目录 1
第一章 翻译知识及常用翻译技巧 1
1.分清主从 1
2.遣词用字 2
3.词的增添 4
4.词的省略 6
5.词类转换和句子成分的转换 8
6.翻译中的词序调整 9
7.被动语态的翻译 10
8.翻译中的肯定与否定的转换处理 11
9.英语同位语从句和定语从句的翻译方法 14
10.长句的翻译方法 16
第二章 英汉翻译常见问题分析与思考解决方法 19
1.简单字眼别轻视 19
2.望文生义不可取 22
3.语境分析不可少 24
4.语法分析定词义 25
5.专有名词需慎重 27
6.超越“常规”须当心 28
7.逻辑分析悟道理 30
8.比较对照辨差异 32
1.The difference between a brain and a computer 35
第三章 5篇短文/段落划线部分翻译模拟训练及详解 35
2.The influence of the Internet 42
3.Should children be praised all the time? 49
4.How should one read a book? 56
5.Boys behind the ambush 63
第四章 10篇短文/段落全文翻译训练及注释 71
1.Online education 71
2.The bloodiest day on American soil 73
3.Economies around the world 74
4.What makes Silicon Valley such a unique entity? 76
5.America’s new rich 78
6.The Earth and population 80
7.Can we know a grain of salt? 82
8.The cloning technique 83
9.The optimists and pessimists 85
10.The distinction between two hemispheres of the brain 86
第五章 40篇翻译模拟练习及注释 89
A.国际时事政治 89
1.The world’s third largest producer of electronics 89
2.The China boom 90
3.American Airlines Flight ll 91
4.Lee Kuan Yew 92
5.An actual recession in the euro area 93
6.Silicon Valley is a magnet 94
B.工程与科技 95
7.Human DNA 95
8.Gene therapy 96
9.The low-gravity Mars 97
10.Images the Surveyor orbiter has beamed 98
11.Autonomous underwater vehicles 99
12.Odyssey,a vehicle 100
13.Photography 101
14.Nano-sized devices 102
15.The hottest spot in the solar system 103
C.计算机网络 104
16.The history of computing 104
17.Telephone conversation over the Internet 105
18.the American mail system 106
19.The computer industry 107
20.Internet ventures 108
21.Internet traffic 109
D.人文、社会与环境 110
22.The richest 1% of Americans 110
23.Sudden-wealth syndrome 111
24.The English language 112
25.The seventeenth century English settlers 113
26.A new packaging material 115
27.A giant egg 116
28.The total mass of living objects on Earth 117
29.Mankind increases in numbers 118
30.Environmental distress is a featherweight 119
31.The total number of things knowable by the brain 120
E.知识、健康及风土人情 121
32.The frontiers of knowledge 121
33.Good books 122
34.The benefit of eating fish 123
35.The latest in flavours 124
36.My memory 125
37.Memory-improvement guides 126
38.The British queue up 127
39.The Pacific islands 128
40.Swiss Confederation 129
附录Ⅰ 翻译训练及模拟练习参考译文 131
(一)第四章参考译文 131
(二)第五章参考译文 134
附录Ⅱ 2002年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考翻译考题全文、讲评及参考译文 150