
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:AnnieCheng,程兰芝主编
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7506257912
  • 页数:332 页

Chapter 1 The Song of Hawk 雄鹰之歌 1

Unit 1 Fall from Sky 从天而降 2

Unit 2 Soul in the World of Snow 雪域精灵 8

Unit 3 Rock Climbing 倚壁攀岩 14

Chapter 2 Adventurer 冒险玩家 20

Unit 1 Exploring Polar Region 极地探险 21

Unit 2 Making Explorations on the Bottom of the Sea 海底探幽 27

Unit 3 Walking in the Outer Space 太空行走 33

Unit 4 A Stretch of Sand, a World 一沙一世界 39

Chapter 3 Embrace Nature 拥抱自然 46

Unit 1 Fishing with a Leisurely Mood 太公闲情 47

Unit 2 Rhythm in Rain 雨中节奏 53

Unit 3 Camping in A Wild Island 荒岛野营 60

Unit 4 Boating on Lake 镜湖泛舟 67

Chapter 4 Enjoy Life 享受生活 73

Unit 1 Go for a Drive Ride in Field 越野兜风 74

Unit 2 Countryside Fun 山村野趣 80

Unit 3 Let Seawater Kiss Your Feet 让海水亲吻脚丫 86

Unit 4 Galloping on Grasslands 驰骋草原 92

Chapter 5 Slow Bunce 放慢生活的舞步 98

Unit 1 The Silent Island--the Pub 静静的岛屿--酒吧 99

Unit 2 The Sweet with Bitter--Coffee Bat 苦涩的甜蜜--咖啡厅 104

Unit 3 It s Gentle Breeze Tonight--at Cold Drink Bar 今夜凉风习习--在冷饮店 109

Unit 4 Colorful Light--Nightclub 迷眼的灯火--夜总会 113

Chapter 6 The Secret of Happiness 幸福的秘密 119

Unit 1 An Old Man, Who Wears Red Clothing--Christmas Party 红衣老人--圣诞晚会 120

Unit 2 It s a Day in Which the Angel Was Born--Birthday Party 适逢天使出生日--生日晚会 127

Unit 3 Who Am I?--Masked Ball 我是谁?--化妆舞会 134

Unit 4 Best Wishes--New Year s Eve 绵绵祝福--除夕夜 140

Chapter 7 Fighting at Games 拼搏赛场 146

Unit 1 Flying in the Sky-Basketball 凌空腾起--篮球 147

Unit 2 Boiling Blood--Football 热血沸腾--足球 152

Unit 3 Pushing and Shielding--Volleyball 你推我挡--排球 157

Unit 4 Soul-stirring--Table Tennis 扣人心弦--乒乓球 163

Chapter 8 Reading,the Promise of a Whole Life 阅读,终生的承诺 169

Unit 1 The Spring of Wisdom--Books 智慧的源泉--书籍 170

Unit 2 Newspaper 报纸 176

Unit 3 Fashion Magazines 时尚杂志 181

Unit 4 Reading Online 网上阅读 187

Chapter 9 Publicizing Individuality 个性张扬 193

Unit 1 Judging You by Your Dress 以衣取人 194

Unit 2 Taking My Skateboard 带上我的滑板 201

Chapter 10 Inherent music sense 天生乐感 207

Unit 1 Unchained Melody--Concert 奔放的旋律--音乐会 208

Unit 2 The Storm of Rock and Roll--Rock Music 摇滚风暴--摇滚乐 213

Unit 3 Green Thinking--Campus Songs 绿色的思忖--校园歌谣 218

Unit 4 Charming Show--Vocal Recital 魅力展现-演唱会 223

Chapter 11 Odds 千奇百怪 228

Unit 1 Horror Movies 恐怖电影 229

Unit 2 Crazy Acrobatics 疯狂杂技 236

Unit 3 Meteor Garden 流星花园 242

Unit 4 Collecting Memory 收藏记忆 249

Unit 5 Running Which Isn t Easy to Be Seen 罕见的跑法 256

Chapter 12 Play Frolic 玩转天下 262

Unit 1 Horrific Toy--Horrific Card 恐怖玩具--恐怖贺卡 263

Unit 2 Games Online 在线游戏 269

Unit 3 Secret Digits--Lottery Tickets 神秘数字--彩票 275

Unit 4 Break in Maze with the Intellect 智闯迷宫 281

Chapter 13 Big Mouth 大嘴神侃 287

Unit 1 Today s China 今日中国 288

Unit 2 New New People 新新人类 294

Unit 3 Lady First 女士优先 302

Unit 4 Tattered Dream 破碎的梦 307

Chapter 14 Fall in Love Deeply with Internet E网情深 315

Unit 1 Sending Love by E-mail “伊妹”传情 316

Unit 2 Cyber Love 网络情缘 321

Unit 3 Surfing the Web 网上冲浪 327