
  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张启运,庄鸿寿主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7111069293
  • 页数:532 页

目录 Contents 1

前言 Preface 1

第1章 绪论 Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 钎焊方法的原则和特点 Principle and characteristic of brazing and soldering technique 1

1.2 液体钎料对固体母材的润湿 The wetting of liquid filler metal on a solid base metal 2

1.2.1 固体金属的表面结构 The surface structure of solid metal 2

1.2.2 液体钎料与固体母材的润湿 Wetting of liquid filler on solid base metal 2

1.2.3 熔态钎料在钎剂(第二液体)中与母材间界面张力的变化 The change of interfacial tension 4

between molten filler and base metal immersed in a fused flux (a second liquid 4

1.2.4 金属母材表面的氧化膜及其去除机制 Oxide film on base metal and its removal 6

mechanism 6

1.3 液体钎料与固体母材的相互作用 Reaction of liquid filler with solid base metal 8

1.3.1 液体金属与固体金属的相互作用 Reaction of liquid metal with solid metal 8

clearance of base metal and less homogeneity of the formed fillet 10

1.3.3 熔态钎料在母材间隙中的流动和钎缝结构的不均匀性 Flowing of molten filler metal in the 10

1.3.2 钎料的构成 Construction of filler metals 10

1.3.4 熔析与熔蚀 Segregation and erosion 11

1.4 钎缝中熔态钎料的凝固和钎缝的金相组织 Solidfication of molten filler metal in clearance and the 13

micrographic structure of the fillet 13

1.4.1 共晶钎缝组织 The structure of eutectic fillet 13

1.4.2 晶间渗透组织 The fillet structure with intercrystalline penetration 13

1.4.3 有化合物生成的钎缝组织 The fillet structure with intermetallics 14

1.5 钎剂、钎料的选择与搭配 Selection and matching of fluxes with filler metals 15

1.5.1 钎剂的选择 Selection of fluxes 15

1.5.2 钎料的选择 Selection of filler metals 17

1.5.3 钎剂与钎料的搭配 Matching of filler metal with flux 19

1.6 钎焊工艺 Technology of brazing and soldering 19

1.6.1 接头的形式与钎料在钎缝中的流动性 Joint types and flowability of molten filler metal in the 20

clearance 20

1.6.3 工件的升温速度和冷却速度 Heating and cooling rate of workpiecs in brazing process 21

1.6.2 加热方法 Methods for heating 21

1.6.4 钎焊接头的保温处理和结构的弥散 Annealing for brazed joints and structure dispersion in the 22

fillet 22

参考文献 23

第2章 铝及铝合金的钎焊 Chapter 2 Brazing and soldering of aluminum and its 25

alloys 25

2.1 概述 Introduction 25

2.2 铝及铝合金的编号 Designation of aluminum and it alloys 25

2.3 铝及铝合金的理化性质 The physical and chemical properties of aluminum and its alloys 27

