CHAPTER one 第一章 Education and Student Life 教育和学生生活 1
PART ONE Reading Selection:Methods of Education:East Versus West 2
PART TWO Reading Selection:College Students in the United States Today 8
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 13
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:School Documents 16
CHAPTER two 第二章 City Life 城市生活 21
PART ONE Reading Selection:The Urban Crisis 22
PART TWO Reading Selection:Sick Building Syndrome 30
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 34
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:City Maps 39
CHAPTER three 第三章 Business and Money 商业与金钱 45
PART ONE Reading Selection:Banking on the Poor 46
PART TWO Reading Selection:The Psychology of Money 52
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 56
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:Banking Forms 60
CHAPTER four 第四章 Jobs and Professions 工作与职业 65
PART ONE Reading Selection Workaholism 66
PART TWO Reading Selection Workaholism—A National Syndrome? 71
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 76
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World.Classified Ads 80
CHAPTER five 第五章 Lifestyles 生活方式 85
PART ONE Reading Selection Our Changing Lifestyles—Trends and Fads 86
PART TWO Reading Selection Breaking Stereotypes—An Inside Look 92
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 98
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World Advertisements 104
第六章 The Global Village 地球村 107
PART ONE Reading Selection.Refugees 108
PART TWO Reading Selection.The New World of Travel 116
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 124
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:The Global Crime Wave 126
CHAPTER seven 第七章 North America:The Land and the People 北美洲:土地与人民 131
PART ONE Reading Selection:North American Indians:Then and Now 132
PART TWO Reading Selection Regional Customs 143
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 151
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:From Lame Deer Seeker of Visions 156
CHAPTER eight 第八章 Tastes and Preferences 品味与喜好 163
PART ONE Reading Selection What Can We Learn from Art? 164
PART TWO Reading Selection Fashion The Art of the Body 175
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 183
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World"Scientists Say Aromas Have Major Effect on Emotions"(from the Los Angeles Times) 189
CHAPTER nine 第九章 Discoveries 科学新发现 193
PART ONE Reading Selection.The Human Brain—New Discoveries 194
PART TWO Reading Selection The Ethics of Change 202
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 207
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:From The Development of Language 210
CHAPTER ten 第十章 Medicine,Myths,and Magic 医术、神话与魔术 217
PART ONE Reading Selection.The Work of the Traditional Healer 218
PART TWO Reading Selection:The Mind-Body Relationship 228
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 233
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:Home Remedies Even Doctors Use 239
CHAPTER eleven 第十一章 The Media 传媒 243
PART ONE Reading Selection.Movie Magic:Then and Now 244
PART TWO Reading Selection:Movie Reviews:The Critics'Choice 254
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 257
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:Movie Listings 261
CHAPTER twelve 第十二章 Prejudice,Tolerance,and Justice 偏见、宽容及司法 267
PART ONE Reading Selection:The Concept of Law 268
PART TWO Reading Selection:My Lawsuit That Wasn't 276
PART THREE Building Vocabulary and Study Skills 279
PART FOUR Reading in the Real World:Magazine Articles 282