《品味动人的旋律 演讲美文 双语欣赏》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:执云编译
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京燕山出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787540219321
  • 页数:179 页

A Grain of Sand 2

一粒沙子 3


一朵鲜红的玫瑰 5

Digging 6

挖掘 8

Home,Sweet Home 10

甜蜜的家庭 12

Up-hill 14

人生曲折路 15

Aedh Laments the Loss of Love 16

失恋的哀悼 17

Loves Witness 18

爱情的见证 19

Steps To Happiness 20

通往幸福的阶梯 22

No title 24

无题 25

Old Black Joe by Stephen C.Foster 26

老黑乔 28

Silent meaning  30

沉默的含义  31

The Music Within  32

心灵的旋律  33

The Swing  34

秋千  35

Virtue  36

美德  37

When You Are Old  38

当你老了  39

Where Go The Boats?  40

小船驶到哪里了?  41

Windflowers  42

风之花  43

The Garden of Love  44

爱的乐园  45

Love is a leaf  46

爱是一片叶子  47

Invention  48

创作  49

Flames  50

火焰  51

Walking across the Atlantic  52

走过大西洋  53

When you Love  54

当你恋爱时  55

Considering the Snail  56

蜗牛感怀  57

Song  58

歌  59

The Heart Of The Woman Analysis 60

姑娘的心 61

With you 62

和你在一起 63

White and black 64

黑白不同 66

Fire and Ice 67

火与冰 68

The White Birds 69

尖浪上的白鸟 70

How do I love thee 71

我是如此爱你 72

May It Be 73

祈愿 74

The Pride of Youth 76

青春的骄傲 77

Let me be a little kinder 78

让我更友善一点 79

If you were a teardrop 80

我眼中的一滴泪 81

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day 82

把你比作夏日 83

Joy in living 84

生活的乐趣 85

The furthest distance in the world 86

世界上最遥远的距离 87

The Shadow on the Stone 89

踪影 91

The Daffodils 93

水仙 95

Words  97

文字  98

My future's begun  99

我的未来起航了  100

My heart never knew  102

我的心迷失了方向  103

I Believe  104

我相信  105

I Think I Can  106

我想我能行  107

He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven  108

心愿  109

Never give up  110

永不放弃  111

The Fish  112

鱼  113

The Rainy Day  114

雨天  115

Look Not in My Eyes  116

请别看我的眼睛  117

Honeysuckle  118

忍冬  119

Words to Live by  120

给你生活的忠告  123

I Remember  126

记忆深处  128

The Bight  130

海湾  132

The old home town looks the same 134

故乡依旧 136

Those Childhood Days 138

童年时光 140

Friend 142

朋友 143

You know my heart 144

你知道我的心 146

When I Was One-and-Twenty by A.E.Housman 148

当我二十一岁时 149

A Psalm of Life 150

生之赞歌 152

Green sleeves 154

绿袖姑娘 156

These things shall never die 158

美好不会消逝 160

If 162

如果 164

Living Life Over 166

如果有来生 167

Think it over 168

思虑再三 170

Take me to a dream 172

带我进入你梦中 174

My father was my hero 176

我的父亲是我的英雄 178