2.3.1 铝及铝合金的物理性质 The physical properties of aluminum and its alloys 27

2.3.2 铝及铝合金的化学性质 The chemical properties of aluminum and its alloys 30

2.4 铝氧化膜的本质及其在加热时的变化 The nature of oxide film on aluminum and its change 32

during heating 32

2.5 铝钎剂 Flux for aluminum brazing and soldering 33

2.5.1 铝的硬钎剂 Fluxes for Aluminum brazing 33

2.5.2 铝的软钎剂 Fluxes for Aluminum soldering 43

2.6 钎焊时铝氧化膜的脱除机制 Removal mechanism of oxide film on aluminum during brazing 45

2.6.1 铝氧化膜与熔盐钎剂的相互作用 Reaction of oxide film on aluminum with molten salt 45

flux 45

2.6.2 真空环境下金属蒸气对铝氧化膜的破坏 Disruption of oxide film on aluminum by metal 48

vapor in vacuum environment 48

2.7 铝钎料 Brazing filler metals and solders for aluminum alloys 48

2.7.1 Al-Si系钎料(液相点温度范围570~630℃) Filler metals of Al-Si series(melting range 49

570~630℃ 49

2.7.2 Al-Si-Cu-Zn系钎料(液相点温度范围500~577℃) Filler metals of Al-Si-Cu-Zn 51

series(melting range 500~577℃ 51

2.7.3 AL-Cu-Ag-Zn系钎料(液相点温度范围400~500℃) Filler metals of Al-Cu-Ag-Zn 52

series(melting range 400~500℃ 52

2.7.4 Al-Ge-Si系钎料(液相点温度范围425~500℃) Filler metals of Al-Ge-Si series 54

(melting range 425~500℃ 54

382~400℃ 55

2.7.5 Zn-A1系钎料(液相点温度范围382~400℃) Solders of Zn-Al series(metling range 55

2.7.6 Cd-Zn系钎料(液相点温度范围265~350℃) Solders of Cd-Zn series(melting range 56

265~350℃ 56

2.7.7 Sn-Zn系钎料(液相点温度范围198~260℃) Solders of Sn-Zn series(melting range 57

198~260℃ 57

2.7.8 Sn-Pb系钎料(液相点温度范围183~270℃) Solders of Sn-Pb series(melting range 57

183~270℃ 57

2.7.9 Pb-Bi系钎料(液相点温度范围124~200℃) Solders of Pb-Bi series(melting range 60

124~200℃ 60

2.8 铝钎焊的焊前准备和焊后处理 Pre-braze preparations and post-braze operations 61

2.8.1 接头和夹具的设计 Joint and jig design 61

2.8.2 工件的预清洗 Pre-cleaning of workpieces to be brazed 65

2.8.3 工件焊后的清洗 Post-braze cleaning of workpieces 66

2.8.4 镀覆 Finishing 68

参考文献 69

第3章 铜和铜合金的钎焊 Chapter 3 Brazing and soldering of copper and copper 73

alloys 73

3.1 概述 Introduetion 73

3.2 钎焊性 Brazability and solderability 73

3.2.1 紫铜 Copper 73

3.2.2 黄铜 Brasses 74

3.2.3 锡黄铜 Tin brasses 75

3.2.4 铅黄铜 Leaded brasses 75

3.2.5 锰黄铜 Manganese brasses 75

3.2.6 锡青铜 Tin bronzes 75

3.2.7 铝青铜 Aluminium bronzes 75

3.2.8 铍青铜 Beryllium bronzes 75

3.2.9 硅青铜 Silicon bronzes 75

3.3.1 锡基钎料 Tin base solders 76

3.3 软钎料 Solders 76

3.2.10 铬青铜和镉青铜 Chromium bronzes and cadmium bronzes 76

3.2.11 锌白铜和锰白铜 Copper-nickel alloys 76

3.3.2 铅基钎料 Lead base solders 79

3.3.3 镉基钎料 Cadmium base solders 79

3.3.4 无铅钎料 Lead-free solders 82

3.4 硬钎料 Brazing filler metals 85

3.4.1 银基钎料 Silver base filler metals 85

3.4.2 铜磷钎料 Copper-phosphrous filler metals 92

3.5 软钎剂 Soldering flux 96

3.5.1 腐蚀性钎剂 Corrosive fluxes 98

3.5.2 弱腐蚀性钎剂 Intermediate corrosive fluxes 99

3.5.3 无腐蚀性钎剂 Non-corrosive fluxes 100

3.6 硬钎剂 Brazing fluxes 101

3.7 表面准备 Surface preparation 103

3.8 钎焊工艺 Technology of soldering and brazing 103

3.8.3 铜和黄铜软钎焊接头强度 The strength of copper and brass joints with solders 104

3.8.1 铜 Copper 104

3.8.2 黄铜 Brasses 104

3.8.4 锰黄铜 Manganese brasses 110

3.8.5 铍青铜 Beryllium bronzes 110

3.8.6 铬青铜 Chromium bronzes 110

3.8.7 镉青铜和锡青铜 Cadmium bronzes and tin bronzes 110

3.8.8 硅青铜 Silicon bronzes 110

3.8.9 铝青铜 Aluminium bronzes 111

3.8.10 锌白铜和锰白铜 Copper-nickel alloys 111

参考文献 111

第4章 电子工业中的软钎焊 Chapter 4 Soldering in electronic industry 113

4.1 概述 Introduction 113

4.1.1 软钎焊在电子工业中的地位 The position of soldering technique in electronic industry 113

