序 Preface 4
山水揽胜 12
1·晋水海韵 Beaches in Jinjiang City 12
2·远古森林 Ancient Forest Relics 16
3·地质公园 National Geological Park 26
4·围头海湾 Weitou Bay 42
5·湖上龙宫 Longgong Palace 50
6·紫帽烟霞 Zimao Mountain 62
7·灵源名山 Linyuan Mountain 72
历史探幽 82
1·靖海侯府 Shi's Ancestral House 82
2·安平飞虹 Anping Bridge 98
3·龙山禅寺 Longshan Temple 106
4·摩尼遗址 Moni's Hut 118
5·画马奇石 The Horse Stone 126
6·舞王雕像 The Stone carving of Siva 130
7·南天禅寺 Nantian Temple 134
8·栈道碑刻 Inscriptions on the Cliff 140
9·古窑遗址 Relics of Ancient Kilns 146
10·丁氏宗祠 Ding's Ancestral Hall 150
11·古檗山庄 Gubo Villa 158
12·东石寨·白沙古战场 Dongshi Mountain,Stronghold Baisha Ancient Battlefield 166
时代风采 174
1·黎刹广场 Rizal Square 174
2·世纪公园 Century Park 182
3·晋江人雕像 Statue of Jinjiang People 192
4·江滨公园 Riverside Park 196