《你也能说英语-口语入门 第4册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)国际教师服务中心
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1994
  • ISBN:7810099051
  • 页数:142 页


DIALOGUE "No Peanut Butter" 3

31.1 Forms of HAVE GOT 4

31.2 List of Common U Nouns.Repetition 5

31.3 Determiners for U Nouns.Substitution 5

31.4 Determiners for U Nouns.Substitution 7

31.5 Future with WILL/WON'T 8

31.6 TOO and EITHER 10

31.7 MAKE DO WITH.Conversation 12

LESSON 32 13

32.1 U Noun Determiners in Connected Sentences 14

32.2 U/C Noun Contrasts.A(AN),SOME,ANY 15

32.3 U/C Noun Contrasts.A LOT OF,MANY,MUCH 16

32.4 U/C Noun Contrasts.A(AN),A FEW,A LITTLE 17

32.5 THINK and BE AFRAID.Sentence Expansion 18

32.6 Forms of BE ABLE.Substitution 19

32.7 CAN and WILL/WON'T BE ABLE.Transformation 20

32.8 Chart 6.CAN and BE ABLE.Conversation 21

LESSON 33 23

DIALOGUE "An Urgent Matter" 25

33.1 Forms of WOULD LIKE TO+Verb.Substitution 26

33.2 Chart3.Verb+TO+Verb Patterm 27

33.3 Verb+TO+Verb Pattem.Q&A 28

33.4 Suggestions with SHALL.Conversation 29

33.5 WILL/WON'T+BE Phrases.Substitution 30

33.6 The Progressive Future Tense 31

33.7 Introduction to Chart 8.Repetition 33

33.8 Chart 8.Fluency Drills on U/C Nouns 33

LESSON 34 35

34.1 Dialogue Adaptation.Substitution 36

34.2 Chart 7.Verb+TO+Verb Patterm 37

34.3 HAVE TO and HAVE GOT TO 38

34.4 Chart 8.U/C Noun Determiners 40

34.5 Connected Sentences with AND and BUT 41

34.6 U/C Noun Determiners.Conversation 42

34.7 Free Answers to Questions 43

LESSON 35 45

35.1 Tense Variations.Substitution 46

35.2 Pattern Dialogue.SHOPPING FOR MOM 47

35.3 U/C Noun Determiners 47

35.4 Future Forms with WILL and GOING TO.Conversation 49

35.5 Verb+TO+Verb Pattem.Substitution 50

35.6 Chart 3.DO YOU THINK...?and PROBABLY.Q&A 51

35.7 Directed Conversation 52

LESSON 36 53

DIALOGUE "A Big Fire" 55

36.1 The Simple Perfect Tense.Contracted Forms 56

36.2 Irregular Past Participles.Q&A 56

36.3 The Simple Perfect with JUST.Conversation 58

36.4 Chart 7,Series A.The Simple Perfect with ALREADY.Q&A 58

36.5 HAVE YOU EVER...?Conversation 59

36.6 The Simple Perfect and Simple Past Contrasted.Substitution 59

36.7 U Noun Activities with DO+Determiner.Substitution 60

36.8 U/C Noun Determiners as Noun Substitutes 61

LESSON 37 63

37.1 WHEN Clauses.Substitution 64

37.2 Present and Past Participles Contrasted 64

37.3 More Irregular Past Participles 67

37.4 Simple Perfect with SINCE and FOR.Substitution 68

37.5 HOW LONG with SINCE and FOR.Conversation 68

37.6 Perfect Tense with THERE as Subject.Substitution 69

37.7 Chart 6.DO+Determiner.Q&A 70

37.8 DO and PLAY Activities Contrasted.Conversation 72

LESSON 38 73

DIALOGUE "Planning a Trip to Europe" 75

38.1 TOO and EITHER.Response Drill 76

38.2 The Progressive Perfect Tense 77

38.3 ASK/TELL+Object+TO+Verb 80

38.4 Direct to Indirect Specch with ASK and TELL 81

38.5 U Noun Counting Words.Transformation 82

38.6 U Noun Counting Words.Conversation 83

38.7 Free Answers to Questions 83

LESSON 39 85

39.1 Progressive Perfect Tense.Chart Drills 86

39.2 Chart 3.Tense Variations 87

39.3 Simple Perfect with ALREADY.Conversation 88


39.5 ASK/TELL+Object+TO+Verb.Q&A with WHO and WHAT 91

39.6 ASK+Object+TO+Verb.Conversation 92

39.7 U Noun Counting Words.Conversation 93

39.8 Determiners as Noun Substitutes.Free Answers to Questions 93

LESSON 40 95

40.1 Tense Variations.Substitution 96

40.2 TOO and EITHER.Response Drill 97

40.3 DO/PLAY+Determiner;TOO and EITHER.Conversation 98

40.4 Some Transitive Verbs and their Participles.Conversation 99

40.5 Connected Sentences with AND and BUT.Conversation 102

40.6 U/C Nouns.Conversation 103

40.7 Directed Conversation 104

Grammar,Vocabulary and Usage 105

Glossary 121