
  • 购买积分:22 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王光林等编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:东方出版中心
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7806271651
  • 页数:822 页

目 录 1

信 函 类 1

一、英语商务信函的特点 1

1.一般写作原则 1

2.信函结构 2

二、实例 14

1.开始业务信(Letters to Start Business) 14

2.资信调查信及回信(Status EnquiryLetters and Their Replies) 21

3.询价信及回信(Enquiry Letters andTheir Replies) 28

4.报价信(Quotation Letters) 34

5.订购信(Letters to Order) 43

6.还价信(Letters to Counter-Offer) 50

7.接受信(Letters to Accept) 57

8.拒绝、取消信(Letters to Refuse and toCancel) 63

9.洽谈支付信(Letters to Discuss Payment) 68

10.洽谈船期信(Letters to Discuss Shipment) 74

11.洽谈保险信(Letters to Discuss Insurance) 79

12.洽谈包装、运输标志信(Letters to DiscussPacking and Marking) 87

13.促销信(Sales Promotion Letters) 95

14.投诉信、索赔信及其处理(Letters toComplain and Claim and Their Settlements) 99

15.催款信(Collection Letters) 112

16.征求代理信(Letters to Discuss Agency) 116

三、美国州名缩写 122

四、加拿大省名缩写 123

五、常用地址缩略语 123

1.电文的构词方法 124

一、英语电报的特点 124

电 报 类 124

2.简化电文句子的方法 126

3.电报费用的计算 127

二、实例 128

1.询价(Enquiries) 128

2.报价(Offers) 129

3.还价(Counter-Offers) 129

4.接受、确认(Acceptance and Confirmation) 130

6.信用证(Letterof Credit) 131

5.否定、拒绝(Nagative Answers and Refusals) 131

7.装运、保险(Shipment and Insurance) 132

三、电报常用缩略语 132

四、电报常用组合词 135

五、省略部分字母的电报常用单词或组合词 138

电 传 类 140

一、英语电传的特点 140

1.电传文稿格式的一些规则 140

2.电传缩略词构词方法 141

3.简化英语电传文句的方法 143

二、实例 146

1.开始业务(Starting Business) 146

2.资信调查与答复(Status Enquiries and Replies) 147

3.询价(Equiries) 148

4.报价(Offers) 149

5.还价(Counter-Offers) 150

7.否定、拒绝(Nagative Answers and Refusals) 151

6.接受、确认(Acceptance and Confirmation) 151

8.信用证(Letter of Credit) 152

9.装运、保险(Shipment and Insurance) 153

三、电传常用缩略语 154

四、一些国家和城市的电传识别代码 177

传 真 类 186

一、英语传真稿格式安排 186

二、实例 189

一、几种英语公文的写作要点 191

公 文 类 191

二、实例 193

1.午餐会邀请信(一)(Letter of Invitation) 193

2.午餐会邀请信(二)(Letter of Invitation) 193

3.午餐会邀请信(三)(Letter of Invitation) 194

4.接受邀请信(Letter of Acceptance) 194

5.回绝邀请信(Letter of Refusal) 195

6.舞会邀请信(Letter of Invitation) 195

8.取消舞会通知(Letter of Recall) 196

9.回绝舞会邀请(Letter of Refusal) 196

7.游园会邀请信(Letter of Invitation) 196

10.婚礼请柬(一)(Letter of Invitation) 197

11.婚礼请柬(二)(Letter of Invitation) 198

12.接受婚礼邀请(Letter of Acceptance) 198

13.婉谢婚礼邀请(Letter of Refusal) 199

14.求职信(一)(Letter of Application) 199

15.求职信(二)(Letter of Application) 203

16.求职信(三)(Letter of Application) 206

17.求职拒绝信(Letter of Refusal) 208

18.接受应聘信(Letter of Acceptance) 209

19.恭贺信(Letter of Congratulations) 209

20.感谢信(Letter of Thanks) 210

21.悼函(Letter of Condolence) 211

22.辞职信(Letter of Resignation) 211

