
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:韩洁编写
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7313022158
  • 页数:228 页

CONTENTS1 The Myths of Living Together before Marriage 1

婚前同居的虚幻 1

2 Sharing a Roof and a Way ofLife 6

同一屋檐下的同一生活方式 6

3 How DrinkingHarms On-thte-Job Efficiency 12

饮酒有损上班效率 12

4 Immigrants First Christmas in America 19

移民在美国过第一个圣诞节 19

5 Lessons from Walking to School 26

步行上学的益处 26

6 Americans Revel in Wage Boom 32

美国人开开心心涨工资 32

清扫奥林匹克该是时候了 39

7 Time to Clean up the Olympics 39

8 First Push for a Passenger Bill of Rights 45

旅客权益法案的第一步 45

9 A Mother s Year-long Look at Child Care 52

一位母亲对幼托事业的担忧 52

10 Grand Canyon s Plan to Stay Grand Will Echoacross US 59

大峡谷的宏大计划将影响全国 59

1 1 UsingBoycotts to Punish Nations 67

用抵制来惩罚别国 67

12 Miami Anticorruption Effort Hits the Books 74

迈阿密反腐动真格 74

13 A Tech-linked World Faces“Y2K” 81

一个技术联网的世界面临“千年虫” 81

14 Activists Step up War to“Liberate”Nature 88

激进分子战争升级为了“解放”大自然 88

爷爷奶奶屋的诞生 96

15 Grandfamilies:When Parenting Skips a Generation 96

16 A Son s Courage in Cuchara Valley 105

儿子在Cuchara山谷里的勇敢劲儿 105

17 Children s Causes Shape Agendas in State Capitols 111

儿童事业成了州议会的议事日程 111

18 Drop and Give Me…Tougher Standards 119

干起来,标准再严一点 119

19 Backyard James Bonds Take Snooping High Tech 125

后院的邦德采用高科技侦察手段 125

20 When Kids Harass Kids at School 132

如何对待学童骚扰学童 132

21 Hanging out—Online 140

网上闲逛 140

22 Disparities of America s“Information Economy” 148

美国“信息经济”的反差 148

食品战争即将来临的迹象 156

23 Signs of the Food Fight to Come 156

24 Delicate Task of Rallying Public about Threatof Terrorism 165

微妙的任务:组织公众对付恐怖主义威胁 165

25 Reforming Convicts through Scripture 173

以圣典改造犯人 173

26 Recognizing the Emerging“Third Way” 180

承认“第三条道路”的出现 180

27 Revolt of Suburbs on Growth 188

郊区抵制无序开发 188

28 The Key to Castellano,from a Toddler 197

向幼儿学习讲Castellano语的要领 197

29 Strike up the Band! 206

乐队奏起来 206

30 Where Will I Sleep Tonight? 215

今夜我睡哪里?The Answer Key 227