General Survey 概况 1
The Administrutive Area 行政活动区 13
Eastern Palace Gate 东宫门 14
Gate of Benevolent Longevity 仁寿门 16
Hall of Benevolent Longevity 仁寿殿 17
The Imperial Living Area 帝后生活区 23
Yulan Palace 玉澜堂 24
Yiyun Hall 宜芸馆 26
Hall of Joyful Longevity 乐寿堂 27
Yongshou Hall 永寿斋 32
Dehe Garden 德和园 33
Yangrenfeng (Hall of Benevolence)扬仁风 36
The Scenic Area 风景游览区 38
Scenes of the Southern Slope of the Wanshou Hill 万寿山南坡景观 38
Long Corridor 长廊 38
Central Axis of the Southern Slope of the Wanshou Hill 万寿山南坡中轴线 41
Other Scenic Spots 万寿山南坡其他景点 50
Lake Area 湖景区 58
Six Bridges at the Western Dike 西堤六桥 61
Scenes of Eastern Dike 东堤诸景 64
Scenic Area of the Rear Hill and Back Lake 后山后湖景区 75
Sida Buzhou (Temple of Four Buddhist States) 四大部洲 77
Suzhou Street 苏州街 79
Xiequ (Harmonious Interest)Garden 谐趣园 80
Mysteries of the Sumnier Palace 颐和园之谜 85
Why was Wanshou Hill named Wengshan Hill? 万寿山以前为什么叫瓮山? 85
Do You know Whose handwriting is on the stele of the Summer Palace?您知道颐和园匾额上的字是谁写的吗? 89
Why did Empress Dowager Cixi request Emperor Guangxu to Call her father? 慈禧为什么让光绪叫她亲爸爸? 92
Why is the seal on the bronze jar in front of the hall of Benevolent Longevity so special? 仁寿殿前的铜缸上为什么会有“天地一家春”款识? 93
What is special about the 17-Arch Bridge? 十七孔桥为什么有十七个孔? 96
What was the means of transportation for Em-press Dowager Cixi from the Forbidden City to the Summer Palace? 慈禧怎样从紫禁城到颐和园? 97
Are You familiar with court food?您了解清朝宫廷的饮食吗? 97
Why Couldn t Cixi celebrate her 60th birth-day in the Summer Palace? 慈禧为什么没能在颐和园庆祝60岁生日? 101
What do you know about Emperor Guangxu and the Reform of 1898? 您了解光绪皇帝和戊戌变法吗? 103
How did the eunuch Li Lianying gain Cixi s favor? 太监李莲英为什么如此得宠? 105
Where did the head of the Buddha on the wall of the Sea of Wisdom go? 智慧海墙壁上的佛头到哪儿去了? 107
When were electric lights in use in the Summer Palace? 颐和园内何时开始使用电灯? 109
Why were the walls of the Summer Palace reised in 1905? 颐和园的围墙在1905年为什么要加高? 110
Do You know the stories of the paintings of the Long Corridor?您知道多少长廊彩画故事? 111
Tour Instructions 浏览须知 125
Annals of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty 明朝皇帝纪年表 130
Annals of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty 清朝皇帝纪年表 131
中文 132