4.1.2 电子工业中钎焊连接的特点及发展趋势 The characteristic and development of soldering 113

technique in electronic industry 113

4.2.2 钎料与母材间的相互作用 Interaction between solder and base metal 114

4.2.1 软钎焊的定义 The definition of soldering 114

4.2 软钎焊连接的基本原理 Fundamentals of soldering 114

4.2.3 软钎焊性 Solderability 118

4.2.4 影响电子元器件软钎焊性的因素 Influence factors on solderability of electronic 119

conponents 119

4.3 软钎料合金 Solder alloys 120

4.3.1 锡铅钎料 Tin-lead solders 120

4.3.2 无铅钎料 Lead-free solders 125

4.3.3 其它软钎料 Some other solders 127

4.3.4 锡合金的抗氧化处理 Protection of tin alloys from oxidation 128

4.4 软钎剂 Fluxes for soldering 129

4.4.1 松香基软钎剂 Rosin fluxes 130

4.4.2 非松香基软钎剂 Rosin-free fluxes 130

4.4.3 水溶性软钎剂 Water-soluble soldering fluxes 131

4.4.4 免清洗软钎剂 No-clean soldering fluxes 132

4.5.1 药芯软钎焊丝 Flux-cored solder wire 133

4.5 药芯软钎焊丝和钎料膏 Flux-cored solder wire and solder paste 133

4.5.2 钎料膏 Solder paste 134

4.6 机械化软钎焊技术 Machine soldering processes 139

4.6.1 机械化软钎焊过程概述 Introduction of machine soldering processes 139

4.6.2 钎剂涂覆 Fluxing 140

4.6.3 浸渍软钎焊 Dip soldering 141

4.6.4 拖焊 Dray soldering 142

4.6.5 波峰焊 Wave soldering 143

4.7 表面组装技术及再流焊方法 Surface mount technology and reflow soldering process 145

4.7.1 表面组装技术简介 Introduction on surface mount technology 145

4.7.2 气相再流软钎焊 Vapor reflow soldering 146

4.7.3 红外再流软钎焊 Infrared reflow soldering 147

4.7.4 激光再流软钎焊 Laser reflow soldering 148

4.7.5 SMT焊点的可靠性问题 Reliability of soldered joints by SMT 150

4.8 烙铁软钎焊 Iron soldering 153

参考文献 154

cast iron 156

5.1 碳钢的钎焊性 Brazability and solderability of carbon steels 156

5.2 碳钢的表面清理 Surface preparation of steels 156

5.3 碳钢的软钎焊 Soldering of steels 156

第5章 碳钢、铸铁的钎焊 Chapter 5 Brazing and soldering of carbon steels and 156

5.4 碳钢的硬钎焊 Brazing of steels 157

5.4.1 还原性气氛 Reduction atmospheres 157

5.4.2 惰性气体 Inert gas 161

5.4.3 真空 Vacuum 161

5.5 钎焊工艺 Technology of brazing 164

5.5.1 铜钎料 Copper filler metals 164

5.5.2 黄铜钎料 Brass filler metals 165

5.5.3 银基钎料 Silver base filler metals 167

5.5.4 钎焊接头强度 Strength of brazed joints 167

5.6.1 概述 Introduction 169

5.6 铸铁的钎焊 Brazing of cast iron 169

5.6.2 铸铁的钎焊性 Brazability of cast iron 170

5.6.3 钎焊工艺 Technology of brazing 171

参考文献 173

第6章 不锈钢的钎焊 Chapter 6 Brazing and soldering of stainless steels 175

6.1 概述 Introduction 175

6.2 不锈钢的钎焊性 Brazability and solderability of stainless steels 176

6.3 表面准备 Surface preparation 177

6.4 不锈钢的软钎焊 Soldering of stainless steels 177

6.5 不锈钢的硬钎焊 Brazing of stainless steels 178

6.5.1 银基自钎剂钎料 Silver base self-fluxing filler metals 178

6.5.2 高温铜基钎料 High temperature copper base filler metals 179

6.5.3 锰基钎料 Manganese filler metals 181

6.5.4 镍基钎料 Nickel filler metals 182

6.5.5 金基钎料 Gold filler metals 190

6.5.6 含钯钎料 Palladium-bearing filler metals 192

6.5.7 硬钎剂 Brazing fluxes 194

6.5.8 硬钎焊工艺 Technology for brazing of stainless steels 194

参考文献 209

第7章 高温合金的钎焊 Chapter 7 Brazing of high temperature alloys 211

7.1 概述 Introduction 211

7.2 钎焊性 Brazability 211

7.3 钎料 Brazing filler metals 214

7.3.1 银基钎料 Silver filler metals 214

7.3.2 纯铜钎料 Pure copper used as filler metal 214

7.3.3 镍基钎料 Nickel filler metals 214

7.3.4 活性扩散钎焊钎料 Activated diffusion brazing filler metals 215

7.4 钎焊工艺 Brazing technology of high temperature alloys 216

7.5 TD-Ni的钎焊 Brazing of TD-Ni 228

