《你也能说英语-口语入门 第9册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)国际教师服务中心
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1994
  • ISBN:781009906X
  • 页数:160 页


DIALOGUE "Jumping to Conclusions" 3

81.1 Tense Variations.Substitution 4

81.2 Conditions with IF I WERE YOU...Transformation 5

81.3 Relative Clauses with WHO or THAT as Subiect.Combination 6

81.4 Object Relative Clauses.Combination 7

81.5 Relative Clauses with Present Participles 8

81.6 Relative Clauses.Conversation 9

81.7 Tense Contrasts.Conversation 10

81.8 Free Answers to Mixed Questions 11

LESSON 82 13

NARRATIVE "The Bankrupt Heiress,"Part 1 15

82.1 Past to Perfect Tense Transformations 16

82.2 Wishes with WOULD.Conversation 17

82.3 Conditional Forms 18

82.4 WHERE,WHEN and WHY as Relative Pronouns.Combination 19

82.5 Relative Clauses with WHOSE.Q&A 21

82.6 Non-defining Relative Clauses.WHICH and WHO.Combination 22

82.7 SO+Adjective/Adverb+THAT...Combination 23

82.8 Free Answers to Mixed Questions 24

LESSON 83 25

DIALOGUE "Horror on the Late Show" 27

83.1 Questions on the Narrative:"The Bankrupt Heiress,"Part l 28

83.2 Various Verb Forms.Substitution 29

83.3 Past Conditional Forms 30

83.4 FIND+Object+Adjective 31

83.5 SO/SUCH...THAT.Combination 33

83.6 The Passive with GET.Transformation 34

83.7 Free Answers to Mixed Questions 35

LESSON 84 37

NARRATIVE "The Bankrupt Heiress,"Part 2 39

84.1 Passive Tense Variations.Substitution 40

84.2 Conditional Forms Contrasted.Situation Practice 41

84.3 Past Participles as Adjectives.Combination 42

84.4 Present and Past Participles as Adjectives 43


84.6 SO THAT and SO AS TO Expressing Purpose 46

84.7 Directed Conversation 47

84.8 Free Answers to Mixed Questions 48

LESSON 85 49

85.1 Questions on the Narrative:"The Bankrupt Heiress,"Part 2 50

85.2 Chart 3.IT'S BEEN...SINCE 51

85.3 Mixed Relative Clauses.Situation Practice 51

85.4 Chart 9.SO/SUCH...THAT 53

85.5 Chart 11.FIND IT+Adjective+TO+Verb 54

85.6 HA VE/GET SOMETHING DONE.Conversation 55

85.7 Verbs and Participles.Conversation 56

LESSON 86 57

DIALOGUE "First Day at Work" 59

86.1 Tense Variations.Substitution 60

86.2 Conditional Forms.Transformation 61

86.3 Verb+Object+Verb.MAKE,LET and HAVE.Substitution 62

86.4 More Verbs with Verb+Obiect+TO+Verb.Q&A 63

86.5 Chart 9.Verb Patterns with and without TO 64

86.6 MAKE,LET and HAVE.Transformation 65

86.7 HAVE and GET.Active and Passive Patterns.Q&A 66

86.8 Interrogative Word Review 67

LESSON 87 69

NARRATIVE "Just One of ThOSe Days" 71

87.1 Conditional Forms,WISH and MUST HAVE 72

87.2 NO MATTER 74

87.3 Chan 11.Subjunctive with SUGGEST,INSIST,RECOMMEND 3

87.4 BEFORE/AFTER+Gerund.Combination 75

87.5 Pattems with MAKE 76

87.6 Various Pattems with KEEP.Transformation 78


87.8 Interrogative Word Review 79

LESSON 88 81

DIALOGUE "Mr.Collins Eats Out" 83

88.1 Questions on the Narrative:"Just One of Those Days" 84

88.2 Verb Pattern Variations.Substitution 85

88.3 Conditional Forms.Q&A 86

88.4 Generalized Patterm:Verb+Object+Adjective or Participle 86

88.5 Verb+Object+FOR+Gerund.Combination 89

88.6 Chart 3.Verb+Object+FROM+Gerund 89

88.7 THE WAY 90

88.8 Interrogative Word Review 92

LESSON 89 93

NARRATIVE "An Absent-minded Professor" 95

89.1 Verb Pattern Variations.Substitution 96

89.2 Verb+Object+B Y+Gerund.Combination 96

89.3 BLAME and FAULT 98

89.4 Sentences Connected with EVEN THOUGH 100


89.6 Chart 6.HOWEVER,BESIDES and AFTER ALL 102

89.7 THE WAY.Adjective and Adverb Interchange.Conversation 103

89.8 Interrogative Word Review 103

LESSON 90 105

90.1 Questions on the Narrative:"An Absent-minded Professor" 106

90.2 Verb Pattern Variations.Substitution 107

90.3 Chart 9.Conditional Forms 108

90.4 Chart 7.Relative Clauses.Conversation 108

90.5 Chart 1.THE MORE...THE MORE/LESS 109

90.6 Chart 10.NO MATTER HOW 110

90.7 Chart 13.BEFORE/AFTER+Gerund.Q&A 111

90.8 Chart 16.BY+Gerund.Q&A 112

90.9 Verb+Object+Adjective/Participle.Conversation 112

Grammar,Vocabulary and Usage 115

G1ossary 141