
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李芳琴主编
  • 出 版 社:成都:四川人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:722005839X
  • 页数:308 页

Part One Preparation 1

Lesson One Memory and Memory Exercise 1

Ⅰ.口译短期记忆的特点 1

Ⅱ.Memory Exercise 3

Text One段落复述练习 3

Text Two体育文化 5

Text Three Learning Foreign Languages 6

Text Four Hackers on the Internet 7

Ⅲ.Interpreting Exercise 8

Text One The Second Toughest Job in the United States 8

Text Two Culture Shock 10

Ⅳ.Notes 12

Lesson Two Note-taking in Interpretaion(1) 14

Ⅰ.口译笑记的特点和常用格式 14

Ⅱ.Note-taking Exercise 17

Text One中美关系的新发展 17

Text Two21世纪的人才竞争 18

Ⅲ.Memory Exercise 19

Text One The Big Apple Greeter Scheme 19

Text Two Shopping for Fine Art Abroad 21

Text One Characteristics of U.S.Americans 22

Ⅳ.Interpreting Exercise 22

Text Two 中国丝绸 24

Ⅴ.Notes 26

Lesson Three Note-taking in Interpretaion(2) 28

Ⅰ.口译笔记的常用记录方法 28

Ⅱ.Note-taking Exercise 30

Text One中国体育产业化现状 30

Text Two The Critical Three Minutes in Oral Presentation 31

Ⅲ.Memory Exercise 32

Text Social Security Reform 32

Text One Interview Preparation 35

Ⅳ.Interpreting Exercise 35

Text Two Human Capacity Building in New Zealand 36

Ⅴ.Notes 38

Lesson Four Interpreting Numbers 41

Ⅰ.数字口译及其速记的基本技巧 41

Ⅱ.Interpreting Exercise 42

Text One Retirement Trend 42

Text Two 今日浦东 43

Text Three The Word s Population 44

Text Four 高新技术成果交易会 46

Text Five 从数字看四川 48

Ⅲ.Notes 49

Part Two Practice in Speech Types 56

Lesson Five Narrative Speeches(1) 56

Ⅰ.叙述类讲话的基本特点 56

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 57

Text One Part-time Job for the American Students 57

Text Two 大禹治水 59

Text Three An Unforgettable Experience*60++++Text Four 中秋节 63

Ⅲ. Notes 64

Lesson Six Narrative Speeches(2) 69

Ⅰ.口译与笔译的异同 69

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 72

Text One A Letter from American Embassy 72

Text Two Higher Education in America 74

Text Three 中国“入世”磨难记 76

Text Four Internet Insecurity*78++++Ⅲ. Notes 81

Lesson Seven Introductory Speeches(1) 85

Ⅰ. 介绍类讲话的基本特点 85

Text One The British Educational System 87

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 87

Text Two 重庆概况 89

Text Three International Technology Transfer(ITT) 91

Text Four独特的屯人 93

Ⅲ. Notes 95

Lesson Eight Introductory Speeches(2) 100

Ⅰ.理解与主题思想的区别 100

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 101

Text One 重庆高新技术产业开发区 101

Text Two The Liberty Mutual Group 104

Text Three 海尔集团的策略 107

Text Four Mott MacDnald Group Ltd. 109

Ⅲ. Notes 112

Lesson Nine Introductory Speeches(3) 117

Ⅰ.口译中的释意 117

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 118

Text One 成都天奥实业有限公司简介 118

Text Two York International 121

Text Three 四川省西部大开发目标 123

Text Four International to a Product 126

Ⅲ. Notes 128

Ⅰ.论证类讲话的基本特点 133

Lesson Ten Argumentative Speeches(1) 133

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 134

Text One 中国财政经济状况 134

Text Two Against Deforestation 136

Text Three 中美贸易逆差问题 139

Text Four Anti-poverty Action 140

Ⅲ. Notes 143

Lesson Eleven Argumentative Speeches(2) 148

Ⅰ.如何进行口译前的准备 148

Text One Employees Needed for the E-era 150

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 150

Text Two 东西文化 153

Text Three Who Suffer More: Women or Men 156

Text Four Standardized Language 158

Ⅲ. Notes 161

Lesson Twelve Argumentative Speeches(3) 165

Ⅰ.如何处理跨文化交际中出现的问题 165

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 167

Text One The Success of Silicon Valley 167

Text Two 期等中华文化黄金时代的重现 170

Text Three Asian and American Values 172

Text Four 二十世纪的经验和教训 174

Ⅲ. Notes 178

Part Three Comprehensive Interpreting Exercise 182

Lesson Thirteen Public Speaking Interpretation 182

Ⅰ.演讲口译的基本特点 182

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 184

Text One A Farewell Speech 184

Text Two An Inaugural Address 186

Text Three 新年贺词 189

Ⅲ. Notes 191

Lesson Fourteen Ceremonial Speeches(1) 195

Ⅰ.礼仪讲话的常见类型及其特点 195

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 196

Text One A Welcoming Speech 196

Text Two 三峡国际旅游节开幕词致词 199

Text Three A Closing Speech 200

Text Four 欢迎词 202

Ⅲ. Notes 205

Lesson Fifteen Ceremonial Speeches(2) 211

Ⅰ.口译中的应对策略 211

Text One 中英建筑工程研讨会致词 212

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 212

Text Two A Speech at a Seminar 214

Text Three Opening Speech at the Fortune Forum 215

Text Four “博鳌亚洲论坛”成立大会致词 217

Ⅲ. Notes 219

Lesson Sixteen Tour Guide Interpretation*224++Ⅰ.导游口译的特点 224

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 226

Text One 旅行社简介 226

Text Two 游览浙江 228

Text Three Hong Kong 230

Text Four American Food Habits 232

Ⅲ. Notes 234

Lesson Seventeen Interview Interpretation(1) 238

Ⅰ.访谈口泽的基本特点 238

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 239

Text One 采访上海汽车工业集团总裁 239

Text Two Interview with CEO of Kodak 242

Text Three 采访市长 245

Text Four 采访嘉陵摩托车集团总裁 248

Ⅲ. Notes 250

Ⅰ.口译交际的基本特点 256

Lesson Eighteen Interview Interpretation(2) 256

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 257

Text One 朱总理答记者问(1) 257

Text Two 朱总理答记得问(2) 260

Text Three 唐外长答记者问(1) 264

Text Four 唐外长答记者问(2) 266

Ⅲ. Notes 269

Lesson Nineteen Business Interpretation(1) 274

Ⅰ.商务口译的特点 274

Text One Amicable Settlement 276

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 276

Text Two Conclusion of Business 279

Ⅲ. Notes 285

Ⅵ. Related Words and Expressions 286

Lesson Twenty Business Interpretation(2) 292

Ⅰ.口译职业准则 292

Ⅱ. Interpreting Exercise 294

Text One Investment 294

Text Two 宽带网在中国 297

Text Three The Media Sector 300

Ⅲ. Notes 303

主要参考书目 307