CHAPTER1 出国篇 海外旅游第一步(First Step for Traveling Abroad) 1
Unit1 到机场登记搭记(Checking ln) 2
Uint2 如何出境检查(Embarkation Check)与登上正确的机门(Right Boarding Gate) 9
CHAPTER2 机上篇 飞机风云录(Flying in the Sky) 15
Unit1 上飞机,准备就座(Taking Your Seat) 16
Unit2 飞机上有哪些服务(Service on the Plane) 22
Unit3 注意,飞机要降落啦(Ready for Landing) 30
CHAPTER3 入境篇 莅临崭新的国度(Going to a New Country) 37
Unit1 过境(Transit)与转机(Transfer) 38
Unit2 入境(Immigration)与海关(Customs) 43
Unit3 处理行李签问题(Luggage Problems) 49
CHAPTER4 旅馆篇 尽情享受旅馆服务(At the Hotel) 57
Unit1 去旅馆途中(Moving to the Hotel) 58
Unit2 旅馆万事通(Staying at the Hotel) 63
Unit3 打个电话回家(Making a Phone Call) 72
Unit4 旅馆服务小锦囊(Hotel Room Service) 79
CHAPTER5 交通通信篇 想到哪就到哪(Walking Down the Street) 87
Unit1 去邮局(You ve Got Mail) 88
Unit2 银行实况报道(Bank,Bank,Bank) 94
Unit3 迷路了要问谁(When You Lost) 98
Unit4 公车,你要去哪里(Taking a Bus) 103
Unit5 快速租车的诀窍(Key to Rent a Car) 108
CHAPTER6 购物篇 疯狂大血拼(Shopping) 115
Unit1 到餐厅享受美食(Enjoying Food in the Restaurant) 116
Unit2 到百货公司大抢购(Shopping in the Department Store) 121
Unit3 到超级市场逛逛(Walking around the Supermarket) 127
Unit1 要去哪儿观光呢(Schedule of Sightseeing) 134
CHAPTER7 观光篇 百闻不如一见(Sightseeing) 134
Unit2 博物馆里有什么(In the Museum) 140
Unit3 电影好看吗(Going to the Movie Theater) 145
Unit4 没油了,怎么办(At the Gas Station) 150
CHAPTER8 归国篇 平安回家(Going Back Home) 155
Unit1 离开旅馆退房啦(Checking Out) 156
Unit2 确认机位回家啦(Flight Confirmation) 161
CHAPTER9 附录篇 精选实用会话语句(Practical Conversational Sentences) 167