
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘雨沧编
  • 出 版 社:厦门:鹭江出版社
  • 出版年份:1986
  • ISBN:9422·01
  • 页数:399 页

一、旅馆 Hotel 1

1.旅馆分类 1

Hotel Classifications 1

目录 1

2.旅馆人员 Hotel Personnel 3

3.旅游术语 7

Special Terms for Tourism 7

(1)旅馆内部 Hotel Interior 14

A.一般用语 General Terms 14

Hotel Facilities 14

4.旅馆设施 14

B.房间名称 Room Names 17

C.客房类型 21

Guest Room Types 21

D.家具名称 Furniture 23

E.床上用品等 Bedding,ete 27

Lavatory Facilities 29

F.卫生间设备 29

G.电器设备 32

Electrical Installations 32

(2)旅馆外部 Hotel Exterior 38

5.旅馆服务 Hotel Services 42

(1)一般用语 General Terms 42

(2)接待处 Reception Desk 44

(3)会计处 Accountant s 49

A.帐务处 Cashier s 49

B.兑换外币 57

Money Exchange 57

(4)客房服务 Chamber Services 61

(5)邮政服务 Postal Services 64

(6)电报服务 Telegraph Services 68

(7)电话服务 Telephone Services 72

(8)行李服务 Luggage Services 76

A.一般用语 General Terms 79

(9)交通服务 Transport Services 79

Civil Air Transport 80

B.航空交通 80

C.铁路交通 81

Railway Transport 81

D.公路交通 Road Transport 82

E.航运交通 87

Shipping Transport 87

(10)洗衣服务 Laundry Services 88

A.一般用语 General Terms 88

B.衣料名称 Cloth Names 91

C.服装名称 Clothing Names 93

(11)电梯服务 Elevator Services 97

二、餐馆 Restaurant 101

1.饮食店分类 101

Restaurant Classifications 101

Restaurant Personnel 103

2.餐馆人员 103

3.餐厅术语 Special Terms for 105

Restaurants 105

4.烹调术语 Cooking Terms 113

5.食物 Food 119

(1)调味品 Condiments 119

(2)米、面食品 Grain Products 124

(3)肉类 Meats 129

(4)禽类 Poultry 133

(5)野味 Game 135

(6)水产 Aquatic Food 137

(7)蔬菜 Vegetables 140

(8)水果 Fruits 144

(9)干果、蜜饯 Nuts and Comfits 148

(10)罐头食品 Canned Food 150

Sweets and Cakes 152

(11)糖果、糕饼 152

(1)一般用语 General Terms 155

6.饮料 Beverages 155

(2)软性饮料 Soft Drinks 160

A.中国茶 Chinese Teas 160

B.汽水、果汁等 Soda Water, 161

Fruit Juices,etc 161

C.牛奶、咖啡等 163

Milk,Coffee,etc 163

(3) 中国酒类 Chinese Liquors 164

A.名酒 Famous Liquors 164

B.其它酒类 Others 167

(4)外国名酒 168

Famous Foreign Liquors 168

A.苏格兰威士忌 168

Scotch(Whisky) 168

Other Whiskies 169

B.其它牌威士忌 169

C.法国科涅克白兰地 Cognac 170

D.白兰地 Brandy 171

E.杜松子酒(金酒) Gin 172

F.朗姆酒 Rum 173

G.伏特加(俄得克)酒 Vodka 173

H.法国香槟酒 174

French Champagne 174

I.香甜酒(利口酒) Liqueur 174

J.葡萄酒 Wine 175

K.啤酒 Beer 177

L.混合饮料等 178

Mixed Drinks,etc 178

(5)世界名鸡尾酒 179

World Famous Cocktails 179

the Foreign Alcohols 185

(6)外国酒酒精度 The Strength of 185

7.用具 Utensils 187

(1)餐具 Tableware 187

A.一般用语 General Terms 187

B.盘、碗、筷子 Plates,Bowls 188

and Chopsticks 188

C.刀、叉、匙 Cutlery 189

D.酒具 Wine Set 191

E.茶具 Tea Set 192

F.其它 Others 193

(2)厨房用具 Kitchen Utensils 195

A.炉灶 Ranges(Stoves) 195

B.煮器 Cooking utensils 196

C.容器、洗涤用具 Containers and 197

Washing Implements 197

Processing Implements 198

D.制作器具 198

E.模子等 Moulds,etc 199

F.刀、勺、滤器 Knives,Ladles 200

and Strainers 200

G.其它 Others 201

(1)冷菜 Cold Dishes 203

B.腌制蔬菜类 Pickles 203

A.冷沙司类 Cold Sauces 203

1.西餐 Western Food 203

三、菜谱 Menu 203

C.沙拉类 Salad 204

D.胶冻类 Aspics 206

E.海味类 Sea Food 206

(2)汤类 Soup 206

F.其它 Others 207

A.清汤类 Consommé 208

