《最新实用英语 下》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:黎会会主编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安电子科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7560609856
  • 页数:185 页

Unit One Reservation 1

Part One Listening 1

Booking Airline Tickets 1

Part Two Speaking 3

Booking for a Weekend Holiday 3

Part Three Reading 4

(A)Edmond Hally 4

(B)Making Artificial diamonds 12

Part Four Writing 15

Order Letter 15

Part Five Structural Exercises 16

Unit Two Meeting a Guest 20

Part One Listening 20

Meeting a Foreign Business Man 20

Part Two Speaking 22

Meeting at the Airport 22

Part Three Reading 24

(A)American's Gain is Often Another Country's Loss 24

(B)How to Live Beautifully 30

Part Four Writing 34

Part-time Job 34

Part Five Structural Exercises 35

Unit Three Computer and Internet 38

Part One Listening 38

The Internet 38

Part Two Speaking 40

Professional Help 40

Part Three Reading 41

(A)The Future of the Net Economy 41

(B)America Online 48

Part Four Writing 51

Address 51

Part Five Structural Exercises 52

Unit Four Dining with Customers 54

Part One Listening 54

Dining with Customers 54

Part Two Speaking 55

At the Restaurant 55

Part Three Reading 57

(A)Work, Labor, and Play 57

(B)Secrets of Success at an Interview 63

Part Four Writing 67

Request for Appointment 67

Part Five Structural Exercises 68

Unit Five Revision and Consolidation 70

Part One Listening Exercises 70

Part Two Reading Exercises 72

Part Three Structural Exercises 77

Part Four Vocabulary Exercises 80

Unit Six Salesmanship 85

Part One Listening 85

Go out of the Way to Convince Customers 85

Part Two Speaking 86

Ours Give Better Value for Money Than Competing Makes 86

Part Three Reading 90

(A)Euthanasia: For and Against 90

(B)Let's Stop Keeping Pets 97

Part Four Writing 102

First-time Sales Letter 102

Part Five Structural Exercises 103

Unit Seven Negotiation(Ⅰ) 105

Part One Listening 105

Inquiry 105

Part Two Speaking 106

Negotiating Price 106

Part Three Reading 110

(A)International Business 110

(B)The Entrepreneurial Spirit 115

Part Four Writing 119

A Reply to a Business Letter 119

Part Five Structural Exercises 120

Unit Eight Negotiation(Ⅱ) 123

Part One Listening 123

Negotiation 123

Part Two Speaking 125

Time of Shipment 125

Part Three Reading 128

(A)Contract 128

(B)Marriage Advertising in India's Sunday Newspapers 136

Part Four Writing 140

A Typical Business Letter 140

Part Five Structural Exercises 141

Unit Nine Handling the Customer's Complaint 143

Part One Listening 143

At the Sweater Counter 143

Part Two Speaking 144

At the Watchmakers 144

Part Three Reading 147

(A)Clinton's Farewell Speech 147

(B)How to Give a Good Speech 156

Part Four Writing 160

How to Prepare a Speech 160

Part Five Structural Exercises 160

Unit Ten Revision and Consolidation 163

Part One Listening Exercises 163

Part Two Reading Exercises 164

Part Three Structural Exercises 168

Part Four Vocabulary Exercises 170

附录 简易英语语法参考 174