23.请人写推荐信(Asking Someone to Write Letter of Recommendation) 212

24.推荐信(Letter of Recommendation) 213

25.介绍信(Letter of Introduction) 214

26.订房间(Booking a Room) 215

27.对预订房间的答复(Response) 216

28.订机票(Booking a Passenger Ticket) 217

29.对预订机票的答复(Response) 218

30.商务约会(Business Appointment) 219

31.对商务约会的答复(Response) 220

32.履历表(一)(Resume) 221

33.履历表(二)(Personal Record) 224

34.履历表(三)(Resume) 226

35.履历表(四)(Resume) 230

36.公司迁址通告(Notice for MovingCompany) 233

37.开业通告(Announcement) 234

38.中国国际旅行社委托书(China Inter-national Travel Service Booking Form) 236

39.电话便笺(Telephone Note) 237

40.决议(Resolution) 238

41.备忘录(Memo) 239

42.提案(Proposal) 241

43.正式分析报告(Formal Analytical Report) 246

44.可行性报告(Feasibility Report) 269

45.会议纪要(Minutes of the Meeting) 278

46.收入报表(Statement of Income) 280

单 证 类 286

一、单证简介 286

1.单证的制备和运作 286

2.信用证 287

二、实例 288

1.提单(Bill of Lading) 288

2.提货通知单(Notice of Delivery) 309

3.国际货物托运书(Shipper s Letter of Instruction) 310

4.装货单(一)(Shipping Order) 311

5.装货单(二)(Shipping Order) 312

6.集装箱装运危险货物装箱证明书(ContainerPacking Certificate) 313

7.港站收据(Dock Receipt) 315

8.船级证明(Certificate of Classification) 317

9.空运单(Airway Bill) 318

10.查询单(Tracer) 320

11.装箱单或重量单(Packing List/WeightMemo) 322

12.保险单(Insurance Policy) 323

for Insurance Purposes) 325

13.装运保险申报单(Declaration of Shipment 325

14.产品责任险投保单(Proposal Form forProducts Liability Insurance) 327

15.汇款申请书(Application for Remittance) 329

16.汇款委托书(Instructions for Remittance) 330

17.汇款收据(Remittance Receipt) 331

18.托收申请书(Application for Collection) 332

19.托收通知书(Collection Advice) 333

20.即期信用证(Sight L/C) 335

21.远期信用证(Usance L/C) 339

22.付款信用证(Payment L/C) 341

23.不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable L/C) 343

24.不可撤销跟单信用证申请书(Application for Irrevocable Documentary Credit) 346

25.发票(Invoice) 350

26.商业发票(Commercial Invoice) 351

27.形式发票(Proforma Invoice) 352

28.汇票(Draft) 354

29.检验证书(Inspection Certifieate) 355

30.品质证明书(Certificate of Quality) 356

31.产地证明书(Certificate of Origin) 357

32.药物出口准许证(Psychotropic Substances Export Authorization) 358

33.售货确证书(Sales Confirmation) 359

合 同 类 363

一、合同简介 363

1.合同的基本内容 363

2.部分条款示例 363

二、实例 368

1.资格预审申请书(招标用)(Prequalification Application) 368

2.银行保函(招标用)(Bank Guarantee) 370

3.招标通告及招标条件(Tender Notice and General Conditions of Tender) 371

4.工厂建造合同(Plant Construction Contract) 395

5.来料加工与来件装配合同(Contract for Processing with Supplied Materials and Assembling with Supplied Parts) 422

6.技术转让及以补偿贸易形式合作生产的合同 (Contract for the Transfer of Technical Know-how and the Joint-Production with Compensation Trade) 427