7.6.1 瞬态液相连接的过程 Transient liquid phase bonding process 229

7.6 瞬态液相连接 Transient liquid phase bonding 229

7.6.2 瞬态液相连接的参数 Parameters of the transient liquid phase bonding 230

7.7 大间隙钎焊 Wide-gap brazing 235

7.7.1 混合粉末法 Brazing with mixed powders 235

7.7.2 预填高熔点粉末法 Preplacement with high melting point powders 237

参考文献 241

第8章 钨、钼、钽、铌的钎焊 Chapter 8 Brazing oftungsten,molybdenum,tantalum 243

and niobium 243

8.1 概述 Introduction 243

8.2 钨、钼、钽、铌及其合金的物理、化学及力学性能 Physical,chemical and mechanical properties of 243

tungsten,molybdenum,tantalum,niobium and their alloys 243

8.2.1 钨、钼、钽、铌及其合金的物理及力学性能 Physical and mechanical properties of tungsten, 243

molybdenum,tantalum and their alloys 243

8.2.2 钨、钼、钽、铌的化学性能 Chemical properties of tungsten,molybdenum,tantalum 244

and niobium 244

tantalum,niobium and their alloys 246

8.2.3 钨、钼、钽、铌及其合金牌号与性能 Designation and properties of tungsten,molybdenum, 246

8.3 钨、钼、钽、铌的钎焊工艺 Brazing technology for tungsten,molybdenum,tantalum and niobium 250

8.3.1 钨、钼、钽、铌钎焊前准备 Surface preparation for brazing tungsten,molybdenum,tantalum and 250

niobium 250

8.3.2 钨、钼及其合金的钎焊 Brazing of tungsten,molybdenum and and their alloys 251

8.3.3 钽铌及其合金的钎焊 Brazing of tungsten,nioblum and their alloys 253

8.4 钨、钼、钽、铌钎焊接头的应用 Applications of brazed joints of tungsten,molybdenum,tantalum 253

and niobium 253

参考文献 254

9.2 钛、锆及其合金的理化特性及分类 Physical and chemical properties and classification of titanium, 255

9.2.1 钛及其合金的理化特性及分类 Physical and chemical properties and classification of titanium and 255

zirconium and their alloys 255

its alloys 255

their alloys 255

第9章 钛、锆及其合金的钎焊 Chapter 9 Brazing of titanium,zirconlum and 255

9.1 概述 Introduction 255

9.2.2 锆及其合金的理化特性及分类 Physical and chemical properties and classification of zirconium and 256

its alloys 256

9.3 钛、锆及其合金钎焊特点 Brazing characteristics of titanium,zirconium and their alloys 258

9.4 钎料Filler metals 259

9.4.1 钛及其合金钎焊用钎料 Filler metals for brazing titanium and its alloys 259

9.4.2 锆及其合金钎焊用钎料 Filler metals for brazing zirconium and its alloys 269

9.6 钎焊前清理和表面准备 Cleaning and surface preparation priorto brazing 271

9.5 钎焊方法和设备 Brazing methods and equipments 271

9.7 钎剂和保护气氛 Fluxes and protective atmospheres 272

9.8 钛合金与其它金属的钎焊 Brazing of titanium alloys to other metals 273

9.8.1 钛与铝的钎焊 Brazing titanium to aluminum 273

9.8.2 钛与不锈钢的钎焊 Brazimg titanium to stainless steel 273

9.8.3 钛与铜的钎焊 Brazing titanium to copper 274

9.8.4 钛与铍的钎焊 Brazing titanium to beryllium 275

9.9 钛合金钎焊技术的发展 Developments in brazing technology of titanium alloys 275

9.9.1 焊接钎焊 Weld-brazing 275

9.9.3 液相界面扩散焊 Liquid interface diffusion bonding 276

9.9.2 瞬间液相扩散焊 Transient liquid phase diffusion bonding 276

9.10 应用 Applications 282

9.10.1 钛及钛合金钎焊的应用 Applications of brazing titanium and its alloys 282

9.10.2 锆及锆合金钎焊的应用 Applictions of brazing zirconium and its alloys 285

参考文献 285

第10章 铍、镁及其合金的钎焊 Chapter 10 Brazing of beryllium,magnesium and their 288

alloys 288

10.1 铍的钎焊 Brazing of beryllium 288

10.1.1 铍的物理化学特性 Physical and chemical properties of beryllium 288

10.1.2 铍的钎焊过程 Brazing procedures of beryllium 289

10.1.3 铍的各种钎焊方法 methods of beryllium brazing 293

10.1.4 铍钎焊时应注意的问题 Notes on brazing of beryllium 295

10.1.5 铍钎焊的应用 Applications 295

10.2.1 镁和镁合金的物理化学性能 Physical and chemical properties of magnesium and its alloys 296

