《关贸总协定和世贸组织的法理 英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)John H.Jackson著
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7040116723
  • 页数:497 页

Part Ⅰ A view of the landscape 3

1 Global economics and international economic law 3

Part Ⅱ The GATT and its troubled origins 17

2 The puzzle of GATT:legal aspects of a surprising institution 17

3 The birth of the GATT-MTN system:a constitutional appraisal 34

4 GATT machinery and the Tokyo Round agreements 49

Part Ⅲ Trade policy fundamentals 57

5 Equality and discrimination in international economic law:the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 57

6 Consistency of export-restraint arrangements with the GATT 69

7 Perspectives on countervailing duties 87

8 Regional trade blocs and the GATT 99

Part Ⅳ Dispute settlement procedures 113

9 The jurisprudence of international trade:the DISC case in GATT 113

10 The legal meaning of a GATT dispute settlement report:some reflections 118

11 WTO dispute procedures,standard of review,and deference to national governments 133

12 The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding:misunderstandings on the nature of legal obligation 162

13 Dispute settlement and the WTO:emerging problems 168

Part Ⅴ GATT,international treaties,and national laws and constitutions 195

14 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in United States domestic law 195

15 United States-EEC trade relations:constitutional problems of economic interdependence 260

16 Perspectives on the jurisprudence of international trade:costs and benefits of legal procedures in the United States 277

17 The effect of treaties in domestic law in the United States 297

18 Status of treaties in domestic legal systems:a policy analysis 328

19 The Great 1994 Sovereignty Debate:United States acceptance and implementation of the Uruguay Round results 367

Part Ⅵ The Uruguay Round and beyond:perspectives and conclusions 399

20 The World Trade Organization:watershed innovation or cautious small step forward? 399

21 World trade rules and environmental policies:congruence or conflict? 414

22 Global economics and international economic law 449

Select bibliography of the author s works 462

Index of persons and authors 471

Index of subjects 475