7.合资经营合同(Joint Venture Contract) 446

8.售货合同(Sales Contract) 481

9.进口合同(Import Contract) 486

10.租赁合同(Lease Contract) 501

11.成套机器设备出口契约(Sales Contract for Machinery Equipment) 515

12.信息转让协议(Secrecy Agreement) 551

13.谅解备忘录(Memorandum of Understanding) 555

14.公司收购协议(Company Acquisition Agreement) 557

15.商标转让协议(Trademark License Agreement) 575

16.版权许可证协议(Copyright Licence Agreement) 583

17.劳务协议(Service Agreement) 589

18.招聘合同(Letter of Appointment) 602

19.独家代理协议(Exclusive Agency Agreement) 611

20.包销协议(Exclusive Distributorship Agreement) 617

21.联合研究与开发协议(Joint Research and Development Agreement) 627

22.贸易议定书(Trade Protocol) 637

广 告 类 640

一、广告的语言特色 640

二、实例 642

1.珍珠项链(Necklace) 642

2.胸针(Pin) 644

3.护肤霜(一)(Cream) 645

4.护肤霜(二)(Cream) 646

5.护肤膏(Cream) 647

6.防晒油(Sun-cream) 648

7.染发剂(Hairdye) 649

8.香皂(Soap) 650

9.卫生洁具(Sanitary Product) 650

10.洗衣粉(Detergent) 651

11.牙膏(Tooth Paste) 652

12.牙刷(Tooth Brush) 653

13.真丝内衣(Silk Underwear) 655

14.连衣裙(Dress) 656

15.连裤袜(Pantyhose) 657

16.毛皮大衣(Fur Coat) 658

17.衬衫(Shirt) 659

18.牛仔裤(Jeans) 660

19.婴儿服装(Baby Dress) 662

20.婴儿尿裤(Diaper) 663

21.婴儿奶瓶(Feeding Bottle) 664

22.鞋油(Shoe Shiner) 666

23.拉链(Zipper) 667

24.箱包(Leather Case) 668

25.手表(一)(Wateh) 669

26.手表(二)(Watch) 670

27.太阳镜(Sunglasses) 672

28.商业礼品(Business Gift) 673

29.贺卡(Greeting Card) 674

30.礼品书写工具(Writing Instrument) 675

31.收音机(Radio) 676

32.安全监护器(Anti-spy Product) 677

33.打火机(Lighter) 678

34.水晶容器(Crystal Containers) 679

35.交通安全广告(Ads for Traffic Safety) 680

36.传记(Biography) 681

37.债券(Bond) 682

38.证券(Securities) 683

39.金币(Gold Coin) 685

40.教育基金服务(Financial Services for Edueation) 686

41.银行(一)(Bank) 687

42.银行(二)(Bank) 688

43.财产保险(Property Insurance) 689

44.医疗保险(Medical Insurance) 690

45.健康医疗保险(Health and Medical Insurance) 692

46.佳能彩色复印机(Canon Color Copier) 693

47.文字处理机(Wordprocessor) 694

48.吸尘器(Vacuum) 695

49.高尔夫球棒(Golf Club) 697

50.电讯公司(Telecommunication) 698

51.电话磁卡(CallingCard) 699

52.移动电话(Cellular Phone) 700

53.卫星网络(Satellite Network) 701

54.墙壁装饰盘(Collector Plate) 702

55.软件(Software) 703

56.高尔夫球场(Golf Course) 705

57.天然气(Natural Gas) 705

58.食品(一)(Food) 707

59.食品(二)(Food) 708

60.小吃(Snack) 709

61.面粉(Flour) 710

62.减肥早餐(Diet Breakfast) 710

63.土豆食品(Potato Food) 711

64.狗食(一)(Dog Food) 712

65.狗食(二)(Dog Food) 714

66.猫食(Cat Food) 715

67.姜汁酒(Ginger Liqueur) 715

68.威士忌(Whisky) 716

69.香烟(Cigarette) 717

70.阿斯匹林(Aspirin) 718

71.通便药(Laxative) 719

72.减肥计划(Weight Control Program) 720

73.健康杂志问卷调查(Health Survey) 721

74.报刊征登广告(一)(Appealing to Ad Publication) 723

75.报刊征登广告(二)(Appealing to Ad Pub lication) 724

76.招聘(一)(Want Ad) 724

77.招聘(二)(Want Ad) 725

78.招生(一)(Enrollment Ad) 727

79.招生(二)(Enrollment Ad) 728

81.垂钓用木舟(Hooking Canoe) 729

80.公园招揽游客(Ad for Park) 729

82.游船(Cruiser) 730

83.实业公司(Industrial Company) 732

84.房产公司(Building Company) 733

85.宾馆(一)(Hotel) 734

86.宾馆(二)(Hotel) 735

87.奥迪汽车(Audi) 736

89.克莱斯勒汽车(Chrysler) 738

88.别克汽车(Buick) 738

90.汽车租赁(Auto Rental) 739

91.火车(Train) 741

92.飞机(Plane) 743

93.航空运输(Air Freight) 744

94.航空公司(Air Ways) 745

95.航天工业(Aerospace Industry) 746

96.语言磁带(Language Package) 747

97.磁带(Tape) 748

98.笔记本(Notebook) 749

说明文类 751

实例 751

1.蒂妮卫生巾使用说明(Directions on Using Teeny Sanitary Napkins) 751

2.磁带使用说明(Warnings on Using Tapes) 752

3.蛋糕模具使用方法(The Applications of Cake Molds) 754

4.面条压制机使用说明(Directions on the Usage of Noodle Machine) 756

5.菜肴制作方法(一)(Cooking Recipe) 760

6.菜肴制作方法(二)(Cooking Recipe) 762

7.葡萄酒品尝说明(Ways to Taste Wines) 763

8.止痛药服用方法说明(Directions on Taking Pain Relief) 772

9.抗菌素(Antibiotic) 774

10.旅游指南(Tour Guide) 787

附录一报关简介 788

附录二 电子数据交换(EDI)简介 793

附录三世界500家大公司名录 795

附录四 世界100家大银行名录 812

附录五 中华人民共和国进出口关税条例 816