10.2 镁和镁合金的钎焊 Brazing of magnesium and its alloys 296

10.2.2 镁合金钎焊用钎料 Filler metals for brazing magnesium alloys 297

10.2.3 镁及其合金的钎焊方法 Brazing processes for magnesium and its alloys 298

参考文献 299

第11章 硬质合金的钎焊 Chapter 11 Brazing of hard metals 300

11.1 概述 Introduction 300

11.1.1 硬质合金的冶金特性 The metallurgical character of hard metals 300

11.1.2 硬质合金的分类 Classification of hard metals 301

11.1.3 硬质合金的物理、力学性能 Physical and mechanical properties of hard metals 301

11.2 硬质合金的钎焊性 The brazability of hard metals 302

11.3 钎料 Filler metals 303

11.4 钎剂 Fluxes 304

11.5 硬质合金钎焊的基本问题 The essential problems in the brazing of hard metals 304

11.5.1 钎焊裂纹及其防止 Brazing crack and its prevention 304

properties of brazed joint and the measures for improving the strength of brazed joint 306

11.5.3 其它影响接头性能的问题和提高接头强度的措施 Some other problems which influence the 306

and properties of hard metals 306

11.5.2 钎焊热过程对硬质合金组织、性能的影响 Influnece of brazing thermal process on the structure 306

11.6 硬质合金的典型钎焊工艺举例 Examples of typical brazing technique for hardmetals 308

11.6.1 硬质合金切削刀具的钎焊工艺 Brazing technique of cutting tools 308

11.6.2 硬质合金钎头的钎焊 Brazing of rock bit drill of hard metal 310

11.6.3 矿山采掘工具的钎焊 Brazing of excavated tools of mining 311

参考文献 312

第12章 石墨及金刚石的钎焊 Chapter 12 Brazing of graphite and diamond 314

12.1 概述 Introduction 314

12.2 石墨和金刚石的钎焊性 Brazability of graphite and diamond 315

12.3 钎焊方法和影响钎焊质量的因素 Brazing process and influence factors on the quality of joints 317

12.3.1 钎焊方法 Brazing process 317

12.3.2 影响钎焊质量的因素 Influence factors on the quality ofjoints 317

12.4 钎料Filler metals 318

12.5.1 石墨与石墨的钎焊 Briazing of graphite to graphite 319

materials 319

12.5 石墨-石墨以及石墨与其它材料的钎焊 Brazing of graphite-graphite and graphite with other 319

12.5.2 石墨与不锈钢的钎焊 Briazing of graphite to stainless steel 320

12.5.3 石墨与钼的钎焊以及用钼作过渡层进行高膨胀系数合金的钎焊 Brazing of graphite with 320

molybdenum and which used as transition-layer for brazing the alloy with high expansion 320

