
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陶曦编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7540650141
  • 页数:200 页

Part 1 1

a bit,a coulpe of,a few,a good many,a great deal of 1

Part 2 3

a group of,a kind of,a lof of,a moment ago,a number of 3

Part 3 5

a pair of,a piece of,a while,abide.by abound in (with) 5

Part 4 7

above all,absent from,absorb in,accept as,according to 7

part 5 9

account for,accustomed to,act as,adapt to,add up to 9

Part 6 11

admit to,advise on,afraid of,after all,again and again 11

Part 7 13

agree on,agree to,agree With,ahead of time,aim at 13

Part 8 15

all at once,all but,all in all,all over,all right 15

Part 9 17

all the same,all the time,and so on,angry about,answer for 17

Part 10 19

anxious about,apart from,apologize for,apply for,apply to 19

Part 11 21

argue about,argue against,armed with,arrange for,arrive at 21

Part 12 23

as a matter of fact,as for,as well(as),as usual,as yet 23

Part 13 25

ashamed of,ask for,at a loss,at all,at last 25

Part 14 27

at length,at once,at one's convenience,at present,at random 27

part 15 29

at the age of,at the beginning of,at the end of,at the mercy of,at the same time 29

Part 16 31

back and forth,back away,back up,bad manners,bare one’s heart to 31

Part 17 33

base on,be able to,be about to,be bound to,be capable of 33

part 18 35

be concerned about,be devoted to,be different from,be eager for,be familiar to 35

Part 19 37

be famous for,be friendly to,be good at,be interested in,be mad about 37

Part 20 39

be made of,be ready for,be satisfied with,be strict with,be sure of 39

Part 21 41

be surprised at,be tired of,be up to,be used to,be worthy of 41

Part 22 43

because of,before long,beg one’s pardon,begin with,believe in 43

Part 23 45

belong to,benefit from,beware of,blame sb.for.,blow up 45

Part 24 47

break away(from),break in,break out,bring about,bring around 47

Part 25 49

bring home to,bring up,burst forth,but for,by accident 49

Part 26 51

by far,by oneself by the end of,by turns,by way of 51

Part 27 53

call at,call for,call up,calm down,cannot help but 53

Part 28 55

care about,care for,carry forward,carry on,carry out 55

Part 29 57

catch a cold,catch hold of,catch on,catch sight of,catch up with 57

Part 30 59

change sth. into sth.,change one’s mind,charge with,check out.check up on 59

Part 31 61

cheer up,clear up,close down,come about,come across 61

Part 32 63

come along,come back,come from,come into being,come up to 63

Part 33 65

compare to,compete with,complain about,concern about, connect with 65

Part 34 67

consist in,consist of,consult with,contrary to,cope with 67

Part 35 69

count for,count in,count on,cry out,cut back 69

Part 36 71

date back to,day after day,deal in,deal with,deceive sb's hopes 71

Part 37 73

decide on,decrease by,dedicate oneself to,demand sb.of sth,demonstrate against 73

Part 38 75

depend on,deprive sb.of sth,derive from,descend on,describe as 75

Part 39 77

detail by detail,develop into,devote oneself to,die away,die from 77

Part 40 79

die out,differ from,differ in,dip into,disappointed about 79

Part 41 81

discourage sb.from,disguise oneself as,dispose of,dispute of,dispute against,distinguish from 81

