财经英语行文特性与要点 1
Question and Answer About“Knowledge-based Economy” 1
“知识经济”问答 5
The Power of Innovation 8
创新的威力 12
From Productivity Paradox to Productivity Miracle 15
从生产率悖论到生产率奇迹 22
Reinvention at Light Speed 27
电信业极速变革 33
Court Reverses Break-up of Microsoft 36
法院推翻肢解微软判决 38
A Costly Carefree Life-Gen X Women Live Large,Save Little 39
高消费、低储蓄的“新新人类”女性 42
Directors:Who Are They? 44
公司董事,何许人也? 48
Investing for Income:New Opportunities From Corporate Bonds 50
投资收益:公司债券的新机会 55
Γools for Analyzing Shares 58
股票分析工具 61
What a Broker Does 64
股票经纪人 69
Exercised Over Stock Options 73
股票期权的烦恼 75
The Stock Market and Securities 77
股票市场与证券 84
Accounting-An Information System 89
会计:一个信息系统 92
The Financial World 94
金融世界 97
In Economic Slowdown,Wal-Mart Counts on Its Cultural Roots 100
经济减速,沃尔玛重归文化传统 106
The Ascendancy of the Net Economy 109
网络经济的优势 114
Understanding Key Economic Indicators 117
理解主要经济指标的含义 121
How Does Interest Rate Affect the Price of Bonds? 124
利率如何影响债券的价格? 128
Business of the U.S. Investment Banking Firms 131
美国投资银行的业务范围 133
US Banks Make up Ground 135
美国银行攻城掠地 137
Regulation of the Issuance of Securities 139
美国证券交易委员会的管理制度 141
WTO Membership:New Opportunities for Foreign Investment 143
中国加入世贸组织后外商投资的新机遇 153
Parents Wrestle with Billion-Dollar Tastes of Today s Teens 159
你的孩子正在挥霍你的银行存款吗? 162
Governments Set for Euro Changeover Windfall 164
欧洲政府发欧元转换的横财 166
How to Investing in the Right Industry 168
如何选择投资领域 175
Softbank Sees Tripled Profits 179
软银利润翻三番 181
Beijing Bonanza-Decision to Give China the 2008 Olympics Gives Businesses a Boost 183
申奥成功给北京带来滚滚财源 186
What Is A Stock Index Futures Contract? 188
什么是股价指数期货交易? 191
What a Market-Maker Does 195
什么是股票中间商 197
What Are Derivatives? 199
什么是衍生工具? 202
Income Statement 205
损益表 207
Strategies for Investing in the Stock Market 210
投资股票的策略 215
Common Pitfalls of Investors 218
投资者常犯的错误 222
A Kinder,Gentler Gorilla? 225
微软——变得温和的大猩猩? 231
Five Paradoxes of the New Economy 234
新经济的五大悖论 244
Ushering in the New Age of the “Knowledge-Based Economy” 251
迎接“知识经济”新时代 256
How to Pick A Stock 259
怎样选择股票 263
Overview of What Is A Bond 266
债券基本知识 271
Technology to Meld Chips into Humans Draws Closer 274
智能芯片植入人体已成现实 277
China Market Rally Points to Bubble 280
中国股市存在泡沫 284
The Key Financial Statements and the Auditor s Report 286
主要财务报表及审计意见书 288
President Bush s Remarks at Isinghua University(Excerpts) 290
布什总统在清华大学的演讲(节选) 296
Motivating and Rewarding Managers 300
企业激励与薪资制度 306
Corporate durability——A talent for longevity 310
百年老店的长寿秘诀 313
The Internet s Legal Conundrum 316
互联网带来的法律难题 321
AOL TW Rides Above Ad Turmoil 324
美国在线-时代华纳:广告收入一枝独秀 327
Are organizational structures the key to brand success? 329
企业组织结构是品牌成功的关键吗? 333
Confidence in Dollar May Hmge on Consu ners:Outlook(Updatel) 336
消费信心显示美元将继续下滑 340
What Do Customers Want? 343
消费者要什么? 346