coefficient 320

12.5.4 石墨与钨的钎焊 Brazing of graphite to tungsten 321

12.5.5 石墨与陶瓷的钎焊 Brazing of graphite to ceramics 322

12.6 金刚石的钎焊工艺 Brazing technology of diamond 322

12.6.1 天然金刚石的钎焊 Brazing of natural diamond 322

12.6.2 聚晶金刚石的钎焊 Brazing of polycrystalline diamond(PCD 322

12.6.3 聚晶金刚石复合片的钎焊 Brazing of polycrystaline diamond composite(PDC 323

参考文献 324

第13章 半导体材料硅、砷化镓的钎焊 Chapter 13 Soldering of semiconductor materials 325

-silicon and GaAs 325

13.1 概述 Introduction 325

13.2 半导体材料简介 Brief introduction of semiconductor materials 325

13.2.1 硅的物理、化学特性 Physical and chemical properties of silicon 326

13.2.2 砷化镓的物理、化学特性 Physical and chemical properties of GaAs 327

13.3 硅器件钎焊技术 Soldering techniques of silicon devices 328

13.3.1 硅器件用材料 Solders for soldering silicon devices 328

13.3.2 焊区金属化层的制备 Preparation of metallization for bonding zone 329

13.3.3 硅器件钎焊工艺 Soldering procedures of silicon devices 331

13.4 砷化镓器件的钎焊 Soldering of GaAs-devices 332

13.4.1 金属—半导体接触及金属化 Contacts of metal-semiconductor and metallization 332

13.4.2 芯片钎焊 Soldering of chips 333

13.5 其他钎焊方法 Other brazing processes 337

参考文献 337

第14章 陶瓷与金属的钎焊 Chapter 14 Brazing of ceramic to metal 338

14.1 概述 Introduction 338

14.2 陶瓷与金属钎焊常用材料 Conventional materials for ceraric-to-metal brazing 339

14.2.1 陶瓷 Ceramics 339

14.2.2 金属与合金 Metals and alloys 343

14.2.3 钎料 Brazing filler metals 344

14.3 陶瓷与金属钎焊工艺 Brazing technology of ceramic-to-metal 346

14.3.1 通用工艺 Current procedures 346

14.3.2 烧结金属粉末法(Mo-Mn法) Sintered metal powder process(Moly-manganese process 347

14.3.3 活性金属钎料法 Active alloy(metal)processes 348

14.3.4 其他钎焊连接方法 Other brazing joining processes 353

14.4 陶瓷与金属钎焊连接过程 Joining procedures for ceramic-to-metal 355

14.4.1 氧化物陶瓷与金属连接过程 Joining procedures for oxide ceramic-to-metal 355

14.4.2 非氧化物陶瓷与金属连接过程 Joining procedures for non-oxide ceramic-fo-metal 357

14.5 陶瓷与金属钎焊接头设计 Joint design of ceramic-to-metal brazing 358

14.5.1 钎焊接头基本形式 Basic types of brazed joints 358

14.5.2 钎焊接头设计注意事项 Notes on design of brazed joints 361

14.5.3 陶瓷与金属钎焊结构应用实例 Applications of ceramic-to-metal brazed constructions 361

14.6 陶瓷与金属钎焊接头的质量检验 Inspection of ceramic-to-metal brazed joints 363

14.6.1 钎焊接头的气密性检查 Leak testing of brazed joints 363

14.6.2 钎焊接头的强度测试方法 Strength testing methods for brazed joints 364

参考文献 366

第15章 真空电子器件常用金属的钎焊 Chapter 15 Brazing of commonly used metals for 367

vacuum electronic devices 367

15.1 概述 Introduction 367

15.2 真空电子器件钎焊常用金属和材料 Conventional metals and filler metals for brazing in vacuum 368

electronic devices 368

15.2.1 金属与合金 Metals and alloys 368

15.2.2 钎料 Brazing filler metals 371

15.3 钎焊工艺技术 Brazing techniques 374

15.3.1 金属零件的焊前处理 Prebraze treatment of metallic parts 374

15.3.2 钎焊方法与工艺规范 Brazing processes and operating parameters 376

15.3.3 钎焊用模、夹具的设计 Design of fixed mould for brazing 377

15.3.4 多级钎焊 Multi-step brazing 377

15.4 钎焊接头设计 Design of brazing joints 377

15.4.1 钎焊接头基本形式 Basic types of brazed joints 377

15.4.2 钎焊接头设计注意事项 Notes design of brazed joint 378

15.5 真空电子器件钎焊接头的气密性检验技术 Leak testing techniques for brazed joints in 379

vacuum electronic devices 379

15.6 真空电子器件钎焊的应用实例 Applications of brazing in vacuum electronic devices 379

15.6.1 功率发射管中钎焊的应用 Applications of brazing in high-power emitting tubes 379

15.6.2 微波器件中钎焊的应用 Applications of brazing in microwave devices 381

参考文献 383

第16章 贵金属及其合金的钎焊 Chapter 16 Brazing and soldering of precious metals and 385

their alloys 385

16.1 贵金属及其合金的性能和应用 Properties and applications of precious metals and their alloys 385

16.1.1 贵金属及其性能 Precious metals and their properties 385

16.1.2 贵金属材料的钎焊 Brazing and soldering of precious metal materials 385

16.2 贵金属镀层的软钎焊 Soldering of precious metal plating in electronic regione 386

16.2.1 镀银电子器件的软钎焊 Soldering of silver-plated electronic devices 386

16.2.2 镀金器件的软钎焊 Soldering of gold-plated electronic devices 388

16.3.2 各种导电膜的钎焊 Soldering of electroconductive films 390

16.3.1 厚膜电路钎焊特点 The soldering characteristics of precious metal thick-film circuits 390

