《中国扬子鳄及世界鳄类的保护现状与未来 2001中国合肥扬子鳄保护及放归自然国际研讨会 2001'中国广州鳄类驯养繁殖和经营管理国际研讨会论文集 中英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:国家林业局野生动植物保护司主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国林业出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7503832215
  • 页数:390 页

上篇 2001中国合肥扬子鳄保护及放归自然国际研讨会 International Workshop on Conservation and Reintroductionof Chinese Alligator Hefei,China,2001 2

在2001合肥扬子鳄保护及放归自然国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 张建龙 2

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Workshop on Conservation and Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator Zhang Jianlong 3

在2001合肥扬子鳄保护及放归自然国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 唐怀民 5

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Workshop on Conservation and Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator Tang Huaimin 6

在2001合肥扬子鳄保护及放归自然国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 迪克·乔登 7

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Workshop on Conservation and Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator Dietrich Jelden 8

在2001合肥扬子鳄保护及放归自然国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 约翰·索布加纳尔逊 10

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Workshop on Conservation and Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator John Thorbjarnarson 11

在2001合肥扬子鳄保护及放归自然国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 雷光春 12

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Workshop on Conservation and Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator Lei Guangchun 13

扬子鳄保护现状与今后工作思路 王维胜 15

Current Status of Protection of Chinese Alligator and Some Thoughts on Next Step Wang Weisheng 18

扬子鳄野外放归的可行性探讨 尹峰 23

Discussion on the Possibility of Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator Yin Feng 25

中国扬子鳄的人工驯养与野外放养 谢万树 29

The Captive Breeding and the Returning to the Wild of Alligator sinensis in China Xie Wanshu 32

安徽省扬子鳄现有野外种群保护管理项目 王文等 37

Protection and Management project of the Existing Wild Population of Alligator sinensis in Anhui Province Wang Wen etc. 41

湖北省鳄类养殖开发及管理现状的研究 卢卫民 48

Study on the Current Status of Captive Breeding,Development and Management of the Crocodiles in Hubei Province Lu Weimin 51

野生扬子鳄种群现状研究 王小明 等 55

Assessment on the Current Population Status of the Wild Chinese Alligator Wang Xiaoming etc. 63

扬子鳄的遗传保护刻不容缓 吴孝兵等 73

Urgent Genetic Protection of Chinese Alligator Needed Wu Xiaobing etc. 77

扬子鳄卵不同部位中的Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb重金属元素分布 丁由中 等 84

A Primary Study on Heavy Metal Elements(Cu,Zn,Cd and Pb)in Different Parts of the Eggs of Chinese Alligator Ding Youzhong etc. 95

扬子鳄牙齿的发生和替换 潘鸿春吴孝兵 110

Embryonic Development and Replacement of the Tooth of Alligator sinensis Pan Hongchun Wu Xiaobing 113

安徽省扬子鳄放归自然项目规划 王文 114

Planning for the Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator in Anhui Province Wang Wen 126

扬子鳄再引入崇明东滩项目总体方案 杜德昌 145

Reintroduction Program of Chinese Alligator to the East Part of Chongming Island Du Dechang 151

浙江省长兴扬子鳄放归自然行动方案 方盛国 160

Action Plan for Returning Alligator sinensis to the Field in Changxing County,Zhejiang Province Fang Shengguo 164

江苏宜兴扬子鳄放归自然项目建设总体规划 丁锡方 172

General Planning of the Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator in Yixing County,Jiangsu Province Ding Xifang 180

中国扬子鳄保护行动计划 193

China Action Plan for Conservation and Reintroduction of Chinese Alligator 200

参会人员名单 209

Lists 209

下篇 2001′中国广州鳄类驯养繁殖和经营管理国际研讨会 International Workshop on Captive Breeding and Commerce Management in Crocodylia Guangzhou,China,2001 222

在2001′广州鳄类驯养繁殖和经营管理国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 马福 222

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Workshop on Captive Breeding and Commerce Management in Crocodylia Ma Fu 223

在2001′广州鳄类驯养繁殖和经营管理国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 李容根 225

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Workshop on Captive Breeding and Commerce Management in Crocodylia Li Ronggen 226

在2001′广州鳄类驯养繁殖和经营管理国际研讨会开幕式上的讲话 哈里·梅索 228

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Workshop on Captive Breeding and Commerce Management inCrocodylia Harry Messel 229

中国鳄类驯养繁殖与经营管理简介 王维胜 231

A Brief Introduction to Captive Breeding and Commerce Management of Crocodylia in China Wang Weisheng 233

