
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:林郁如等编
  • 出 版 社:福州:福建人民出版社
  • 出版年份:1990
  • ISBN:7211010002
  • 页数:205 页

Chapter One Preparations Refore Departure 行前准备 1

Chapter Two Going Through Departure Formalities at the Airport 在机场办理离境手续 38

Chapter Three Aboard a Plane 在飞机上 47

Chapter Four At the Airports of Transit ,Transfer and Destination 55

Chapter Five Hotel and Housing 旅馆和住宿 66

Chapter Six Food, Drink and Restaurant 饮食和餐馆 78

Chapter Seven Ground Transport 地面交通 101

Chapter Eight Bank Matters 银行事务 113

Chapter Nine Postal Service,Telephone and Telegraph 邮政电话电报 121

Chapter Ten Health and Insurance 健康与保险 132

Chapter Eleven Shops and Shopping 商店和购物 144

Chapter Twelve Courtesies in Social Situation 社交场合的礼仪 156

Chapter Thirteen recreational Activities 娱乐活动 185

Chapter Fourteen safety and Security 安全与保密 198

附录一 200

附录二 201

附录三 202

附录四 203