Part 42 83

divide into,do a good job,do good,do harm.do one's best 83

Part 43 85

do sb.a favor.do some cleaning,do well in,do with,do without 85

Part 44 87

down to,draw a conclusion,draw attention to,draw in,draw up 87

Part 45 89

dream of,dress down,dress up,drink to,drive at 89

Part 46 91

drive mad,drop in sb,drop out,due to,dwell on 91

Part 47 93

each other,eam one's living,ease off,eat one's word,eat up 93

Part 48 95

embark on,emerge from,end in,engage for,engage in 95

Part 49 97

enioy oneself,enquire into,enroll in,enter into,entitle sb.to sth 97

Part 50 99

equip with,escape from,escape one's memory,ever so,every now and then 99

Part 51 101

excel at,except for,exclude from,excuse sb.for excuse oneself 101

Part 52 103

exert effect on,expose to,express oneself,extract from,eye to 103

Part 53 105

face sth.out,face to face,face up to,face with,fade away 105

Part 54 107

fall apart,fall asleep,fall behind,fall in love with,fall into 107

Part 55 109

fall short of,far and wide,far away,far more,fasten onto 109

Part 56 111

fear for,feed back,feed on,feed to,feed up 111

Part 57 113

feel after,feel like,feel for,feel one's way,feel up to 113

Part 58 115

fend for,fight with,figure on,figure out,fill in 115

Part 59 117

find fault with,find one's way,find out,finish up,finish with 117

Part 60 119

first and last,first of all,fit in with,fit up,fix one's eyes on 119

Part 61 121

focus on,follow suit,for ever,for example ,for free 121

Part 62 123

for fear,for the sake of,free from,from now on,from time to time 123

Part 63 125

get along,get at,get down to,get hold of,get in 125

Part 64 127

get into,get over,get rid of,get round,get up 127

Part 65 129

give away,give in,give out,give rise to,give way to 129

Part 66 131

get about,go ahead,go back to,go by,go down 131

Part 67 133

go in for,go on,go over,go through,grow up 133

Part 68 135

had better,had rather,hand down,hand in,hand out 135

Part 69 137

hand over,hang about,hang on,happen to,have a good time 137

Part 70 139

have a look,have a word with sb,have difficulty in,have sth. to do with,have in common 139

Part 71 141

have trouble doing(with sth.),head for,hear from,hear of,help oneself to 141

Part 72 143

hold back,hold on,hold one's breath,hold out,hold up 143

Part 73 145

impose on(upon),in a way,in addition (to),in advance (of),in answer to 145

Part 74 147

in case of,in charge (of),in danger,in effect,in fact 147

Part 75 149

in favor of,in form,in general,in honor of,in one's opinion 149

Part 76 151

in order to,in search of,in a sense,in sight,in the future 151

Part 77 153

in time,in vain,insist in,instead of,involve in 153

Part 78 155

join in,join up into,jump at,jump up,just now 155

Part 79 157

keep an (one's) eye on,keep at,keep away from,keep back,keep fit 157

Part 80 159

keep from,keep in touch with,keep informed of,keep one's promise,keep on 159

Part 81 161

keep up with,knock at,knock down,know of,know better than to do sth. 161

Part 82 163

laugh at,lay off,lead a… life,lead to,leave alone 163

Part 83 165

leave behind,let alone,let go,let out,lie in 165

Part 84 167

listen to,live by,live up to,long for,look after 167

Part 85 169

look down upon,look for,look forward to,look into,look through 169

Part 86 171

look up,lose face,lose heart,lose one's mind,lose sight of 171

Part 87 173

make a decision,make believe,make friends,make fun of,make little of 173

Part 88 175

make of,make sense,make up,make up one's mind,make use of 175

Part 89 177

name after,no doubt,no longer,note down,now and then 177

Part 90 179

object to,on account of,on behalf of,on business,on earth 179

Part 91 181

on purpose,on the basis of,on the edge of,out of breath,owe to 181

Part 92 183

participate in,pass away,pave the way for,pay attention to,payfor 183

Part 93 185

persist in,pick up,play a role in,play a trick on sb,put off 185

Part 94 187

refer to,regard as,rely on,remind sb.of,result from 187

Part 95 189

see off,see to,seek for,send out,separate from 189

Part 96 191

set about,set up,settle down,shout at,sit up 191

Part 97 193

stand for,stand in the(one's)way,stick to,succeed in,suffer from 193

Part 98 195

take advantage of,take care of,take in,take on,take place 195

Part 99 197

think about,think highly of,turn down,turn off,turn to 197

Part 100 199

use up,wait for,wake up,work out,worry about 199