
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王振国等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国计量出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7502616799
  • 页数:332 页

第一章 人物 1

范例1 The Most Unforgettable Person 2

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范例2 The Teacher I Like Best 4

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范例3 Colan Hobart 5

点评 7

人物写作练习题 7

人物写作常用词语 8

人物写作练习题参考范文 16

1 My Mother 16

2 A Fellow Student 17

3 A Girl I Know 17

第二章 动物 19

范例1 Earthworms 20

范例2 Tiger 21

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范例3 Madam Mosquito 23

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动物写作练习题 25

动物写作常用词语 25

1 Fishes 32

2 The Ducks in My Family 32

动物写作练习题参考范文 32

3 Studying Grasshoppers 33

第三章 植物 34

范例1 The Pine Trees 35

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范例2 Bamboo 36

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范例3 Banana 38

植物写作常用词语 39

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植物写作练习题 39

植物写作练习题参考范文 46

1 A Big Apple Tree 46

2 Climbing Stems 47

3 Pumpkins 47

第四章 实物 49

范例1 The Tape Recorder 50

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范例2 The Automobile 51

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范例3 Musical Instruments 53

点评 53

实物写作练习题 54

实物写作常用词语 54

2 Bicycle--a Very Important Invention 61

1 Television 61

实物写作练习题参考范文 61

3 The Earliest Coins in China 62

第五章 建筑物 64

范例1 The Golden Gate Bridge 64

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范例2 Superhighways 67

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范例3 The Taj Mahal 68

点评 69

建筑物写作练习题 70

建筑物写作常用词语 70

建筑物写作练习题参考范文 77

1 Our House 77

2 The Great Wall 77

3 Skyscrapers 79

第六章 景物 80

范例1 The West Lake 81

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范例2 A Sunset 83

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范例3 A River 84

点评 85

景物写作练习题 86

景物写作常用词语 86

景物写作练习题参考范文 91

1 A Thunder Storm 91

2 The Air Around Us 92

3 A Rainy Day in the Countryside 93

第七章 记事 94

范例1 A Teacher s Imperceptible Influence 95

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范例2 She Made Me Understand What Love Is 97

点评 98

范例3 Speechless Life 99

点评 101

记事写作练习题 102

记事写作常用词语 102

记事写作练习题参考范文 105

1 A Funny Story 105

2 Terrible Experience 105

3 A Sunrise at Sea 106

第八章 游记 108

范例1 A Travel to a Small Town 109

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范例2 Travelling Experience at the Foot of the Cliff Path 112

点评 113

范例3 Journey West 115

点评 117

游记写作常用词语 118

游记写作练习题 118

游记写作练习题参考范文 125

1 Climbing the Yellow Mountain 125

2 Sightseeing on the West Lake 126

3 A Visit to Linyuan 128

第九章 日记 130

范例1 My First Day at College 131

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范例2 Learn to Give Our Love to Others 132

点评 134

范例3 Having Children Make Their Own Decisions 134

点评 137

日记写作练习题 138

日记写作常用词语 138

日记写作练习题参考范文 142

1 Never Forget the Past 142

2 Failure Is the Mother of Success 143

3 Cultivation of Children s Do-it-yourself Ability 144

第十章 看图作文 146

范例1 Promise From a Hen 146

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范例2 Changes in People s Diet 148

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范例3 Economic and Social Indicators for Japan, Canada and Peru in 1994 150

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看图作文写作练习题 151

看图作文常用词语 153

看图作文练习题参考范文 159

1 The Growth Rate from 1978 to 1987 159

2 Love Is a Light 160

3 Will It Make Me Fat? 161

第十一章 解释说明 162

范例1 Food Preservation 163

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范例2 Seeds 164

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范例3 What I Have Lived For 166

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解释说明写作练习题 168

解释说明写作常用词语 168

解释说明写作练习题参考范文 173

1 Learn as a Child Does 173

2 The Resources of the Sea 174

3 Life of Farmers in China 175

第十二章 议论说理 176

范例1 How to Succeed in a Job Interview 176

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范例2 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? 178

