
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:谢华编著
  • 出 版 社:厦门:鹭江出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7806711767
  • 页数:216 页

Chapter 1 Greeting and Introduction(招呼和介绍) 1

Unit 1 I can t complain没什么可抱怨的 1

Unit 2 What s up?有什么新鲜事吗? 3

Unit 3 It s a lovely day!今天天气真好! 5

Unit 4 I’d like you to meet Dr.Charles我想把查尔斯博士介绍给您 7

Unit 5 May I have your name?请问你叫什么名字? 9

Unit 6 I haven t seen you for ages我好久没见到你了 11

Unit 7 I have to go now我现在得走了 13

Chapter 2 Family Life(家庭生活) 31

Unit 1 I ve got a part-time job at the supermaket我在超市找到一份兼职工作 31

Unit 2 You shouldn t have stayed up so late你不该熬夜太久 33

Unit 3 What s for breakfast?早饭吃什么? 35

Unit 4 Can I have an increase in my allowance?我的零用钱能增加些吗? 37

Unit 5 I ve got a stomachache我胃痛 39

Unit 6 All parties must come to an end世上没有不散的宴席 41

Unit 1 Can you tell me where the bus stop for City Zoo is?你能告诉我去市动物园的汽车站在哪儿吗? 59

Chapter 3 Transportation(交通) 59

Unit 2 Here comes the bus公共汽车来了 61

Unit 3 Is it possible to rent a car? 能租到车吗? 63

Unit 4 Does the bus go to the People s Park这趟车去人民公园吗? 65

Unit 5 You are driving too fast!你开得太快了! 67

Unit 6 When is the next train to Atlanta?到亚特兰大的下一班火车什么时候开? 69

Unit 7 Coach or first class?二等票还是一等票? 71

Unit 1 Anything that appeals to you? 什么地方吸引了你? 89

Chapter 4 Job(工作) 89

Unit 2 I d like to know the starting pay of the job我想知道干这份工作一开始的报酬 91

Unit 3 You can preside over the meeting你可以主持会议 93

Unit 4 I ll see to it我来办理这件事 95

Unit 5 I m so happy to hear about your promotion得知你的提升,我很高兴 97

Unit 6 Why don t you ask him to stop working like that?你为什么不劝他停止那样工作? 99

Chapter 5 Food and Health(食物和健康) 109

Unit 1 I d like to make a reservation我想订餐 109

Unit 2 Are you ready to order,sir?先生,您准备点菜了吗? 111

Unit 3 Just french fries and a small coke只要炸土豆条和一小瓶可乐 113

Unit 4 I d like to start with salad我先要份沙拉 115

Unit 5 It should have been cooked longer该多煮会儿 117

Unit 6 How much longer are we going to have to wait for our dinner?我们要等多长时间才能就餐? 119

Unit 7 I have a sore throat and my chest hurts我的喉咙和胸口痛 121

Chapter 6 Telecommunication(电信) 129

Unit 1 May I speak to Miss Clark,please?请克拉克小姐听电话好吗? 129

Unit 2 Would you like to leave your number?你要留下电话号码吗? 131

Unit 3 I want to make a long-distance call to Japan我想往日本打个长途电话 133

Unit 4 Miss Hench is on the phone已经接通亨奇小姐 135

Unit 5 You have dialed the wrong number你拨错电话号码了 137

Unit 6 I need Bill s number我要比尔的号码 139

Chapter 7 Entertainment(娱乐) 151

Unit 1 What a game!多么激烈的一场比赛! 151

Unit 2 I do not know how to swim我不会游泳 153

Unit 3 Have you ever played badminton?你打过羽毛球吗? 155

Unit 4 What s your favorite sport?你最喜欢哪项运动? 157

Unit 5 I have no musical talent我没有音乐天赋 159

Unit 6 Would you like to join in the volleyball match?你愿意参加排球赛吗? 161

Unit 7 Chinese team is marvelous中国队很出色 163

Chapter 8 Social Occasion(社交) 171

Unit 1 Peter and Lily are engaged彼得和莉莉订婚了 171

Unit 2 I do envy you我很羡慕你 173

Unit 3 Can you make it?你能来吗? 175

Unit 4 I would like to book a round trip flight to London我想订一张往返伦敦的机票 177

Unit 5 Can I help you with the packages?要我帮你拿这些包吗? 179

Unit 6 I d like to have a dental checkup我要检查牙齿 181

Unit 7 You have to moderate your sorrow你得节哀呀 183

Chapter 9 Shopping(购物) 193

Unit 1 What s the reason that there s a great difference in price?为什么价格相差那么远? 193

Unit 2 They re on special today今天特价出售 195

Unit 3 Is it possible to use a credit card?可用信用卡吗? 197

Unit 4 Many things are available here在这儿可以买到很多东西 199

Unit 5 The TV is really worth the price这电视确实值这个价 201

Unit 6 Why don t you try it on?你为什么不试穿? 203

Unit 7 I d like a refund我想退款 205