
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:韩洁编写
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7313022263
  • 页数:216 页

石油巨头合二为一渡难关 1

CONTENTS1 Two Oil Giants Seek Refuge as One 1

2 Shuttle Mission Launches a New Era in Spaceflight 7

航天飞机冲进宇航新时代 7

18 First Lady as Mirror for America 1 10

第一夫人折射出了美国 10

地上有毒吗?试试“蒸汽清洁法” 12

3 Got Toxics in the Earth?Try“Steam Cleaning”It 12

4 Looking back 90 Years on the“Good Old Days” 18

回顾90年前的“昔日光景” 18

19 Teens Get Their Hands on City Purse Strings 1 18

青少年要管一下城市财政 18

5 To Public,the Press too Often Gets It Wrong 23

公众认为:报纸经常是错了 23

6 Terrorist Threat vs.Public Disclosure 29

是担心恐怖主义?还是告示群众? 29

7 Capital Debates How US Takes Roll 36

首都辩论美国该如何统计人口 36

防止自杀:全国性战略出笼 42

8 SeeingSuicide as Preventable:A Naticnal StrategyEmerges 42

民航会话指南 48

9 LinguaAerofranca:ATraveler sGuidetoAirline Speak 48

印地安人的权利与传统有待判定 53

10 Indian Rights and Traditions Hangin Balance 53

11 Gratitude and Giving in the 1990s 61

90年代里的感恩与付出 61

12 Testing Put to the Test 68

考试本身受到考验 68

13 Holiday Party Dos and Don ts 75

节假日聚会,哪些该做?哪些不该做? 75

14 Quest for Workers Drives Company Relocations 81

哪里有工人就在哪里办企业 81

退休后的卡特总统 88

15 Jimmy Carter s Recipe for Retirement 88

欧盟禁止牲口用药惹起争议 95

16 EU Bans Livestock Drugs,Triggers Row 95

17 How Far Can Cities Go to Curb Gangs 102

城市怎样才能制止团伙犯罪 102

20 Fandations Steer MoreMoneyto American Democracy 127

慈善基金制导美国民主 127

21 Teens Drive Decline of“Crack”Craze 134

青少年奋起抵制可卡因 134

22 Noncitizen Soldiers in US Ranks 142

美军中的非公民士兵 142

23 Service with aShug?Consider Flip Side of Service Crisis 148

服务态度差吗?那就请考虑服务危机的另一面 148

道德败坏了吗? 155

24 Is Morality in Decline? 155

25 The Beauty and Bounty of Migrant Life 169

迁移的生活,美妙而多彩 169

26 Birth Mothers Battle to Keep Records Closed 175

亲生母亲坚持不泄露身份 175

27 All the News That s Fit for Monologue 184

一切适于独白的新闻 184

28 Confrontation as Conservation 191

以环境保护的名义来对付 191

29 Big Easy:Case Study in How to Curb Crime 199

太平无事:制止犯罪的案情研究 199

30 Is Holiday Spending Hiding Economy s Flaws? 207

假日花费能掩盖经济的缺陷吗?The Answer Key 215