Meat andVegetable Soup 209

C.肉类蔬菜汤 209

Fish and Prawn Soup 209

B.鱼虾汤类 209

D.泥子汤类 Puréed Soup 210

E.奶油汤类 Cream Soup 211

F.牛奶汤类 Milk Soup 212

G.冷汤类 Cold Soup 212

(3)热菜 Hot Dishes 213

A.热沙司类 Hot Sauces 213

B.配菜类 Garnishes 213

C.海味类 Sea Food 214

D.家禽类 Poultry 216

E.猪肉类 Pork 218

F.牛肉类 Beef 221

G.羊肉类 Mutton 223

H.蛋品类 Egg 225

I.素食类 Vegetarian Dishes 227

J.野味类 Game 229

K.其它 Others 230

(4)饭后甜点 Dessert 233

(5)茶点心 Cakes and Pastries 238

2.中餐 Chinese Food 242

(1)冷菜类 Cold Dishes 242

(2)汤类 Soup 244

(3)肉类 Meat 245

(4)鸡鸭 Chicken and Duck 248

(5)水产类 Aquatic Food 250

(6)其它 Others 252

3.北京菜 Beijing Dishes 254

(1)山珍海味 Delicacies from Land 254

and Sea 254

(2)家禽类 Poultry 255

(3)肉类 Meat 258

(4)水产类 Aquatic Food 260

(6)其它 Others 263

(5)面点类 263

Noodles and Pastries 263

4.上海菜 Shanghai Dishes 265

(1)山珍海味 Delicacies from Land 265

and Sea 265

(2)家禽类 Poultry 267

(3)猪肉类 Pork 268

(4)水产类 AquaticFood 269

(5)素食类 Vegetarian Dishes 272

(6)汤类 Soup 273

(7)面点类 Noodles and Pastries 273

(8)其它 Others 273

5.粤菜 Cantonese Dishes 276

(1)山珍海味 Delicacies from Land 276

and Sea 276

(2)野味类 Game 279

(3)家禽类 Poultry 280

(4)猪肉类 Pork 282

(5)牛肉类 Beef 283

(6)鱼类 Fish 284

(7)虾类 Shrimps 285

(8)素食类 Vegetarian Dishes 286

(9)汤类 Soup 286

(10)面点类 Noodles and Pastries 287

(11)其它 Others 290

6.川菜 Sichuan Dishes 293

(1)山珍海味 Delicacies from Land 293

and Sea 293

(2)野味类 Game 293

(3)家禽类 Poultry 294

(4)水产类 Aquatic Food 296

(5)猪肉类 Pork 297

(7)素食类 Vegetarian Dishes 299

(6)牛肉类 Beef 299

(8)汤类 Soup 300

(9)点心类 301

Assorted Refreshments 301

(10)面、饭类 302

Assorted Noodles and Rice 302

(11)其它 Others 304

Land and Sea 306

(1)山珍海味 Delicacies from 306

7.闽菜 Fujian Dishes 306

(2)野味类 Game 308

(3)家禽类 Poultry 309

(4)肉类 Meat 311

(5)海味类 Sea Food 313

(6)面点类 Noodles and Pastries 314

Land and Sea 315

(1)山珍海味 Delicacies from 315

8.淮扬菜 Huaiyang Dishes 315

(7)其它 Others 315

(2)野味类 Game 317

(3)家禽类 Poultry 317

(4)肉类 Meat 319

(5)水产类 Aquatic Food 320

(6)面点类 Noodles and Pastries 321

(7)其它 Others 322

四、旅馆其它常用词汇 Other Common 324

Expressions for Hotels 324

1.亲属与人际关系 324

Relatives and Relationships 324

2.职业与职务 327

Occupations and Titles 327

3.人的动作与表情 333

Acts and Expressions 333

Time and Festivals 341

4.时间与节日 341

Weather and Solar Terms 347

5.天气与节气 347

6.形状与颜色 351

Shapes and Colours 351

7.医疗Medical Care 354

8.娱乐活动Entertainment 358

and Recreation 358

9.工艺美术品 363

Art and Craft Wares 363

10.首饰与化妆品 366

Jewelry and Cosmetics 366

11.宗教Religions 370

12.花卉Flowers 372

13.烟草与烟具Tobacco and 375

Smoking Requisites 375

Organizations 377

Names of Some World Travel 377

五、附录Appendixes 377

1.世界部分旅游机构的名称 377

2.外国和香港部分饭店、别墅的名称 384

Names of Some Hotels and 384

Villas in Hong Kong and 384

Foreign Countries 384

3.世界民航机构 390

Civil Aviation Organizations 390

of the World 390

4.香港希尔顿饭店体制结构分布图 396

Organizational System of the 396

Hong Kong Hilton Hotel 396

5.附录4文字汉英对照 397

Chinese-English Names for 397

Appendix 4 397