《语言课程评估 理论与实践 英文版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)Brian K.Lynch著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7810802852
  • 页数:196 页

1 Introduction 1

Definitions: Applied linguistics, evaluation, program 1

Critical issues 2

Program evaluation and applied linguistics research 9

2 Historical background 12

The paradigm dialog 12

Evaluation of language education programs in the 1960s and 1970s 22

More recent developments in the evaluation of language education programs 32

Summary 39

3 Validity 41

Validity from the positivistic perspective 41

Validity from the naturalistic perspective 53

Conclusions: Validity from the two perspectives 66

4 Positivistic designs 70

True experimental designs 71

Quasi-experimental designs 73

5 Naturalistic designs 80

The responsive model 80

The illumination model 82

Goal-free evaluation 84

The judicial model 85

The connoisseurship model 86

Other metaphors for naturalistic evaluation 88

Data gathering 92

6 Quantitative data gathering and analysis 92

Data analysis 94

Conclusion 105

7 Qualitative data gathering and analysis 107

Overview 107

Data gathering 108

Data analysis 139

8 Combining positivistic and naturalistic program evaluation 155

Compatibilist versus incompatibilist perspectives 155

Mixed strategies 156

Multiple strategies 158

Mixed designs 159

Mixed designs and strategies over time 165

9 Conclusions 167

CAM step 1 (audience and goals): Determine the purpose of the evaluation 167

CAM steps 2 and 3 (context inventory and preliminary thematic framework): Determine what is being evaluated 170

CAM steps 4 and 5 (evaluation design and data collection):Select a design and collect the data 171

CAM step 6 (data analysis): Analyze and interpret your findings 173

CAM step 7 (evaluation report): Communicating the evaluation findings 174

The role of program evaluation in applied linguistics research 175

References 178

Author index 188

Subject index 191