16.3 贵金属厚膜电路的钎焊 Soldering of precious metal thick-film circuits 390

16.4 贵金属饰品的钎焊 Brazing of precious metal ornaments 391

16.4.1 金饰品 Gold ornaments and their brazing 391

16.4.2 银饰品 Silver ornaments and their brazing 398

16.4.3 铂族金属饰品 Ornaments made from platinum metals and their brazing 399

16.5 贵金属齿科材料的钎焊 Brazing of dental meterials made from precious metals 400

16.5.1 贵金属齿科材料 Dental meterials made from precious metals 400

16.5.2 钎料 Filler metals for brazing dental meterials 401

16.5.3 钎焊方法 Brazing processes of detal materials 403

16.6 贵金属电接触材料的钎焊 Brazing and soldering of precious metal contactor materials 404

16.6.1 贵金属电接触材料 Contactor materials made of precious metals 404

16.6.2 钎料 Filler metals for brazing contactor 405

16.6.3 钎焊方法 Brazing and soldering processes of precious metal contactor 406

16.7 其它领域贵金属材料的钎焊 Brazing of precious metals applicated in some other regions 407

参考文献 409

第17章 复合材料的钎焊 Chapter 17 Brazing and soldering of composite materials 410

17.1 概述 Introduction 410

17.1.1 复合材料的分类 Classification of composite 410

materials 410

17.1.2 复合材料的特点及应用范围 Characteristics and applications of composite materials 410

17.2 金属基复合材料的钎焊 Brazing and soldering of metal-matrix composite materials 411

17.2.1 金属基复合材料的钎焊特点 Brazing and soldering characteristics of metal-matrix composite 412

materials 412

17.2.2 接头承载能力的评定 Estimation of load-bearing ability of a joint 414

17.2.3 颗粒或短纤维增强铝基复合材料钎焊 Brazing of particlte or short-fiber reinforced 414

aluminum-matrix composite materials 414

17.2.4 纤维增强铝基复合材料钎焊 Brazing and soldering of fiber-reinforced aluminum-matrix 416

composite materials 416

17.2.5 纤维增强钛基复合材料的钎焊 Brazing of fiber-reinforced titanium-matrix composite 423

materials 423

17.2.6 碳/碳复合材料的钎焊 Brazing of C/C composite materials 425

17.2.7 陶瓷基复合材料的钎焊 Brazing of ceramic-matrix composites 427

参考文献 429

第18章 新型特种材料的钎焊 Chapter 18 Brazing of advanced materials 431

18.1 概述 Introduction 431

18.2 超导材料的钎焊 Brazing of superconductors 431

18.2.1 Nb-Ti复合超导材料的钎焊 Soldering of Nb-Ti composite superconductors 431

18.2.2 高温超导体材料的钎焊 Brazing of high-Tc superconductors 434

18.2.3 高温超导材料与常规导体的钎焊 Soldering of high-Tc superconductors to normal conductors 435

18.3 粉末冶金合金的钎焊 Brazing of powder metallurgy alloys 435

18.3.1 粉末冶金钢铁合金的钎焊 Brazing of P/M Fe-base materials 436

18.3.2 粉末冶金高温合金的钎焊 Brazing of P/W superalloys made by powder metallurgy 436

18.3.3 氧化物弥散强化高温合金的钎焊 Brazing of oxide-dispersion-strengthened-ODS alloys 437

18.4.1 连接方法及连接特点 Joining processes and joining characteristics 440

single crystal superalloys 440

18.4.2 定向凝固和单晶高温合金的真空钎焊 Vacuum brazing of directional solidification and 440

superalloys 440

18.4 定向凝固和单晶高温合金的钎焊 Brazing of directional solidification and single crystal 440

18.4.3 定向凝固和单晶高温合金的TLP连接 TLP bonding of directional solidification and single 442

