
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王渊主编
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:756242666X
  • 页数:247 页

第1章 商业信函写作(Business Letter Writing) 1

1.1 商业信函的写作原则 1

1.2 商业信函的要素 2

1.3 商业信函的格式 4

1.4 商函的信封写法 7

第2章 建立商贸关系(Establishing a Business Relationship) 12

2.1 Seeking the Possibilities of Establishing a Business Relationship 12

2.3 Voluntary Trade Letter 13

2.2 Agreeing to Establish Business Relations 13

2.4 Trying to Resume Business Relations 14

2.5 Hoping to Set up Business Relations 14

课文参考译文 18

第3章 资信调查(Status Enquiries) 21

3.1 Status Enquiry 21

3.2 Favorable Reply 21

3.3 Unfavorable Reply 22

3.4 Apologizing for Not Supplying Definite Opinion 22

3.6 Replying to the Enquiry 23

3.5 Inquirying about Financial Standing 23

课文参考译文 26

第4章 询盘及答复(Inquiries and Replies) 30

4.1 Letters of Inquiry 30

4.2 Replies to the Inquiry 31

Trade Talks 34

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第5章 发盘与还盘(Offer and Counter-offer) 43

5.1 Offer 43

5.3 Acceptance 44

5.2 Counter-offer 44

5.4 Asking for Discount 45

5.5 A Non-Firm Offer 45

5.6 A Firm Offer 46

5.7 A Counter-offer 46

Trade Talks 48

课文参考译文 52

6.1 Sales Letter 57

第6章 促销(Sales Promotion) 57

6.2 Announcing New Products and Service Sold 58

6.3 Hoping Guest Come Again 59

6.4 The Reviver 59

Trade Talks 61

课文参考译文 65

第7章 订货及其履行(Orders and Execution) 70

7.1 Order Letters 70

7.2 Acknowledgment 71

7.4 Declining Ordered Price 72

7.3 Confirming an 0rder 72

7.5 Rejecting Buyer's Delivery Terms 73

7.6 Urging Shipment 74

7.7 Reply to the Letter of Urging Shipment 74

课文参考译文 84

第8章 支付条款(Terms of Payment) 90

8.1 Application Form for Credit 90

8.3 Agreeing to L/C Payment 91

8.2 Insisting on L/C Payment 91

8.4 Asking for More Discount 92

8.5 Rejecting More Discount 93

Trade Talks 94

课文参考译文 101

第9章 信用证的建立与修改(Establishment and Amendment of L/C) 105

9.1 Advising Establishment of L/C 105

9.2 Urging Establishment of L/C 106

9.3 Asking for L/C Amendment 106

9.4 Asking for Extension of L/C 107

9.5 Advice of Extension of L/C 107

9.6 Refusing Credit Amendment 108

9.7 Advice of Amendment of L/C 108

9.8 Advising Cancellation of Contract on Non-establishment 109

课文参考译文 111

第10章 装运(Shipment) 115

10.1 Shipping Instructions 115

10.3 Proposing Partial Shipment 116

10.2 Urging Earlier Shipment 116

10.4 Shipping Advice 117

10.5 Urging Shipping Advice 117

10.6 Apology for Delay in Shipment 118

Trade Talks 118

附1:装运提单式样 121

附2:品质检验证书式样 123

附3:发票式样 124

附4:原产地证明书式样 125

课文参考译文 125

第11章 保险(Insurance) 129

11.1 Applying for Insurance 129

11.2 Replying to a Request for Insurance 130

11.3 Asking for Additional Insurance 130

11.4 Replying to a Request for Excessive Insurance 131

11.5 About Marine Insurance Policy 131

11.7 The Main Contents of Insurance Documents 132

11.6 The Definition of Insurance Policy 132

11.8 Insurance Policy Stipulated in a L/C 133

Trade Talks 134

课文参考译文 137

第12章 索赔(Claim) 141

12.1 Claim for Inferior Quality 141

12.2 Rejecting the Claim(Repudiation of Claim) 142

12.3 Proposing Settlement by Arbitration 142

12.5 Accepting Complaint 143

12.4 on Award of Arbitration 143

12.6 Agreeing to Pay the Claim 144

12.7 Lodging a Claim with Carrier 144

12.8 Agreeing to Settlement 145

Trade Talks 146

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第13章 电子商务(E-commerce) 155

13.1 Development of E-commerce 155

13.2 Definition and Application of E-commerce 156

13.3 Benefits of E-commerce 157

13.4 Basic Models of E-business 159

13.5 Typical Process of an Online Shopping 160

13.6 Challenges and Their Solutions for E-business 161

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第14章 代理(Agency) 172

14.1 Applying for Sales Agency 172

14.2 An Unfavorable Reply 173

14.3 Accepting Proposal for Sole Agency 174

14.4 Sole Agency Agreement 175

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第15章 招标与投标(Tendering) 185

15.1 Introduction to Tendering 185

15.2 A Tender Notice 187

15.3 A Letter of Inviting Tenders 189

15.4 A Response to the Invitation of Tenders 190

Trade Talks 192

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16.1 Three Supplies and One Compensation 200

第16章 补偿贸易与加工贸易(Compensation Trade and Assembly Processing) 200

16.2 A Compensation Trade Letter 202

16.3 Processing With the Supplied Materials 203

Trade Talks 206

课文参考译文 210

第17章 合资(Joint Venture) 214

17.1 Study on Joint Venture 214

17.2 Joint Venture Contract 215

17.3 Talking about the Proportion of Investment 216

17.4 Joint Letter of Intention 217

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第18章 仲裁(Arbitration) 226

18.1 Trade Talks 226

18.2 Application for Arbitration 228

18.3 Statement of the Defendant's Case 229

18.4 F.T Arbitration Commission Award 230

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附录1 国际贸易常用语150词 235

附录2 国际贸易缩略语200词 240