
  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:塞尔斯-莫西亚 Celce-Murcia
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7300041426
  • 页数:435 页

Part I Pronunciation Instruction in Perspective 1

Chapter 1 The History and Scope of Pronunciation Teaching 2

Chapter 2 Research on the Teaching and Acquisition of Pronunciation Skills 14

Part II The Sound System of North American English: An Overview 35

Chapter 3 The Consonant System 37

Chapter 4 The Vowel System 93

Chapter 5 Stress, Rhythm, and Adjustments in Connected Speech 131

Chapter 6 Prominence and Intonation in Discourse 175

Part III Intersections of the Sound System with Other Areas of Language 221

Chapter 7 The Sound System and Listening 222

Chapter 8 The Sound System and Grammar: Inflectional Morphology and Parts of Speech 247

Chapter 9 The Sound System and Orthography 269

Part IV Issues in Implementation 289

Chapter 10 New Directions in the Teaching of Pronunciation 290

Chapter 11 Pronunciation in the Language Curriculum 319

Chapter 12 Testing and Evaluation 341

Appendices 363

Appendix 1 Differences Between NAE (North American English) and British English 363

Appendix 2 Comparison of Phonetic and Phonemic Alphabets 371

Appendix 3 Positional Occurrence of NAE Consonants 373

Appendix 4 English Syllable Structure 375

Appendix 5 Distribution of Vowels Before Nasal Consonants 376

Appendix 6 Commonly Reduced Function Words 377

Appendix 7 Constraints on Contraction and Blending 380

Appendix 8 Irregular Verbs in English 382

Appendix 9 Tense- Lax Vowel Alternations in Stressed Syllables of Base Forms and Derived Words 387

Appendix 10 Consonant Letter- Sound Correspondences and Variations (including digraphs) 389

Appendix 11 Systematic Differences in British and American Spelling 395

Appendix 12 Profile Questionnaire Used at UCLA 396

Appendix 13 Diagnostic Passage and Accent Checklist 398

Appendix 14 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines For Speaking 400

Appendix 15 Speech Intelligibility/Communication Index for Describing Speech and Evaluating Its Impact on Communication 403

Appendix 16 Speaking Performance Scale For UCLA Oral Proficiency Test for Nonnative TAS 404

Appendix 17 Self- Evaluation Form: Interview Role Plays 405

Bibliography 407

Answer Key for "On the Cassette" Exercises 420

Author Index 427

Subject Index 429