点评 179

范例3 How I Finance My Gollege Education 180

点评 180

议论说理写作练习题 181

议论说理写作常用词语 181

议论说理写作练习题参考范文 188

1 How I Develop My Speaking Skill 188

2 Is Outer Space Worth Exploring? 188

3 Reading--The Best Means to Acquire Knowledge 189

第十三章 专题评论 191

范例1 City Life and Suburban Life 192

点评 193

范例2 Can Money Bring People Happiness? 193

点评 194

范例3 My View on Opportunity 195

专题评论写作练习题 196

专题评论写作常用词语 196

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专题评论写作练习题参考范文 203

1 The Benefits of Sports and Games 203

2 The Bad Effects of TV on Children 203

3 Why a Sense of Humor Is Important 204

第十四章 新闻报道 205

范例1 15 Injured as Trains Gollide 206

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范例2 Exhibition Highlights Western Region 207

点评 208

范例3 Missile System Threatens Relations 210

点评 211

新闻报道写作练习题 212

新闻报道写作常用词语 212

1 Bus Accident Kills 10 and Injures More Than 30 219

2 Forestation to Protect Environment 219

新闻报道写作练习题参考范文 219

3 Education Seminar to Be Held 220

第十五章 读书报告 221

范例1 The Great Gatsby 222

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范例2 The Scarlet Letter 224

点评 225

范例3 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 226

点评 228

读书报告写作练习题 229

读书报告写作常用词语 229

读书报告写作练习题参考范文 236

1 As I Lay Dying 236

2 The Snows of Kilimanjaro 237

3 Long Day s Journey into Night 238

第十六章 广告 241

范例1 CRACKING THE TOEFL CBT (Computer-Based Test) The Book That Gets You Results!!! 242

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范例2 Yangjiang Shibazi Kitchen Knife, China s Famous Brand 244

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广告写作练习题 247

广告写作常用词语 248

广告写作练习题参考范文 255

1 Qualified and Experienced Teachers Needed By The South China University 255

2 Smoking = Lung Cancer 255

3 Love Wanted 256

第十七章 文章摘要(概要) 257

范例1 Of Scientific Studies 258

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范例2 Of a Research Paper on English Abstract Writing 259

点评 260

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范例3 Of an Article Depicting the Drawbacks of Conventional Metaphoric Concepts of Translation 261

文章摘要写作练习题 262

文章摘要写作常用词语 265

文章摘要写作练习题参考范文 269

1 An Abstract of Confucius Main Teaching Methods and Their Applicability to China s Education Today 269

2 An Abstract of Macroanatomy of Cultural Patterns of Thinking and EFL/ESL Teaching 270

3 An Abstract of Twins, Genes and Environment 270

第十八章 求职信 271

范例1 An Application Letter for a Teaching Job 273

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范例2 An Application Letter for a Post of Interpreter 275

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范例3 An Application Letter for a Sale Representative 276

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求职信写作练习题 278

求职信写作常用词语 279

1 An Application Letter for the Position of a Baby Sitter 282

求职信写作练习题参考范文 282

2 An Application Letter for a Position in Teaching 283

3 An Application Letter for a Host at Some Local TV 284

第十九章 推荐信 286

范例1 A Letter of Recommendation for a Post 288

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范例2 A Letter of Recommendation for Further Studies 289

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范例3 A Letter of Recommendation of Visiting Scholars 291

点评 293

推荐信写作练习题 293

推荐信写作常用词语 294

推荐信写作练习题参考范文 301

1 A Letter of Recommendation for Someone Who Tends to Continue his Study 301

2 A Letter of Recommendation for Someone Who Seeks a Job 302

3 A Letter of Recommendation for Someone Who Seeks a Research Position Abroad 303

第二十章 个人简历 305

范例1 Resume for Further Study(1) 307

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范例2 Resume for Further Study(2) 310

点评 312

范例3 Resume for a Position 313

点评 314

个人简历写作练习题 315

个人简历写作常用词语 315

个人简历写作练习题参考范文 321

1 A Resume for an Application for Further Study 321

2 A Resume for an Application for a Job 322

3 A Resume for an Application for a Research Position Abroad 325

附录一 作文批改使用符号(Symbols for Correction) 327

附录二 修辞术语(Terms of English Rhetoric) 329

主要参考书目 331