crystal superalloys 442

18.5 金属间化合物结构材料的钎焊 Brazing of intermetallic compounds 443

18.5.1 Ni-Al系金属间化合物的TLP连接 TLP bonding of Ni-Al intemetallic compounds 444

18.5.2 Ti3Al基合金的钎焊 Brazing of Ti3Al-base alloys 445

18.6 铝锂合金的钎焊 Brazing of Al-Li alloys 445

18.6.1 铝锂合金的钎焊特点 Brazing characteristics of Al-Li alloys 446

18.6.2 焊前表面清理方法 Procedures of surface preparation 446

18.6.3 钎料及使用方法 FiLLer metals 446

18.6.4 钎焊工艺及接头性能 Brazing process and joint properties 446

参考文献 447

第19章 钎涂 Chapter 19 Brazecoating 449

19.1 概述 Introduction 449

19.2 钎涂原理和钎涂材料 Principle of brazecoating and brazecoating materials 450

19.3 加热方法和参数 Heating methods and parameters 453

19.4 钎涂层的性能 Properties of brazecoated layers 454

19.4.1 线膨胀系数 Coefficients of thermal expansion 454

19.4.2 结合强度 Bonding strength 455

19.4.3 钎涂层组织 Structure of brazecoated layer 455

19.4.4 硬度 Hardness 456

19.4.5 耐磨性 Wear behaviour 457

参考文献 460

第20章 钎焊在航空航天领域的应用 Chapter 20 Applications of brazing in the 461

region of aerospace 461

20.1 概述 Introduction 461

20.2 钎焊在航空发动机上的应用 Applications of brazing in aircraft engines 461

20.2.1 钎焊产品举例 Examples of brazed products 461

20.3 钎焊在液体火箭发动机上的应用 Applications of brazing in liquid propellant rpcket engine 466

20.3.1 钎焊产品举例 Examples of Brazed product 467

20.4 钎焊在卫星上的应用 Applications of brazing in satellite manufacture 474

20.5 钎焊在宇宙飞船上的应用 Appcications of brazing in spacecraft manufacture 476

20.6 钎焊在航天飞机上的应用 Applications of brazing in space shuttle 477

20.7 钎焊在空间站上的应用 Application of brazing in space station 478

20.8 钎焊在航空航天领域中的其它应用 Other applications of brazing in aerospace 479

参考文献 481

第21章 钎焊操作中的安全与防护 Chapter 21 Safety and pealth protection in 483

brazing operations 483

21.1 概述 Introduction 483

21.2 火焰钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and health protection in torch brazing 483

21.3 浸沾钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and pealth protection in dip brazing 485

21.4 感应钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and pealth protection in induction brazing 486

21.5 炉中钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and health protection in furnace brazing 487

21.6 通风和对毒物的防护 Ventilation and protection from poisons 487

参考文献 488

22.2.1 钎料铺展性及填缝性试验方法 Test procedures of spreadability and clearance fillabitity for foller 490

22.2 钎焊材料试验方法 Test procedures of filler metals 490

metals 490

brazing and soldering 490

22.1 概述 Introduction 490

第22章 钎焊试验方法及钎焊标准 Chapter 22 Test procedures and standards of 490

22.2.2 试验钎缝强度以评估钎料的钎焊力学性能 Evaluating of mechanical properties of filler metals 492

(Joint testing 492

22.2.3 钎料电阻率试验方法 Resistance measurement of filler metals 495

22.2.4 钎料固-液相线温度区间的测定方法 Determination of solidus-liquidus temperature range of 496

a filler metal 496

22.2.5 电子器件用金、银及其合金钎料试验方法 Test procedures of gold,silver and their alloys used 497

for brazing electronic devices 497

22.2.6 软钎料试验方法及软钎焊性试验方法 Test procedures of solders and their solderability 498

22.2.7 钎剂试验方法 Test procedures for fluxes 504

22.2.8 钎料产品质量等级检验及评定方法 Quality specification of filler metals and their inspection 508

and evaluating procedures 508

22.3 钎焊接头试验方法 Methods of the strength tests for brazed and soldered ioints 512

22.3.1 钎焊接头强度试验方法 Test procedures for brazed and solderes joint strength 513

22.3.2 钎焊接头弯曲试验及撕裂试验方法 Procedures of bending and tearing tess of brazed and soldered 514

joints 514

22.3.3 金相检验方法 Procedure of metallographic examination 515

22.3.4 钎焊接头无损检验方法 Nondestructive inspection procedures of brazed joint 516

22.4 国内外钎焊标准 Standards for brazing and soldering at home and abroad 521

22.4.1 中国钎焊标准 Standards for brazing and slodering in China 521

22.4.2 ISO钎焊标准 ISO Standards for brazing and soldering 524

22.4.3 美国钎焊标准 Standards for brazing and soldering in U.S.A. 525

22.4.4 日本钎焊标准 Standards for brazing and soldering in Japan 526

22.4.5 其它国家钎焊标准 Standards for brazing and soldering in some other countries 527

参考文献 529

附录 530

中国与其它国家近似钎焊金属型号对照表 Appendix Comparision of similar filler metal 530

designations both in China and foreign countries 530