加强进出口管理,促进中国养鳄业健康持续发展 万自明 237

Enhancing the Management of Import and Export,Promoting Sustainable Development of China'sCrocodilian Captive Breeding Wan Ziming 240

加强我国鳄类驯养繁殖和经营管理的几点意见 尹峰 246

Recommendation on Promoting the Captive Breedi ng and Commerce Management of Crocodylia in China Yin Feng 247

广东省鳄类驯养繁殖状况 陈万成 249

Situation of Crocodile Captive Breeding in Guangdong Province Chen Wancheng 251

安徽省扬子鳄的驯养繁殖及开发利用 谢万树 254

Raising,Breeding,Development and Utilization of the AlligatorSinensis in Anhui Province Xie Wanshu 256

海南省鳄类养殖情况简介 庚志忠 261

A Brief Introduction on Crocodilian Captive Breeding in HainanProvince Geng Zhizhong 263

湖北省鳄类驯养繁殖和管理现状 李建军 266

Current Situation of Crocodile Captive Breeding and Management in Hubei Province Li Jianjun 268

香江鳄鱼养殖场 李铭建 271

Xiangjiang Crocodile Breeding Farm Li Mingjian 273

鳄类驯养繁殖情况及几点建议 海南三亚三龙实业公司 277

Suggestions about Captive Breeding of Crocodylia Hainan Sanya Sanlong Corporation 278

尼罗鳄在海南三亚的引种与繁殖 田育年,周永灿 280

The Introduction and Breeding of Crocodylus niloticus in Sanya of Hainan Province Tian Yunian,Zhou Yongcan 283

鳄类专家组区域年会Regional Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group 286

鳄类专家组简介 詹姆斯·佩兰·罗斯 286

Introduction to the Crocodile Specialist Group J.P.Ross 287

扬子鳄保护及放归自然国际研讨会情况汇报 迪克·乔登 289

Report on the International Workshop on Conservation and Reintroduction of the Chinese alligator Dietrich Jelden 290

扬子鳄放归点评估报告 Assessment of Potential Reintroduction Sites 291

安徽省野外考察报告 松田,詹金斯 291

Field Report of Anhui Province A.Matsuda H.Jenkins 294

浙江省野外考察报告 查利·马诺利斯 297

Field Report of Zhejiang Province Charlie Manolis 298

江苏省野外考察报告 格雷厄姆·韦伯 300

Field Report of Jiangsu Province Grahame J.W.Webb 302

上海市野外考察报告 约翰·索布加纳尔逊,约翰·贝勒 306

Field Report of Shanghai Municipality John Thorbjarnarson John Behler 307

国际控制和贸易是扬子鳄保护的手段之一 迪克·乔登 310

International Regulation and Trade as a Factor in the Conservation of the Chinese Alligator D.Jelden 317

柬浦寨西南部小豆蔻山暹罗鳄状况 珍妮.C.达尔特里 326

Surveys of Siamese Crocodiles(Crocodylus siamensis)in the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia Jenny C.Daltry 326

越南暹罗鳄的再引入 格特·波莱,德兰·万·穆依,布依·胡·曼 328

Reintroducing Siamese Crocodiles(Crocodylus siamensis)in Vietnam Gert Polet,Tran Van Mui and Bui Huu Manh 333

菲律宾鳄——现状与当前保护措施 克里斯·班克斯 343

Philippine Crocodile-Recent Developments and the Current Approach for the Conservation Program Chris Banks 346

国际私营主和非专业人士对扬子鳄保护的兴趣 亚当·布里顿 352

International Private Sector and Amateur Interest in Conservation of the Chinese Alligator Adam Britton 353

开发阿根廷凯门鳄产品的地方市场 阿列亚多·拉瑞利亚,普罗科多·亚卡,普耶·佩多 355

Developing Local Markets for Cayman Products in Argentina A.Larriera,P.Yacare,Pje.Pvdo. 356

泰国暹罗鳄放归自然工程回顾 Y.特斯瑞蓬,P.黎特拿空 357

A Review for Reintroduction Program of Siamese crocodile in Thailand Y.Temsiripong and P.Ratanakorn 357

广州倡议 366

The Guangzhou Advocation 367

在2001′中国广州鳄类驯养繁殖及经营管理国际研讨会闭幕式上的讲话 邓惠珍 369

Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the International Workshop on Captive Breeding and Commerce Management in Crocodylia Deng Huizhen 370

参会人员名单 372

Lists 372