1 Haemophilia:molecular biology at the centre of human disease E.G.D.Tuddenham 1
2 DNA,RNA and protelns J.Sinclair 24
3 Analysing human genes J.Sinclair 40
4 Transcriptlonal control of human gene expression W.B.Solomon 60
5 Principles of medical genetics J.M.Connor 77
6 Monogenlc disorders S.J.Kenwrick and T.M.Cox 95
7 Polygenic disorders J.Scott 129
8 Molecular biology of cancer M.J.C.Ellis and K.Sikora 149
9 Inherited cancers B.A.J.Ponder 172
10 Molecular biology of the immune response D.B.G.Oliveira T.H.Rabbitts and A.Carmichael 191
11 Human autoimmunity A.P.Weetman D.B.Oliveira 202
12 Microbial Infections R.C.Matthews J.M.Hopkin J.Burnie 222
13 Viral infections L.K.Borysiewicz J.G.P.Sissons 240
14 Recombinant products for medical use T.C.Peakman M.J.Page 260
15 Drug discovery G.Darby 271
16 Gene therapy A.M.L.Lever 284
17 Prenatal diagnosis P.M.Hurley C.H.Rodeck 299
18 Molecular biology and the future of mediclne T.M.Cox 311
Glossary 323
Index 329