《美国法治面面观 英语注释本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:吴耕编注
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7301058128
  • 页数:415 页

I The Declaration of Independence 《独立宣言》 3

1. British Colonial Control 5

2. Early Colonial Resistance 7

3. Taxes on Tea 9

4. First Continental Congress 12

5. Hostilities Begin 14

6. Common Sense 16

7. Independence Resolution 16

8. Jefferson s Declaration 17

9. Impact of the Declaration of Independence 20

II The Constitution of the United States《美国宪法》 24

1. Forces that Shaped the Constitution 26

2. The Constitutional Convention 28

3. Ideas Behind the Constitution 34

4. Struggle for Ratification 36

5. Overview 38

6. The Influence of the Constitution 41

7. Interpreting the Constitution 62

8. Amendments the Constitution 66

9. The Constitution Today 68

III The Bill of Rights《权利法案》 71

1. Rights Protected 73

2. Origins of the Bill of Rights 77

3. Debate Over the Constitution 83

4. Interpretation 87

5. Comparison with Laws in Other Countries 89

I The Congress国会 93

1. Powers of Congress 95

2. Limits on the Powers of Congress 99

3. Membership 100

4. Congressional Sessions 102

5. Structure and Responsibilities of the Senate 103

6. Structure and Responsibilities of the House 106

7. The Legislative Process 108

8. Influences on the Legislative Process 116

9. Congress in Comparative Perspective 124

10. Congress through History 126

11. Challenges Facing Congress 144

II The Presidency总统 147

1. Term of Office and Qualifications 149

2. Election to the Presidency 152

3. Presidential Succession 160

4. Responsibilities and Powers 162

5. The Executive Branch 168

6. The life of the President 171

7. History of Presidential Leadership 176

III The Supreme Court最高法院 202

1. Introduction 203

2. Power of the Supreme Court 205

3. Jurisdiction 206

4. Judicial Review 208

5. Membership 208

6. Qualifications 209

7. Appointment and Confirmation 210

8. Removal from Office 213

9. The Work of the Court 214

10. How Cases Come before the Court 218

11. Criteria for Selecting Cases 220

12. Briefing and Oral Argument 223

13. Analysis and Discussion 226

14. Writing Opinions 226

15. Effects of the Court s Decisions 229

16. History 232

I The Famous Supreme Court Justices最高法院著名大法官 257

1. John Marshall 257

2. Roger Brooke Taney 262

3. William Howard Taft 264

4. Oliver Wendell Holms,Jr. 275

5. Louis Dembitz Brandeis 276

6. Charles Evans Hughes 278

7. Earl Warren 280

8. Thurgood Marshall 286

9. William Hubbs Rehnquist 289

10. Sandra Day O Connor 290

II The Great Supreme Court Decisions最高法院重要判决 291

1. Marbury v.Madison 291

2. Dred Scott Case 302

3. Slaughterhouse Cases 311

4. Plessy v. Ferguson 313

5. Schenck v.United States 320

6. Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka 325

7. Gideon v.Wainwright 331

8. Miranda v.Arizona 338

9. Roe v.Wade 345

1.《独立宣言》 355

2.《美国宪法》 361

3.美国历届总统 403

4.美国联邦司法机构 407

5.美国联邦最高法院法官 408

1. 英属北美十三殖民地 413

2. 路易斯安那购买地 414

3. 美国内战 415