&A Rest by the Fountain 15
上街的传统爵士乐&High Street Trad 16
伍德布里奇的风暴云&Storm Cloud at Woodbridge 17
橙红色的伞&Orange Umbrellas 18
卡勒梅尔,马德里&Calle Mayor,Madrid 19
托莱多的正午&Noon in Toledo 20
黄轮子马车&The Carriage with Yellow Wheels 21
黄昏的问候&The Salute at Dusk 22
佛罗伦斯与莱文达尔&Florence and Lanvender 23
黑水边上的小船&Boats by the Blackwater 24
旅舍的天井&The Hotel Patio 25
等客的马车&Coaches in Waiting 26
寻找风俗&Looking for Custom 27
奶奶的帽子&Granny's Hats 28
马车和白马&Coach with the White Horse 29
鲁昂的晚上&Evening at Rouen 30